Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Belly {29 weeks}

 This week has been really stressful and overwhelming (even moreso thanks to glorious hormones). I've had a couple of huge projects to get done at work while preparing to host a bridal shower and a bachelorette party, gearing up for 4 weddings (one of which I am in) and a trip to Arkansas...all of which are taking place within the next five weeks, I might add.
Oh, and there's that whole "getting ready for baby" thing...this week alone we toured the hospital, I had a meeting with my boss about maternity leave and I had a doctor's appointment.
I'm getting things crossed off the list and time is flying by but I definitely think I bit off more than I can chew.
Anyways, here's what me and the bump are looking like this week!

Nugget this week...
*250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in baby's bones each day!
*Her lungs & muscles are continuing to develop
*Her head is getting bigger to make room for that big ol' brain of hers

Size of the baby? 
somewhere around 2 1/2 pounds and 15 inches!

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 
22 frickin pounds. bah.

Maternity Clothes? 
I am still swearing off maternity clothes! But with fall coming I may have to break down and get some damn pants.

Stretch marks? 

Best Moments? 
Visiting our friends Erik & Andrea who just welcomed their baby boy, Vincent, on July 13th. It was so amazing to talk to a couple who JUST went through labor and really get a first hand account and words of wisdom for labor and the first few weeks with baby. PLUS, snuggling with a 5 week old baby made me SO excited to get my hands on my little nugget!

Oh yeah, still squirming in there...Nugget isn't quite as active but when she moves SHE MOVES!
She is booty droppin' like a pro in there!

Food Cravings? 
sweeeeeeeets. candy. ice cream. donuts. apple crisp.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
I may never be able to eat chicken again...and most other meat isn't appealing but just chicken makes me want to spew.

What I miss? 
Sleeping through the night without multiple potty breaks.

I puked at the hospital before our tour...but that was thanks to nerves and anxiety, not baby.

Still an angry back, but I've found some stretches that give me some temporary relief, so that's been great.

Labor signs? 
I think I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction. I was at work and out of the blue I got a cramp that felt like I was getting my period...then after about a minute or so it was gone. But with all the weird crap that happens when you're pregnant...who knows!


Belly Button In or Out?
Still have an innie.

Wedding rings On or Off? 
Still on baby!

I've had a busy mind this last week, so it's taken me a little while to get to sleep BUT once I am asleep...there's no waking me! Well, except for trips to the ladies room.

What I'm looking forward to? 
I am going to eat SO much and no one can stop me....don't come between a preggo and deep fried pickles!

And just for funsies, let's look back to 10 weeks ago....


  1. Have FUN at the State Fair!!! Omigosh, you eat the crap out of those fried pickles and sweets too!! YUM.

    Sorry you got sick at the hospital :-( No fun. And how COOL that you got to spend some time with the newborn. Have a great weekend, friend! Can't wait to see you on Monday :-)

  2. girl your next 5 weeks is making me tired!! you will be the cutest little prego bridesmaid ever!

  3. Awwww you look so cute! Have fun at the fair!

  4. Sooooo jealous you can go to the state fair! The ladies in my boyfriends family go down for 4 or 5 days...I so badly want to join them! Have tons of fun :)

    I have a pair of Citizens of Humanity maternity jeans if you want to borrow them! Pretty sure they'll fit you better than me.

  5. So cute! Eat some fried pickles for me!

  6. Wow! You really are a busy lady! I can't believe you're still not in maternity jeans!? What's your secret? I think im going to have to break down and get a pair soon.

  7. You look as stunning as ever! Enjoy your food fest and stay away from the pig barn! xo

  8. You look great! Holy wow you are busy! I can't even complain about my schedule! How in the world are you not in maternity pants yet?! If you are holding out just to say you're not in them yet, just go for it girl - they are pure heaven :)

    Have fun at the fair!

  9. I think you seriously look STUNNING. Pregnancy looks great on you girl. Enjoyyyyy that fried food at the fair!:)

  10. awww so close! what a difference 10wks can make!

  11. Yey for good progress! You look adorable as usual!


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