Monday, May 7, 2012

Our Weekend.

Happy Monday friends!
Anyone else NOT feeling this day? I really could have used one more day of weekend. 

This weekend was LOVELY. For the first time in WEEKS, the hub and I didn't have any plans! 

I came home from work on Friday to grilled steaks, pasta salad and bacon ranch potato salad, yes you heard me right, BACON.RANCH.POTATO SALAD.
Gotta love my hubby!

After my tummy was filled I snuggled up with my pup and read my book, which very quickly turned in to a two hour nap. 

Then, Friday night we went to meet my dad for a few drinks, well, I had water. 

Saturday, I got to spend the whole afternoon with my man. We went to the Albertville Outlet Mall which is about 45 minutes away from us. We shopped for about as long as Jason could handle and walked away with some great stuff! I got a new Puma track jacket, new tennis shoes (Reebok EasyTones were only $60 and were buy one get on FREE) and a dress from Old Navy. The boy also got a new track jacket and some new shoes AND was so very sweet and totally shocked me by buying me my push present! A COACH DIAPER BAG!!!!!!!!!
I am so obsessed! I cannot wait for the Nugget to arrive so I can use this bad boy!

We made sure to have a little fun too...we found a ton of fun 4th of July apparel at Old Navy and couldn't resist modeling them. 
yup, we're cool

After hours of shopping, the boy treated me to a very romantic lunch at Dairy Queen! 
We NEVER eat fast food, so it was actually a major treat to get some really greasy, disgusting food! Plus, you can't deny it, DQ has the best chicken tenders! 

Saturday night we went to my in-law's to celebrate my brother-in-law's 21st birthday! In true Cinco de Mayo fashion we got him a bottle of really nice tequila. 
as you can tell, he's not a fan of getting his picture taken. 
The boys spent the evening in the basement drinking and playing pool, while I spent the evening on the couch with my 14-year-old sister-in-law watching movies. And I am NOT complaining! I mean, I would have loved a margarita but laying low and not being hungover on Sunday was awesome. We watched Now & Then, Sweet Home Alabama and Chronicles of Narnia (The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe). 

Sunday morning we slept in until almost noon, which was INCREDIBLE! Then I somehow convinced Jason to join Bailey and I on a family walk. I was just dying to break in my new track jacket and easytone shoes. 
I'm not wearing any makeup, please don't judge.
We went over three miles and my thighs and bootay were KILLIN' me! 
Those shoes work, let me tell you! 

The rest of Sunday we just lounged. I finished reading Fifty Shades of Grey and went to bed early to gear up for this fabulous Monday morning {please sense the sarcasm.}

What did you do this weekend?


  1. Your weekend sounds a lot like mine. =)Family gatherings, shopping with the boy, naps... We pretty much did all the same things. =)

  2. So I am about to walk over to the book store across from work to see if they have 50 Shades of I want it or no?? I didn't know it was a Triology as well! AND HOW CUTE ARE YOU AND DUH NUGGY :)

  3. The food looks yummy! And no I'm having a bad case of the Mondays.

  4. That food looks delish, and I LOVE the push present, so cute!!!

    good for you for walking! :)

  5. dang girl you cleaned up at the outlets! let me know how the easy tones are!

  6. ahh, I finished 50 shades of Grey on Sunday too. What did you think? I can't wait to download the second one tonight.

    How cute is Bailey? My Puggle does not cuddle me like that, how precious!!

  7. love the push present!!! I just had my first baby 3 weeks ago & the hubs got me an anniversary band for mine! :) that coach bag is to die for!

  8. What a great weekend! I am loving the Coach diaper bag - too cute!

  9. I might need to go and get some of those EasyTone shoes at the outlet store by me! Thanks for the heads up :)

  10. Just found your blog through Jess' and I'm due a month before you! Love that Coach diaper bag.

  11. I feel the same way about this day. I actually threw a temper tantrum before work. woops. (Bless M for putting up with me).

    and if you swapped out my cat, that "napping" photo very well could've been me! nothing better than puppy/kitty snuggles and a nap.

  12. all of that food looks absolutely amazing!

  13. Sounds like a perfect weekend!

  14. Good choice for diaper bag, totally cute all around, weekend and all. You both are very photogenic. Can't wait to try them shoes. LOVE YOU!

  15. I have the Easytone shoes too and I love them! Love your new track suit..wish they weren't so dang expensive! Oh, and Fifty Shades of Grey is next on my reading list, I can't wait to start it! I've heard tons of great stuff about the trilogy. Glad you had a great weekend :)

  16. Oh wow, sounds like a great weekend! Your right, DQ DOES have great chicken tenders. LOVE your Coach bag, I'm so jealous!!!

  17. good call on the DQ and yes they have the BEST chk tenders! i also have a coach diaper bag- my cousin got it for me as my gift for being 9months preggo as MOH in her wedding last summer- LOOOOVE IT! love my easy tones- so comfortable AND and... what do you think about fifty?? i am on book #2!

  18. Sounds like a fabulous weekend! I went to Albertville the weekend before last and found all sorts of fun crap I didn't need :) That place is dangerous.

  19. what a great deal on those shoes!! i need to invest in those stat!

  20. what a great deal on those shoes!! i need to invest in those stat!

  21. Even tho we are Twitter and Instagram friends... and I saw most of your pictures... its always more fun to see it all played out in a blog post :) Fantastical weekend. You are looking fab little momma!

  22. COACH BABY BAG! omg hubs is the bomb

    i just love you guys' shopping date. Looks like so much fun and YES DAIRY QUEEN!!

    and mamaaa you look gorgeous! i cant wait to see your belly!


  23. Looks like a great weekend! And I love the push present. Good job J!

  24. My sister has that same diaper bag!!

  25. aww! way to go JASON! Love the bag. you will look amaze sporting that thing!! Um, now I'm craving fries. ugh.

  26. What a great weekend..ours was nice and relaxing as well after we had a grad party on Friday night. But it is sooo nice to not have plans for once and just chill out and have family time!

  27. (this is to your brother-in-law) Heeeyyyyy! (flash cute smile and wink)

  28. LOVE LOVE LOVE the diaper bag!!! HUGE props to the hubs!!! You also look adorable in the track suit!!!

  29. aww you and the hubs are so cute! and you look good w/o makeup!


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