Monday, February 13, 2012

Straight Guest Postin', MPM & Quinoa Cakes

What it do?
Who else is pumped that it's Monday?
No, you're not? Yeah, me neither. 

Before we can get down to business you ALL need to head on over to my buddy Katie's blog
I am guest posting today and it's a good one...let's just say if you want to see my baby picture and the baby pictures of your favorite bloggers you shouldn't waste another second! 

Go on, I'll still be here when you get back. 


Alright, welcome back!
It's Meal Planning Monday and I have to say, last week was a struggle! I was super tired and unmotivated all week. I'm not quite sure what was causing it but I had no ambition. I didn't even get to the grocery store until Wednesday night...which is not super helpful when your meal plan starts on Monday. The good news is that even after two weeks {one good week and one bad week} I have realized that meal planning is definitely worth the time and energy. 

My ultimate goal is be eating more nutritiously. I want a really well rounded and well balanced diet filled with all the essentials. So here's what I'm putting in my belly this week:
Feb. 13-Feb. 17
Starbucks Latte, Banana, Turkey Sausage
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana
Turkey Sandwich, Blueberries, Raspberries & Carrots
Mrs. Grass Soup, Blueberries, Raspberries & Carrots
Turkey Sandwich, Blueberries, Raspberries & Carrots
Mrs. Grass Soup, Blueberries, Raspberries & Carrots

Pot Roast Leftovers

Birthday Dinner @ the In-Laws.

Valentines Day @ Chino Latino!

Grilled Chicken w/ Asparagus Linguine

Crockpot Beef Pot Roast w/ Potatoes & Carrots
Turkey Burgers w/ Roasted Cauliflower, Chickpeas & Olives
Cottage Cheese & Applesauce

Cottage Cheese & Applesauce
Cottage Cheese & Applesauce
Cottage Cheese & Applesauce
Cottage Cheese & Applesauce


I'll be getting a great, well balanced and nutritious breakfast every morning this week with fruit, dairy and whole grains. 

 I'm mixing up lunches a little bit this week with some turkey sandwiches on whole grain bread with fat free cheese and my favorite soup. Both meals however will be accompanied by blueberries, raspberries and baby carrots. 

Today is my sister-in-law's FOURTEENTH birthday! 
So tonight we are going over to my in-law's for a celebration dinner. 
Happy Birthday Ally! 

Tomorrow we're going out to eat for Valentines Day and the rest of the week I am looking forward to trying 

and to have this Crock Pot Beef Pot Roast again! 

I have also decided to amp up Meal Planning Monday by sharing a favorite recipe from prior weeks. 
This week I'm sharing my recipe for Quinoa Cakes! 

I adapted my recipe from this recipe found on "Let's Dish"
-1 cup cooked quinoa 
-2/3 cup Reduced Fat Parmesan Cheese {grated}
-2 tbsp. Whole Wheat Flour
-2 cloves garlic
-3 tbsp. Egg Beaters All Natural Egg Whites
-1/4 cup Panko Bread Crumbs
-1/2 tsp. Pepper
-1/2 tsp. Salt
-Dash of Cayenne Pepper
-1 tbsp. Olive Oil

-Cook quinoa according to the box and let cool. 
-Combine all ingredients, except for olive oil, and mix well
-Let mixture sit for 5 minutes
-Heat oil over medium heat in a large saute pan
-Using 1/4 cup of mixture form patties {makes appx. 8 patties}
-Place patties in oil and cook 5-7 minutes per side {on medium heat} until golden brown. 

These puppies are delicious! And thanks to I determined that each Quinoa Cake is approximately 100 calories! I had three for dinner with some broccoli and was more than satisfied! 
These are definitely going to be a staple in my meal plans. 

Phew, OK, I think that's all I have for today! 

Have a good Monday. 


  1. I'll be sure to check out your guest post. I have yet to try a Larabar but I've been seeing them everywhere. Last weeks meal planning went really well so I'll be posting another MPM shortly!

  2. Oh my word. Those quinoa cakes look amazing - I'm totally going to try them next week (I do the meal planning thang too) - my mouth was literally watering reading your blog this AM, but I suppose that is what I get for reading before breakfast!

  3. Looks like a great week for dinners at your house! :) love the guest post BTW!

  4. I've always been so hesitant to try making Quinoa cakes, not too sure why...but if they are that good, I guess it's time to bite the bullet and make em :-)

  5. Just ofund your blog and am so glad I did! I am definitely linking up for this next monday! So fun!
    Loving your meal plans!

  6. Great job with your meal planning!! Doesn't planning your meals make it SOOO much easier to eat well?? Totally bummed I can't eat the quino cakes... Flour. But it's only 2Ts, maybe I'll cheat! ;-) Have a blast at Chino Latinos! YUM.

  7. What kind of turkey sausage do you buy?

  8. best guest post EVER EVER EVER!!!!

    oh and im pretty sure i need to make that crock pot beef pot roast. i LOVE potatoes that have been softened and yummy!

    love you girly!! :-)


  9. Such an adorable guest post over at Katie's blog! Glad I came over to check yours out... super cute blog you've got here, girl! Happy Monday :)

  10. I just wanted to say hi!! I just found your blog via Hello! Happiness and it's super cute!! New follower :)


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