Friday, January 27, 2012

What to Read?

Winter months in Minnesota are my reading months, husband builds a fire pretty much every night and I'm not sure there's anything I love more then snuggling up by the fire with my nook and my puggle. OK, I love snuggling up by the pool in 85 and sunny with a twisted tea far more than the fire....but it's winter, I do what I can. 
Anywhoo, while I LOVE my Nook I have this weird problem where I can't browse books online or on the Nook. Not because it doesn't work, it does, but I really love to pick the book up and read the back cover. 

So, when I'm in need of some new reads, I head to the book section at Target and write a list of books that stand out. I created a new list and thought I should share it to see if any of you have read any of these and which you recommend! 

A Soft Place to Land by Susan Rebecca White

Expecting Adam by Martha Beck

Inside of a Dog by Alexandria Horowitz

Look Again by Lisa Scottoline

Room by Emma Donoghue
Reading this right now!
 Saving Max by Antoinette van Heugten

Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda

Sister by Rosamund Lupton

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

The Invisible Wall by Harry Bernsntein

What good books have you read lately? Have you read any of these? What'd ya think?


  1. heard the happiness project is amaze! just pinned it so I remember :)

  2. I just added some of these to my Good Reads account where I track the books I've read/want to read! Also, I've read Expecting Adam and it is SO good :-)

  3. Perfect, I was in need of some new reading!

  4. I have read A Soft Place to Land! Super good! I actually have it (in real book form) if you want to borrow it. Let me know! :)

  5. I do the same thing. I HAVE to read the back of the book. BUT I go to the bookstore and get overwhelmed with all of the books!

    XO Lourdes

  6. Have you already read The Hunger Games? It's a great read!

  7. The top three you listed were rated high among the talk show celebs. I think I might look into them myself. Personally I like to read a hard copy book. Weird but the smell of a new book and the anticipation of the read I enjoy. I used to love going to the library when I was younger and actually J & N liked it too. BUT I also can understand the convenience of the Nook. Fill us in on your choices. Love Ya!

    Schmooch Schoob and J for me!

  8. im in NEED of new books so im checking back on these books when i get to my kindle tonight!!

    id love to read the inside of a dog!!


  9. My book club read Room. I haven't read it yet, but they loved it!

    These look so good! Need to read more!

  10. i love my nook as well, i find that i read WAY faster on it. i have read room- it was good, fictionally disturbing but good. currently i am reading "fearless in high heels" so far SUPER good and cheap e-books by Gemma Halliday. the series are fictional girly murder mystery set in LA. pretty good so far! i have a GREAT lend me book that is a quick and a fast read called "sold" let me know if you want to borrow it we can be nook friends.

  11. I LOVE to read. I usually read at night when my 7 yr old and my husband play video games together. My current book I am reading is 44 St. Charles St. I like to rent books for our local library for my Kindle. :)

  12. I'm currently reading Saving Max, and love it so far!

  13. Funny that you go to the store and create a list, I used to do that too. But there is something that I still love about going to the library and roaming the stacks and looking for good reads, I think I just love the smell and the feeling of nostalgia.

  14. i read room, it was so good! my mom didn't like it though. it's written from the point of a 5yo the entire time, which i thought was creative, but it bugged her.


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