Friday, May 25, 2012

Weekends Past

I have been a mega-slacker in the weekend recap department and it's not because of a lack of material. So, I thought in honor of the long weekend that is a mere hours away, I would go back and recap the weekends that I missed to fill you all in on what I've been up to.

Cool? Great. 

The end of April, Jason and I were in Colorado helping my dad run a tournament. I think I've mentioned this before, but my dad runs a competitive high school basketball program here in Minnesota. He also runs two tournaments a year, also in Minnesota, where competitive teams from around the country come to play and NCAA college coaches come to recruit.
It's a big deal and a ton of work. SO, long story kind-of-short, for the first time my dad decided to host a tournament in Denver. So he flew me and Jason out to help him run it.
The tournament went off without a hitch but the best part was that I have family in Colorado.
So I was able to spend some quality time with my cousin, Ben. 
Yes ladies, he is single. 

Then, after the tournament I stayed a couple of extra days so I could spend time with my grandparents. 
AND, my mom flew in to meet me so that she could also spend some time with my grandparents. It was so great to see them and also spend some quality time with my mama. We went on a couple of great walks. 

and we spent the day up in the mountains. We found this adorable little winery in Evergreen right on a little creek. 
It was a fabulous day and a lovely trip. 

Weekends since have included a lot of pool time. Hooray for summer weather so early! 

 A lovely Mother's Day brunch with my family. 
Yes, I am wearing color and yes my boobs are massive. 

Mother's Day also included a Mother/Daughter outing to the Diana Exhibit at the Mall of America. 
It was so cool. They had a ton of her personal items starting from when she was a little. They also had a ton of her fabulous clothes AND the wedding dress, which was incredible to see in person. If this exhibit comes to your hometown, I definitely recommend going. 

I also get to celebrate my first Mother's Day! Jason took me to Chili's (you guys have NO IDEA how much I frickin' love Chili's)
water is lame. 

And, Jason  Bailey made me a super sweet Mother's Day card from her and the baby. 

These past few weekends have also kicked off the start of shower season!
I've showered my high school girlfriend, Megan, who is getting married in September.
 Me with the bride-to-be. And a group pic of all my high school girlfriends!
We don't get together nearly enough!

AND, I showered my friend Andrea and her baby boy who is set to debut in July!
How cute is she?!! And, she's totally going to let me borrow that dress in a few months!

We have also made it out to catch a couple of movies.
We saw The Avengers with the Beeb a few weekends ago.
I loved it. I haven't seen a single one of the movies leading up to it, but it loved this movie!
The Hulk was my fave.

And last weekend Jason and I saw What to Expect When You're Expecting.
 Jason loved it, and I thought it was OK. It wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be but it was cute. I cried like 10 times, but I'll just chalk that up to pregnancy.

Whew, that was a lot. But I think you're all caught up now!
I hope you all have a fabulous and SAFE Memorial Day weekend!



  1. The Diana event sounds so interesting, I would love to go. That maxi dress looks so pretty on you too, love all of the colors! I really want to see that movie too. Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  2. Looks like you guys have been up to a lot of fun!! Jealous that you live near the mall of america.... i have only been to minnesota once and it was legit only for lunch when I was on vacation in Wisconsin!

  3. Great catch up Beeb. That dress that you're getting to borrow is ADORABLE. :)

  4. I totally forgot to ask if Bill Self was there in Colorado?? And also? LOVE your Dad's logo for the camp, so cute! I just LOVE Colorado; looks like you had a FUN time!

    Your friend's dress from the shower is gooooorgeous; love that color!!

    And your pool photos?? SO JEALOUS. Can Lifetime open up their pool yet??? (or, maybe they're opening this weekend? I hope!!)

  5. Excellent blog, just getting caught up again, my job keeps me really busy, but your husband, my son is soooo funny, (he was a good baby too)! You look fabulous! Love to see the things you do and sooo special with your grandparents! Love it and LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Oh yah, schoob too, of course nugget and my awesome son! MISS YOU!

  6. I really need to see The Avengers!
    Also, loving that colorful dress on you!!

  7. Look at all this color you're wearing! I love it!

  8. Happy 1st (belated) mother's day! So exciting! :) Also I love that cardigan you're wearing with your mom! So cute.

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