Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hump Dee Hump

happy hump day lovers!

I once (I totally just spelled once like this "w-o-n-c-e") again have a crazy work day ahead of me and I had absolutely nothing to post about today. 

So, I thought I'd reach out to you lovlies and see if there's anything you're dying to know. 

Help me with some ideas, cuz right now I'm at a loss. 

Sweet post today, huh?


  1. This cracked me up. I have no questions (that I can think of) but I can't count the number of times I've almost spelled something ridiculously and thought.. "omg. I actually almost spelled it like that." or I DID and then deleted it. The worst part is, I was an English major in college.

  2. No questions just responses since I just get caught up with your blog on Wednesdays! AND still love every post. Please wish your mom happy belated for me, she looks sooo good and you do have alot of her features which will be awesome in the future if you know what I mean. SEE YOU SOON! YOU ROCK MAMA!

  3. happy hump day! maybe you should do a pinterest post soon :) and I hope you get your entries in for my Summer Fun Giveaway! : )

  4. I hate the dreaded I can't think of anything. I'm sure it'll come to you.

  5. i can give you some of my things to blog about, i am about TWO MONTHS BEHIND! ahhhhh- we all have those "i have nothing to blog about days" but i am totally looking forward to your 50 shades review!

  6. what about theme ideas or baby shower ideas? or things you can't stand? that's always a funny and good post on blogs.

  7. What do you want to check off your bucket list before the little one!


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