Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween everyone!
Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday (well, aside from my birthday, which IS a holiday).
I have always been obsessed with Halloween and LOVE to dress up and do Halloweenie things, proof from past Halloweens.... 

Because of the giant pumpkin growing out of my front, we are taking it easy this year. We had a mini-Halloween celebration on Monday night. Jason's little sister came over and we carved pumpkins...
 We drank Apple Cider, roasted pumpkin seeds and because no holiday is complete without Pillsbury Holiday Sugar Cookies, we ate cookies.
 it was lovely!

Tonight's plan is to build a fire, snuggle up with the Husby and puggle and watch Hocus Pocus!

I hope all of you have a fun, safe and spooky Halloween!


  1. I love that your hubby did A&M! Gig em!!! Next year you will have the cutest little almost 1 year old!! Or maybe tonight will be her birthday?!?!? Hocus Pocus freaks me out hahahah

  2. oh and hilarious pillsbury dough boy costume!!

  3. Sounds like you guys had fun! Love all the previous halloween pics :D

  4. Happy Halloween! I love your 80's couple costume- too funny!

  5. Happy Halloween to you and nugget! those pumpkin seeds look amazing.

  6. Okay, so I was trying really REALLY hard to figure out what you and your sorority sisters dressed up as in that last photo and then it came to me!! SPICE GIRLS! Bahahaha ;-D Are you Ginger??

    SUCH cute photos. Happy Halloween to you, baby, and Jason!

  7. PS: Did that SanFran Startr jacket belong to a boyfriend?? Bahahaha, too funny ;-D

  8. love your halloween past costumes!!!

    esp the zombie 80s dancers one hahah you guys are so cute

    HURRY UP ALREADY LITTLE PUMPKIN!!! i cannot wait to see your bebe girl!!

    happy halloween my love!!

  9. Um. I'm calling bullshit on those zombie pics. :)

  10. Love all the costumes! so awesome!

    Can't wait to meet your lil pumpkin {via the internet of course, haha}!

    Those cookies are so addicting!


  11. you look really hilarious in a few of the first one of you and j you look CREEPY. I mean creepy. hahaah kidding. but funny. I am obsessed with pumpkin seeds! so yum!

  12. Hahaha nice pumpkins. Happy Halloween! Muuahz Xoxox :)

  13. awww i loved all your past costumes! those seeds look amazing too

  14. Aw what a sweet family you have! Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun together. xo
    Isn’t That Charming.

  15. That's pretty much our plan for tonight too! LOVE Hocus Pocus! and snuggling. and my hubby:-) And tons of candy, of course! Happy Halloween! xoxo


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