Thursday, August 9, 2012

My Belly {27 weeks}

Nugget this week...
*is sleeping and waking at regular intervals
*Opening and closing her eyes
*Possibly sucking her fingers

Size of the baby?  
It seems like every website is saying something different, but baby is most likely somewhere around 14.5 inches and weighing in around 2 pounds!

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
17.8 pounds if we're being exact.

Maternity Clothes?  
Nope. I still refuse.

Stretch marks?  
Haven't seen one yet.

Best Moments?  
There were a lot this week: Spending all last weekend with my husband! Buying a new car! College girlfriend catch up over guacamole last night!

Her movement has slowed down a bit, but she's still not having any problems hitting the 10 movements in 1 hour mark.

Food Cravings?  
Nope, the opposite actually...nothing sounds good to me at all.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Not really queasy, just not interested in food.

What I miss?  
Being able to go up the stairs without huffing and puffing.

I've been pretty nauseous the past few days and actually threw up on Sunday night. I made it 6 months without puking...go figure.

Feeling tired. I'm scared to say I think the energy phase of my pregnancy might be over.

Labor signs? 
Let's hope nothing for a while.


Belly Button In or Out?
Still rockin' the innie.

Wedding rings On or Off?  
All my rings are still on!

It's harder and harder to get comfortable, but once I'm asleep I am out cold.

What I'm looking forward to? 
My first BABY SHOWER this weekend!!! Eeeeeeeek!


  1. I am so excited to see pics from your baby shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. EEK! Hope you feel better friend!!! Can't wait for Sunday! :)

  3. Can't wait to see pictures from the baby shower!! Hope that nausea goes away, that is the LAST thing you need :(
    Did you try a body pillow? I haven't yet, so I didn't forget to tell you how it went!!

  4. omg! I can not believe you are 27 wks already it feels like just yesterday you told everyone! Can't wait to see the baby shower recap!

  5. whoop whoop now that is a BUMP!! looking great sister!

  6. My baby showers are this weekend too!! I'm excited to see your pics!! Have fun celebrating you and your baby girl!

  7. Awww, feel better!! =\ Your baby shower is going to be amazingggg, I can't even wait to see all the pictures & goodies you get :)


    after like years (or maybe a week or 2) i can finally see your BLOG POST HOLEY MOLY MOTHER!!! So happy I can comment :)

    okay you and your bump are so bump-a-licious i can't handle it. You look FANTASTIC! GLOWING!

    YAY for the baby shower!!! wish i could be there so i can hear the lil nuggie!! :D

    loves you!

  9. You are adorable!!! Hope your shower went amazing!!

  10. LOVE finding other pregnancy blogs! I'm 32 weeks today, so we are pretty close together!


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