Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Belated Weekend Recap

This past weekend was another busy one...which it's looking like all of September's weekends are going to be.

Friday night we thankfully had a night to just hang out. We ate tacos, pre-made our tailgate food and were in bed early.
We decided to add something new to the tailgating menu and tried a breakfast burrito recipe I had dreamed up. They were a hit! And I must say, pretty-darn-tasty!

Saturday was the first Gopher home game of the season, so we were up and out the door by 7:30am and on our way to tailgate.
 It was a GORGEOUS day, perfect for getting iced AND the Gophers won 44-7! 2-0 baby!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday night was my girlfriend Christina's Bachelorette Party!!! I am a bridesmaid in Christina's wedding NEXT weekend and couldn't be more excited!
We started the night at Chino Latino for dinner and then the girls took over Uptown...I, however, was home and in bed by 11:30pm because I can't quite hang like I used to.

Sunday morning I was up and at church with my dad and grandma and then the whole fam-bam got together at the Country Club for brunch...which is always a blast when the whole clan gets together.
After brunch I was able to squeeze in a quick hour long nap before meeting with our friends Sara & John for some maternity pictures! I've made it no secret that I firmly believe Sara Jayne is the best photographer in the world and the sneak peaks she's been sending me from the shoot confirm that even further. If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw the super cute pic of Bailey & the belly, but just because I love you all so much here's another to hold you until I have them all. 

Sunday night we went to Jason's dad's house for dinner...he makes the BEST homemade pizza! So we stuffed ourselves past capacity and watched some football. :)


  1. Last time we tailgated we made giiiiiiiinormous breakfast burittos and they were SUCH a hit. I think they are our go-to tailgate food now. YUM. Love the Smirnoff Icing too ;-)

    All of your girls are just gorgeous; looks like a fun night out :-) And the family photos?? CANNOT wait to see more!!

  2. Looks like a great weekend, and I'm OBSESSED with that picture. SO CUTE.

  3. omigosh. Pet photos are the CUTEST. I DIED over that belly shot! Too bad my cat is such a shithead and would NEVER sit still. I'd love a cute photo (just one) of me with TJ in my wedding dress. Buuuut I'm not quite enough of a cat lady to force it, if it doesn't work logistically. haha.

    Looked like a fun weekend! We were icing the guys labor day weekend! hahaha

  4. Love love it!!!

  5. Breakfast Burritos have to be the BEST breakfast - ever! The game looks like so much fun, I think I'm going to convince the Boy to venture out to one sometime.

    Can't wait to see your maternity pictures :)

  6. Fun weekend! What did you put in the burritos? And I love that family picture. So cute!

  7. I hear you on not being able to hang like I use to. Man, those were the good ol' days! Such a cute pic of you the bump and Bailey but I think I love this one a little more! Can't wait to see the rest and I only wish I could have some of your breakfast burrito right about now!!

  8. Looks like a super fun weekend! That teaser photo is too cute. Can't wait to see the rest of your shoot!

  9. Love love loooooove that pic and loved the one on IG too! Can't wait to see all of them :) You are lookin good lil momma!!! Glad you guys had fun tailgating :)

  10. Adorable adorable picture girlie!!!

  11. We love breakfast burritos! Um... Dying over that maternity photo, soooooo cute, one to treasure for a lifetime. Tears!


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