Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday's Letters

Linking up with the lovely Ashley for

Dear Nashville, 
just one work day stands between me and you. Can't wait! See you tonight. 

Dear Justin Bieber,
would you kindly consider changing your tour dates so you are in Minneapolis ANY other day besides my brother's wedding day?

Dear mama-in-law Judye, 

Dear Irrational Fear of Flying, 
Could you, like, go away. I don't know why you started recently but it's super annoying.

Dear Tazo, 
Thank you so much for making a decaf chai and for pricing it for significantly less than Starbucks charges me. 

Dear Boobs, 
Please stop growing...this is getting ridiculous. 

Dear JJ & Baysie, 
I'm going to miss you two this weekend and please let the house be in the same condition as when I leave it. PLEASE. 

I hope everyone has a marvelous weekend!


  1. today is my mother-in-law's birthday, too! so crazy!

    have a good weekend in nashville, lovebug!

  2. Ooooh, I just love Nashville- have a blast!!! :) I get totally freaked out flying, but probably because I've only flown twice. Once you're in the air things are always fine ;)

  3. I wish for the same thing about my husband when I am gone...for some reason guys dont care if the house gets out of control hahahaha

  4. I love your Friday letters! xo m

  5. Sooo jealous you are going to Nashville, enjoy!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. have fun love! what are you going there for? a lil wknd trip?! xoxo!

  8. Oh gosh, I'm the same way with flying. It never used to bother me, but I get so anxious now! My hubby makes fun of me! So nice :)

  9. Great Friday letters! Haha sorry your boobs are getting too big--such a cute comic :) Have fun in Nashville--good luck with the flight!

  10. It's always scary leaving the man/dogs at home alone! Haha!! Good luck!

  11. did you watch the bieber specials?? so cute

  12. Wonder if the Biebs is coming to VA.... come here and I'll go with ya?

  13. I just nominated you for a bloggy award! Check out my post :)


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