Monday, August 6, 2012

Babymoon Staycation

Between now and November 8th when the baby is due, our weekends are packed full of baby showers, bridal showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, Gopher games, trips, birthdays and FIVE weddings! 

We decided to use this past weekend as our final hoo-rah as a twosome. We toyed with the idea of an out of town "babymoon" but decided we would rather spend the money on doing some of our favorite things close to home, and so this past weekend became known as our Babymoon Staycation. 

Friday night, Jason had to work later than usual. So I made sure to have a lovely fiesta dinner all ready for him when he got home. I made him double decker tacos and a margarita, chickpea and black bean tacos for myself and of course guacamole. 

 After dinner we went and FINALLY saw The Dark Knight Rises. 
I am a HUGE Batman fan and have been looking forward to this movie for far too long. 
We both loved it and agreed it's the best Batman movie yet. 

Saturday we had plans to take the pooch for a nice long walk, get coffee and go to the zoo but we awoke to gray skies and rain. 
So, we altered our plans and drove to get our coffee.... 
...and then made our way to the University of Minnesota for the Gopher football practice. 
 The boys looked good and it made me SO excited for the season! 
Only 24 more days until the season opener!!! 

Quick side story: 
Last season after we beat Iowa at home, we went to Tony's Diner to celebrate and Marqueis Gray (the starting quarterback for the Gophs) came in and ended up eating with us and chatting for a while. 
After that meeting he started following me back on Twitter and Instagram. 
Flash-forward to this weekend's practice and Marqueis walked by me and not only said HI but said,
"Hey, how are you doing? CONGRATULATIONS!" 
I mean, I never expected him to remember me, or acknowledge me and most certainly did not in a million years think he would know I was pregnant and be sweet enough to congratulate me! Needless to say, I am an even bigger super fan of his now! 

After practice we went to our favorite restaurant Tony's Diner (where we had our groom's dinner) for breakfast. 
There's always two-for-one's at Tony' why not have pancakes and two beers for breakfast?

 By this time the sun was out and it was an absolutely gorgeous day, so we took a nice long stroll around campus (which totally brought back memories) and loaded up on some very necessary Gopher gear in preparation for the upcoming season!
A new zubaz gopher hat and baby booties were just a few of the must-have items we picked up this weekend.  
I also got a jersey, J got some crazy socks and we grabbed a few gifts for Gopher fanatics who have birthdays coming up.

I truly thought the day could get any better....and then it did. 
I am so flippin' excited! Her name is Harlow and I will be doing a full introductory post on her tomorrow! 

Saturday night we went to one of my favorite restaurants, Santorini's, for a Greek feast!
I had a Greek salad, Spanikopita and Orzo pasta and J got the Gyro. 
It was a beautiful night and so fun to have a dinner date with my hubby! 

After dinner we rented Moneyball and "camped" in the family room. 
We both loved the movie but agreed the acting was not Academy Award worthy. 

Sunday morning we were up early for another breakfast at Tony's Diner and Gopher football practice. We got some grief from my dad and brother for going to a practice without them, so this time around it was a family affair. 

After practice, Jason and I went to the Minnesota Zoo. I hadn't been in years and I have to say I was a little disappointed. First of all, we were the only people there without strollers. I swear I've never seen so many kids. I love kids and I realize it was the Zoo on a weekend, but it was insanity. A bunch of the animals were empty "cages" and the big dinosaur exhibit was a let down. 
Overall, we had a lot of fun and I'm glad we went. 
The highlights were watching a giant bear tear apart a fish right in front of us, a baby monkey playing with his mom and dad, the prairie dogs that reminded us of Bailey and two otters getting it on. 
The low points were the empty cages, dropping my lens cap in the tiger's den and a full-on panic attack when we accidentally walked in to the bird exhibit. We're talking tears, not being able to breath and pretty much sprinting to the first emergency exit I could find. 

When we got home Sunday night I completely crashed. To say I overdid it this weekend was an understatement. We did nothing the whole night but fall in and out of sleep and watch the Olympics. 

It was such an amazing weekend and I am so glad I got to spend all that quality time with my husband. I cannot wait to meet our baby girl but it makes me a little sad that weekends like this one will be few and far between. 

I hope all of you had wonderful weekends as well! 


  1. I LOVE that you named your car.

    We have no baby on the way, obvs, but I friggin love the idea of a stay-cation! Why NOT take a whole weekend to do fun couply things, just because! Which includes feasting on all your favorite foods. Yum. You made me hungry! haha

  2. It sounds like an amazing weekend! I'm so glad you got to do so many "Kristin & Jason" things! :) And don't worry. Jake and I can practice with Nugget, and you and Jason can have dates. We just may want to have a couple supervised visits first. BAHAHAHAHA ;)

  3. Sounds like so much fun! That yellow shirt makes your belly really stand out! can't wait to hear/see all about harlow!

  4. I LOVE the bed in the living room Chris and I do that too!! LOVE it!

  5. Sounds like a perfect weekend! Congrats on the new car- so exciting! Those tacos look so delish btw!

  6. 1. your bump is so cute
    2. I love that you guys did tons of fun things around your city, sometimes we forget how awesome our own cities are
    3. FIVE weddings?! holy buckets
    4. My sister is due in 10 weeks and it is all getting real! You are about a month behind her
    5. I need to try these chickpea tacos that you and Carolyn always make!

    love you sister!

  7. and 6. congrats on your new whip! what didja get!?

  8. Sounds like an awesome weekend! Your bump is so stinkin cute! Your weekends will certainly be less active with a baby, but they will be perfect in a totally different way!

  9. Loved this!! Double decker tacos at home?? you rock!

  10. Aww you guys are presh! Glad you had a fun staycation and obviously I was lovin the football stuff!! Very cool that the QB remembered you! FUN FUN FUN! :)

  11. that's a great weekend, life gets so busy. that's crazy he remembered! a total thrill


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