Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Belly {14 weeks}

Still no bump...but the chest and butt continue to get larger and larger every week. 

The Nugget this week... probably sucking his/her thumb and wiggling those little toes
...the liver, kidneys and spleen are all functioning growing lanugo, a peach-fuzz-like hair that will keep him/her warm

Size of the baby?  
Over 3 inches long and weighing in at 1.5oz! About the size of a sour little lemon. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
I'm up 6 pounds, which I'm not going to lie...kind of makes me want to cry. According to the pregnancy weight gain calculator that I am using, that's right around where I should be (a smidge over), but without a baby bump it's hard to justify. I guess it's just something I have to get used to. 

Maternity Clothes?  
All of my regular clothes are still fitting fine. I am way more comfortable in my husband's sweatpants and sweatshirts, but I am still managing my normal clothes just fine. I did have to buy some new bras though. 

Stretch marks?  
None to be seen so far, I hope I continue to be this lucky. 

Best Moments?  
Getting my Push Present!!! I have been lusting over this Coach diaper bag and really thought there was no possible way I would ever get it. I was SO excited when the hubby got it for I just have to wait to use it, which is killing me! 

Not yet, but not too much longer til I can feel nugget squirming around in there. 

Food Cravings?  
I haven't really had any intense cravings. Only certain things sounds appealing, but I'm not really craving anything. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
I still can't eat fresh veggies (they all taste like dirt) and most meat makes me want to gag.

What I miss?  
I miss being able to eat or drink whatever I want without having to worry about harmful ingredients or too much caffeine. 

What I'm looking forward to?  
My next Dr. appointment which is this coming Monday. It's always such a relief to get in and see that everything is OK. 

I haven't been nauseous in a long time and have yet to vomit! Whoop!

Labor signs?  
Not for quite some time, thank goodness! Not ready for that yet! 

I am still constantly changing my mind on what I think it is. 
Only 6 more weeks until we get to find out! 

Belly Button In or Out?  
Belly button is still an innie.

Wedding rings On or Off?  
All the rings are still on! Only 26 more weeks and I'll reach my goal of keeping them on the whole time!

I'm still sleeping pretty good, just the occasional bathroom breaks throughout the night. 

The rumors are true! I am only one week in to the second trimester but can already notice a HUGE difference in my energy. So those of you who are still experiencing those first trimester yuckies...there is a light at the end of the tunnel, whether you believe it or not. 

READ all of my bumpdates by clicking HERE! 


  1. These pics are priceless! I love that your husband is doing them as well! To funny

  2. Your sign is so cute, love the idea!

    Hoooray for everything going well, I think you look radiant :)


  3. wish my chesty chest would grow a lil!

    i love that you guys change this sign every week with the baby size! how adorable can you guys get?

    I actually had to google "push present" hahahah!!! who knew! so much to learn :-)

    how lucky are you to have no morning sickness!!! maybe all 4 of those babies inside of you are keeping it inside for ya ;-) heheh jk!

    love these bebe updates!

  4. That is a pretty awesome push present- love it!

  5. So glad you are feeling better! The second trimester really is the best!

  6. I'm with Erica on the chest thing hahaha good thing you are feeling better missy and have more energy! get to workkkkk ;) haha

  7. I can't wait for you to have a little bump! My sister finds out the gender of her baby tomorrow and they are doing a cake ball reveal!

  8. SUCH fun photos!! :-D Glad you haven't been SICK yet! I have a feeling that I'll be puking for weeks when it's my time... :-P

  9. Yay! You are so glowing girl! I am glad to hear everything is going well with you! Oh, and the energy part is encouraging! (:

  10. You guys are looking great! haha. And you spoiled brat.. a coach diaper bag? You so fancy. The second trimester is awesome and than the third isn't as awesome energy wise

  11. I think it's fun to read your updates weekly and compare it against I how I was feeling/bump size at that date. It's amazing to me how every pregnancy/person is so different! I wish my chest would get bigger - and my "bump" became noticeable to me around week 13. (Although strangers didn't start noticing until last week - week 18).

  12. I think it's fun to read your updates weekly and compare it against I how I was feeling/bump size at that date. It's amazing to me how every pregnancy/person is so different! I wish my chest would get bigger - and my "bump" became noticeable to me around week 13. (Although strangers didn't start noticing until last week - week 18).

  13. You HAVE to keep having your hubby do the pictures with you, he's hilarious!!

    So happy you're feeling better and yay for the second trimester!!

  14. Yahoo! Jason is ridiculous. That's all. :)

  15. Fun stuff! Don't'll get your bump soon. It reminds me of what my ob said to me at my 20 week appt. "isn't this sort of how you imagined your bump would be when it was time to give birth?" Like, ok, it's round and cute, it doesn't need to grow anymore. haha, if only!

  16. Ah I love you - you two are too cute in those pictures.

  17. Isn't it amazing HOW MUCH BETTER you feel when you hit that 2nd trimester!!!!

  18. awww so cute! i love these updates! ps i just found out my sister in law is preggo w her first! which i think i may have told you already? i don't remember

  19. Love these updates! I totally think you're having a boy! I don't know why, just a FEELING! :) Love your push present btw! So nice!


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