Thursday, April 26, 2012

"I'm Pregnant" FAQs

Thank you all so much for all the love these past couple of days! 
It feels so good to finally go "public" with the news and I am completely overwhelmed by all of the comments and messages I received from all of you. You are truly too sweet. 

I'm sure you're already sick of hearing about my baby, sorry, you're in for a long 5 months! J

But, I have found that when I tell people I’m pregnant, they all ask the same series of questions. And even though a lot of these were kind of answered in my last couple of posts, you were all asking…so I figured I’d dedicate this post to getting all those FAQ’s answered.

Was this planned?
No, this was a complete and total surprise! Jason and I had talked about starting to try at the end of this year or early next year, but God had different plans.

How did you find out?
If you missed it, the whole story is posted HERE.

Are you going to find out the gender?
Yes! I am far too type-A not to know what I’m having. I cannot wait to know for sure!

Do you have names picked out?
We have a boy’s first name picked out with a couple of middle name options. Then we have a couple of girl’s name options with a for sure middle name picked out. We did decide though, that since we’re finding out the sex we’re going to keep the name top secret until D-Day.

Do you plan to breastfeed?
I’ve been pret-ty shocked at how many people have asked me this. Yes, I do plan to breastfeed and believe that it would be ideal, but I’m well aware that things don’t always go as planned so we’ll see how everything goes when the time comes.

How did you tell your families?
I had always imagined telling them in some cute way with custom bibs or picture frames or something, but everything was such a surprise I didn’t really have time to think of something cute before we were telling them. We just couldn’t wait. So we pretty much just blurted out the news to all sets of parents. Their reactions were all I needed, without or without a "cute" reveal. 

Any morning sickness?
I have been extremely lucky. Besides really sore boobs and major fatigue, I haven’t really had any icky symptoms.

How’s your diet?
It floors me how interested people are in a pregnant woman’s diet, and of course, everyone has an opinion! I plan on doing a full preggo health post, but I have increased my calories, am still using myfitnesspal to keep track and am trying hard to get a good variety of foods with all the essential nutrients. Easier said than done. Especially these past few weeks when nothing sounds good.

Are you going to stay in your townhouse?
Our current lease is through November, and there is no way I'm moving with a newborn. Plus, we LOVE our townhouse and have plenty of space for a tiny little addition. Ideally, I'd like to buy a house in the next two years. So that's the current plan.

Finally, I am SO super excited because today I am officially 12 weeks!
3 months down, 6 to go!
I am hoping what everyone says is true and I will start to get some energy back in the next week or two. 

Jason and I are off to Denver tonight to help my dad run another basketball tournament. I’m extending my stay a couple of days so I can see my grandparents, Aunt & Uncle and cousins who all live out there!

I’ll be back Tuesday night! Until then, I hope you all have a great weekend! 


  1. haha I love that you said you are too type A to not find out the gender because I would be the same way! Once you know the gender, the room can come together, the shopping can begin; I mean how can you have the self control to wait??

  2. I could never wait to find out the gender either! Too much decorating, shopping and planning to do! ;)

    I went out w/ a preggo friend last night I haven't seen in forever and I probably asked wayyyy too many questions. I'm hoping they were mostly excited questions, and not prying. I know I didn't ask about BFing and diets!! lol

  3. I am so glad you are finding out the gender!! hahaha I am too OCD and would want to have the baby room all set up. So here is a TMI question, and maybe you talked about it in your endo post? but were you on birth control?? I am on BC so I know the chances of me having a surprise pregnancy are low but I always say if we were to get pregnant on the pill that God was showing us it was time (and I kind of hope for a surprise because that means God is in control and not me!)

  4. have a good weekend! thanks for the FAQs too, i'm sure you'll get crazier questions than these, if you haven't already. LOL

  5. I promise you will get your energy back very soon! I am in the same boat as you, no sickness or anything just really tired and sore boobs.

    So exciting!! Can't wait to find out what you guys are having.

  6. I can't believe 3 mos is down already?!?! holy cow. Seems like the first trimester goes SO quickly!!!!!

  7. Have a blast in Denver, and make sure to get some alone time with the hubs! :)

  8. I can't wait to find out the gender!! I'm so excited for you two. ;)

    Be prepared for way more intrusive questions. People tend to lose their filter when it comes to pregnancy. I for one think it's no ones business when it comes to my breastfeeding or diet, but I guess people are curious?

    You are going to be so adorable with a little baby bump!! EEP!

  9. my question is:

    when will i get to hold the bebe :-)

    i had been wondering all these questions too hahah but was gonna wait to ask ;-) figured you guys were still in OMG YAY OMG HOLY CRAP mode that i wasnt sure if you had even thought of them! haha

    i hear breastfeeding is like THE MOST connecting thing someone can do with their baby! and hey you have rights to whip your boob out at any given moment

    soo exciting!

  10. Ok so I live in Denver so I feel I need to give you the 411 on my two favorite places to eat in case you get a chance to visit either of them :) 1st) Lucille's Creole Cafe- Amazing brunch place with the best food and Spiced Iced Tea and 2nd) Snooze- Another amazeballs Brunch restaurant! They have Red Velvet Pancakes yum yum :) If you have time try to check out one of them, you will be glad you did! Have fun, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous :)

  11. Any morning sickness?
    I have been extremely lucky. Besides really sore boobs and major fatigue, I haven’t really had any icky symptoms.

    I'm already guessing that you are having a little boy! I was the EXACT same way .. Never got sick .. Was EXTREMELY tired and my boobs hurt soooooo bad .. :)

  12. Aw so exciting! My husband and I are approaching the topic again in December and will probably start "trying" early next year. We'll see!


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