Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Checklist Check-In.

Happy February everyone! How quick did January fly by? Sheesh! At this rate it will be summer before we know it... HALLELUJAH!

So remember at the beginning of the year when I wrote THIS POST about setting monthly goals for myself instead of lofty resolutions I never stick to? Well, the end of the first month is over, so it's time to check-in and see how I did and make some new goals! 

Here were my January goals: 

*Save $300
Yup, didn't happen. Actually we had the $300 in the savings account for almost the entire month, but hubby needed 4 new tires on his car, so $400 later the savings was gone. Shoot.
*Keep track of every penny spent
Nope. I did make a great budget spreadsheet to keep track of bills and spending...but I didn't go as far as keeping receipts. I really need to find a budgeting plan that works for us...any ideas?
*Go to yoga once a week
I did it and LOVED it! Getting back in to yoga has been wonderful! I can already feel myself getting stronger and more flexible. 
*Go to the gym at least once a week
Nailed it! I am pretty in love with Lifetime Fitness and am getting to the point where I actually get excited to go to the gym! 
*Go to Starbucks just once a week
This was a HUGE one for me! November and December I was probably going anywhere from 3-6 times a week! I am proud to say that I went every Monday in January and that's IT! Go me! 
*Redo our master bathroom
So happy to have this done! In case you missed the big reveal, go HERE!
*Keep up on laundry
I'm giving myself a half complete on this one...I definitely didn't keep up like I had wanted to but I feel like our laundry situation was more under control than usual {hubby has been very helpful!}
*Try one new recipe a week (or 4 for the month) 
I dominated this one! Check out all the recipes that I tried this month: Beef and Broccoli with Spicy Thai Noodles, Oreo Pudding Cookies, Slow Cooked BBQ Pulled BeefHoney Sesame Chicken & Fried Rice, Homemade Egg Rolls. I also made Enchilada Pasta, Olive Cheese Balls, Red Wine Spaghetti, Baked Potato Soup and Spinach Lasagna Roll ups, all of which I still need to share. 
*Read one book
I read Room and absolutely LOVED it! 
*Write and schedule all wedding recap blog posts
This took for-frickin-ever! But it is done! I hope you all are liking the recaps...cuz there's a lot of them! Here are the ones that have been posted, in case you missed them: The Outfit, The Morning, Something Old, New, Borrowed & Tiffany's Blue, and The First Look
*Get started on wedding albums for us and our families
Nope, I'm like a third of the way done uploading them in to shutterfly and that's as far as I've gotten. 

And now, some goals for February!

*Clean out, organize and decorate our guest room. 
Our friends who we met on our honeymoon are coming to visit the 25th and I cannot have them staying in a room that looks like this: 
Our guest room has been the dumping zone for everything without a home since the wedding. Hopefully Billy & Jackie's visit will be the kick in the butt I need to get this room up to par.

*Go to yoga twice a week.
I have been LOVING my Thursday night yoga class and am excited to keep up with it. I found a Tuesday night class that I am anxious to try, so my goal is to go to both classes every week this month {except Valentines day--maybe I'll do a morning class that day}.

*Meal plan. 
The Beeb has somehow talked me in to meal planning with her this month. I don't have a whole lot of faith in myself on this one. I am hoping that posting it in my goals and doing it with Carolyn will make me more successful....we'll see.

*Read one book.
I want to make sure I'm taking time to read...I love it!

*Make a new button.
Now that I have a new and improved blog look I need to update my button to match.

*Not drink during the week. 
I realize this makes me sound like a raging alcoholic, but my husband works in wine and I am in between the wine he brings home and the happy hours I go to I will usually have at least one drink at least three times a week. Those calories add up! So, this month I am going to limit my adult beverages to only Fridays and Saturdays. I am giving myself a pass on Valentine's Day though because we're going to my favorite restaurant!

*Make my in-laws a calendar.
Every year I make my in-laws a shutterfly calendar of the past year. Obviously, I'm making a wedding one for this year and have yet to do it. I NEED to get on this, like yesterday.

*Bake a fun V-day treat for my office! 
I am getting more in to baking and definitely need some more practice. So I think I'll let my co-workers be my guinea pigs. I'm going to try and find a couple of fun recipes on Pinterest to try!

Alright, I think that's all I've got this month!

What are your goals for February?


  1. Wow you are hacking away at your list, good for you! I am going to start planning out meals on Sundays b/c I usually go grocery shopping on Sunday. I'll probably post about it this Sunday. Thanks again for the idea!

  2. I really need to try meal planning and you are so motivated to be doing the gym and yoga so often!

  3. I am making your fried rice this week!

  4. These are some great goals Beebs! YOU CAN DO IT! :)

  5. I need to take a lesson from you and start setting monthly goals like this! Congrats on your accomplishments for January and good luck this month! That guest room cleaning looks like a BIG job!

    Also, thanks for the comment on my sorority girls post. It means a lot to me that others are taking the time to read it =)

  6. Whoa girl look at you go! I love check lists and goals! You did amazing! XO

  7. You are sooo funny, you made me laugh! Seeing your guest room like that, it has never looked like that when I stayed there! You are not that bad.

    I've been taking care of more children and animals that I missed your blog the last couple days.... but I got new followers of your blog, you, J, Bailey Mae, the FRIENDS, and even Brody!

    AND to end my comments..... my son is such a handsome man with an awesome personality BUT you too are seriously sooo beautiful inside and out (even with no makeup on... remember I've seen you early in the a.m. and you look so precious). SO all my love to you, J, and Bailey Mae (Schoob).

    P.S. Your DIL will be calling tonight.

  8. Way to go on your January goals. I need to make a list like this!

  9. I thought your list was insanely long and detailed, but you've managed nearly all of it!

    I totally agrees with the fitness (mine is going to karate classes and swimming) and reading - have been trying to read more and take time to enjoy it!

  10. i love this idea! and i have to say you rocked it out in january! seriously so many goals completely - awesome!

  11. you're doing so well!

    as for photo albums, i literally just ordered my family ones on sunday. it's so freaking annoying to do and super time consuming. it's definitely a work in progress project.


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