Monday, July 2, 2012

This Past Weekend...

...I did absolutely nothing.

And it was exactly what I needed.

If I'm being honest the past few days have been tough for me. It's been a brutal combination of exhaustion (I definitely over did  the past week and a half), anxiety and hormones.

It all started late Thursday when I couldn't sleep. I was up most of the night with terrible anxiety. I've had trouble with anxiety attacks in the past but I've learned to deal with them and even prevent them, but sometimes there's nothing I can do. I'm assuming my fear and anxiety is relatively normal...terrified of childbirth, scared of the changes my life and relationship will soon go through, worried about my health and the health of my baby, concerned about finances...the list goes on and on.

Friday my lack of sleep and emotions came together sending me to cry in my office bathroom for twenty minutes, basically, for no reason. Feeling like I was truly losing my mind I knew I needed a weekend of nothingness. I cancelled my plans with Carolyn & Kelly which killed me. I HATE when people go back on their plans and I felt awful. But, I knew that this time I had to be selfish and take care of myself. Plus, who wants to spend their Friday night with a crazy person?

I'd love to say that a night of rest was all I needed to feel like myself again, but it turns out I needed the whole weekend.

Friday night I got home from work, laid on the couch and didn't get up until I was ready for bed. Jason and I watched New Years Eve, which was just OK. But it was a perfect, relaxing Friday night.

Saturday, I got to sleep in, which was luxurious. Jason was so sweet and brought me breakfast in bed (I know, I'm spoiled). Then, while Jason was golfing I spent a couple of hours reading at the pool. I got myself out of the house for a few hours to run errands and then kicked my evening off with an incredible bubble bath. Pretty sure bubble baths are going to need to become a regular occurrence. I lit some candles, put on Sade and used my "Sleep" bath, which was created for relaxation. After my bath I resumed my position on the couch with my book and once again that's where I stayed.

Yesterday I spent the day at the Country Club with my mom and sister. We had lunch and laid by the pool all day.
Having some girl time with my mom turns out to be EXACTLY what I needed. She knows me so well and always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better. It doesn't hurt that she's had babies and can relate to what I'm going through. I left the pool feeling so much better and not to mention rested.

Bailey, however, wasn't doing so hot yesterday. The poor thing was throwing up all over the place.
But, daddy took good care of her.

The weekend ended exactly how all weekends should end....watching gymnastics and eating Flag Cookies.

Hope you all had relaxing weekends as well. And WHOOP for a short work week!


  1. I'm glad you had a nice, relaxing weekend! Sorry to hear about your anxiety and your sick pup though!

  2. It was a perfect girls day at the pool. Good for all of us!! xoxo m

  3. Hanging out with moms cure everything :) Glad you were able to relax. Hope Bailey starts feeling better!

  4. I'm sorry you weren't feeling yourself :-( I am thinking things will calm down when you announce the sex of your baby! Do you think there is some anxiety around that?? My girlfriend didnt find out and at the end of her pregnancy she would have nightmares and so much anxiety about it!

  5. I'm SO GLAD that you're feeling better!!! :) Love you Beeb!

  6. Glad you're feeling better! I painted the nursery all by myself this weekend, so I'm looking forward to doing NOTHING next weekend!

  7. I'm so glad you got some rest and are feeling better. Sounds like you got just what you needed! As a non-pregnant lady myself- A bubble bath and just some down time do wonders for me when I'm feeling stressed or anxious about various things.

    I hear you on the cancelling plans things too. Sometimes you just HAVE to do it, even though it sucks in the moment. Your friends are awesome though and I'm SURE they understood ;)

  8. Glad you got some rest and took time for you!! So important!!!

  9. I LOVE this post because it sounds like you got JUST what you needed. Isn't mom/sister time just the best?? SOOOO happy that you have the right people in your life-- and Jason was so sweet to understand and help too <3

    Happy Monday, friend. HAPPY thoughts sent your way!!

  10. I can so relate. I've been in preterm labor for 2 weeks now and I just feel exhausted daily. Pregnancy, hormones, etc are tough. Glad you got what you needed this weekend. Sometimes we just have to take time out and take care of ourselves.

  11. New follower here from your sister state :) LOVE the flag cookies, they are the best! You're blog is wonderful. xo

  12. I had a very similar weekend! I tried to find bedding for the baby crib and can't find anything I like and literally became obsessed with finding something! Throw in some freak outs about finances and that sums up my weekend. At least I will get some time off this week for the holiday. Glad you're feeling better!!

  13. awww i'm sorry love! i stayed home all weekend too. our saturdays were pretty much identical. matt and i even watched new years eve too. LOL
    hope this week is better for you!

  14. There is definitely nothing wrong at all with taking a 'me' weekend. We all need it once in awhile, and it seems that when you are pregnant they are needed more than ever!

    Hope you're feeling 100% again :-)


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