Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blogger Blind Date

Friends come and go and friendships change throughout the years but I have always been blessed with a really solid group of girlfriends. Sure those friends have changed and some have stayed the same, but I feel extremely lucky to have such amazing women in my life.
There is a lot to be said about "girl time." We all need it, that time with your girlfriends when you can talk about anything and everything. A time for you to vent and cry without being judged or a time to laugh until you feel like you're going to throw up.

Last night, I had some of that girl time.

I can't remember if I've mentioned this or not, but I signed up to the do the Color Run in July with Carolyn & Kelly! Well, I guess it's going to be more of a walk for me. Even though I could run while preggo it's really an inconvenient time for me to try to start training to run a 5k, especially since I hate running.
But that's besides the point.

Back on track.

Look at this ridiculousness! Cannot wait!
Since Carolyn & I hadn't met Kelly before, the three of us decided it was probably wise to meet up ahead of time, versus meeting for the first time when we're about to run and get smacked in the face with paint. 

So, last night we did just that! 

It was my first blog meet-up and it was SO exciting! I have to admit I was a little nervous, thankfully I had the Beeb with me.

We met up at Crave (one of my fave restaurants) and we had a blast!
Kelly was exactly what I expected her to be; totally laid back, sweet, funny and as cute as can be. The three of us couldn't have gotten along any better. In three hours we covered everything from blogging, babies, in-laws, whole wheat, and so much more.

You'd never have known that we had just met. 
She may not do math in public, but I am so excited to have met Kelly and feel really lucky to now call her one of my girlfriends.

I can't wait until next time!


  1. I am doing the color run in August in NYC I cant wait for it!

  2. HOOOOORAY for blates! I need to get to Minnie to see you and Miss Carolyn! :)

  3. I'll be signing up for the Color Run in December. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it once you do it. It looks so fun!

  4. That's so exciting! The color run sounds like a ton of fun too!

  5. What is the Color Run? I better check it out. Love the post. The more friends the better!! xoxo m

  6. so fun! blogger meetups are the best and I am so glad you went on your first one :-)

  7. I'm doing The Color Run in July in Minneapolis as well! It's going to be a blast! :)

  8. YAY!!! I had so much fun last night! EEK! Totally hadn't seen that video before... makes me SO EXCITED! WHOOP!

  9. You're SO right-- I doubt anyone could have known that we had just met each other ;-) I had ohhhhh so much fun last night!! And that's right-- no math in public so I'm SO thankful for your amazing iPhone tab calculater, hahah!! Can't wait for next time :-D

  10. Yay for meeting blog friends!!!
    So exciting!

  11. Yup, listen to m, not sure if you should do that? We know your no dummy?! BUT you are funny and an excellent writer and a blogger?! Anyway, just got the chance to catch up on your blog and you are awesome (are we still supposed to use that term?). Well you make me smile, laugh and just love you more and more everyday. Hey, guess what when you go through the severe case of menopause it is like a reverse case of pregancy and mine were good ones! Ha!Ha!

  12. How fun!! The blogging world is awesome.

  13. super fun! i was almost able to meet up with a fav blogger while in florida last month but we had NO time, it was a bummer! glad you have been able to meet up with a blogger friend :)

  14. fun fun fun! we will miss you next week sissyyyyyyyy

  15. SO appreciate you keeping it real! I'm not pregnant but I've always been so interested in the stuff that isn't common knowledge. :) And the cottage cheese comment made me laugh out loud. Hang in there. :)

  16. I found your blog through AOII's followers list. Just LOVE connecting with sisters on the blogosphere! =)


  17. I wish that color run was going to be closer to me! looks fun

  18. My friend and I were tossing around The Color Run a couple of weeks ago, and I am researching it right now... looks like we will be running the Grand Rapids one in August... this will be my first race, and I am super excited :)
    PS... LOVE the Bottle of Kinky in the first pic :) It has *just* became available in MI this month, and I am loving it!

  19. so cool! i love blogger meet ups!


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