Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wedding Recap {The Reception}

Yes, I am STILL recapping our wedding after more than 8 months of marriage. This little baby of mine has gotten in the way of these recaps and I just realized I hadn't done one in months AND that I'm not finished. 

While the wedding party was off taking pictures at the stadium and partaking in a beverage or two at the bar, the rest of our guests were greeted with a cocktail party. We had a cool little lounge area next to the bar with cocktail tables and couches where people could enjoy butler passed champagne, appetizers and other drinks of their choice. 

Once the guests were seated for dinner, me and Jason and our wedding party made our grand entrance to LMFAO's "I'm Sexy and I Know It."
Ryan & Courtney
Jeff & Christina
Seth & Natalie
The Beeb & her hubby, Jake
BM, Colin & MOH, Libby
And then, me & Jason

Dinner was such a blur, and I promise you it wasn't because of the cocktails. It was so surreal sitting up there and looking out to see all of our family and friends. It's crazy having all the people you know and love sitting in the same room and that was definitely the best part of our wedding. 

While everyone was eating, a few very important people in our lives gave toasts. The first up was my very best friend and Maid of Honor, Libby. She did an incredible job! She was funny and sincere and, of course, made me cry! 
One of my faves from the whole day

Next up was Jason's Best Man, Colin, who also did an amazing job. I was a little worried what might come out of his mouth, because Colin and I didn't start off on the best foot but he was hilarious and SO sweet. He, too, brought me to tears. 

Last up was Big T, my dad. Everyone who meets my dad loves him. He is hilarious. And since pretty much everyone in attendance at our wedding knows Tom, there was a lot of pressure. Again, I had NO idea what might come out of his mouth but I really can't say enough about how amazing my dad's toast was. He got in his couple jabs and embarrassing stories, but for the most part he was very sincere and sweet and even got a little choked up...which not surprisingly, brought me to tears. 

Once the speeches were finished, Jason and I took a second to thank our parents and thank all of our friends and family for being with us on such an amazing day. 

Then it was time to cut our wedding cake! 
I'm sad to say the only cake I ate that day was the tiny bite Jason fed to me. 

After cutting the cake, Jason and I went table to table to greet all of our guests. This is the one single thing I regret about our wedding. We decided to forgo a dismissal or receiving line at the church because we only had limited time before sunset to take wedding party photos. SO, we opted to greet each table while everyone was eating cake. It was little chaotic and took FOREVER. I would definitely recommend doing a dismissal so you can better regulate the timing. Everyone wanted to talk to us and take pictures and we wanted to catch up with everyone so it was really hard to hurry through it. 

Next up, it was FINALLY time to dance! 


  1. Such beautiful photos! The toasts at our wedding left me quite teary eyed too. We did a receiving line after the ceremony and we also went table to table but it was a nice way to see everyone and chat for a minute since the receiving line moves so fast. You didn't miss out on that, table to table was the way to go.

  2. Sooo pretty- I just love the venue, it's gorgeous! I only got one bite of cake at our wedding too, lol... luckily when we ate the topper for our anniversary it was still tasty!!! :)

    We went table to table, but felt like we were able to keep it moving fairly well. I guess it depends on how many guests you have too, how many did you have?!

  3. Love this! :) All of those speeches made me cry. Could have been the booze... I'm thinking it was the quality of the speeches though!

  4. Aww, Gorgeous wedding - I'll have to look back at your other posts to get the whole effect. Beautiful!

    I am a new follwer from the Minnesota Bloggers Blog. So nice to meet you - I'm in Farmington!


  5. :) It's looks like it was a beautiful wedding. The only wedding cake I ate on my wedding day was what my husband fed me too.

  6. you're wedding looks so freaking fun! all the pics are fabulous too

  7. Absolutely beautiful! Ha--It's been almost 2 years...and I have yet to even post my wedding pics on facebook :) I am planning on doing a recap on my blog...someday!

  8. Are you still doing recaps!? lol J/k It took me a year!! to recap our whole wedding. Loved your wedding.. everything (including you) was gorgeous!


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