Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I Thought I Loved You Then...

Dear JJ, 

When we were little kids, I had a monster crush on you. I looked up to you and hoped that one day I could be as cool as you. 
...and I thought I loved you then.

As we got older I loved all the random games we would play. Whether you were trying to crush my hands with pool balls, chasing all of us in the dark, or beating me up with a couch cushion, I always had the most fun when you were around. 
...and I thought I loved you then. 

When you finally realized I was more than just your annoying family friend, we had a blast at Bootleggers! You bought me a drink, made me laugh until I cried and I don't care what you say, YOU kissed me first. 
...and I thought I loved you then. 

I will never forget the night of my 23rd birthday. We were on the party bus, I was sitting in your lap and my feet were dangling in a trash told me you were falling in love with me. 
...and I thought I loved you then. 

On our one year anniversary, you surprised me with the best gift I have ever received, our little puggle baby. 
...and I thought I loved you then. 

We moved in together, went on vacations and had more fun than any two people should be allowed to have. 
...and I thought I loved you then. 

We opened our own business and worked our asses off. While Coffee Buzz may not have been successful, you and I were. We overcame struggles and worked as a team, even when it wasn't easy. 
...and I thought I loved you then. 

You got down on one knee and took me by complete surprise when you asked me to be your wife in the most perfect way. 
 ...and I thought I loved you then. 

We stood up in front of our family, friends and God and vowed to love, honor, respect and cherish each other every day of our lives. 
 ...and I thought I loved you then. 

We spent our first week as husband and wife in paradise. I've never had so much fun and I think we would both agree it was the best week of our lives {so far}.
 ...and I thought I loved you then.

I saw two pink lines...and then a smiley face...and then the word 'pregnant'. When I was scared and nervous to start this new chapter in our lives way before we had planned, you said five words to me that I will never forget....
"Toot, this is our chance."
...and I thought I loved you then.

We saw our baby on the ultrasound screen in perfect health and heard the nurse say, "You're having a girl."
...and I thought I loved you then.

As we approach the five year anniversary of our first date, the one year anniversary of our wedding and the birth of our first baby I can say with absolute certainty that I never believed it was possible to love someone this much. 

You make every day better. 
You love me unconditionally and support me no matter what. You take care of me when I am sick. You make me laugh when I am sad. You make me strong when I am weak. 

God couldn't have blessed me with a better person to share my life with. We have amazing memories together and when I think back to how much fun we have had and how much I loved you then, I get so excited to see what is to come for us. We have so much to look forward to and so many new memories to make.

I cannot wait to watch you be a dad to our daughter.

You are my other half. My soul mate. My best friend.

I love you. 


  1. So sweet! I almost started crying - you guys are too too cute. <3

  2. Wow, tear!

    So sweet, poignant and beautiful.


  3. I remember reading that Jason said, Toot this is our chance...melt my heart! This is such a sweet post and I am excited to watch your love for your husband grow more and more, especially when you watch him love your daughter. And the look on your face when he is proposing...priceless!

  4. Wow. I love you Kris. Almost got me tearing up.....kinda. Love you with all my heart, not let's have this little girl!!!

  5. SO. SWEET. You two are my favorite internet couple I've never met. hahaha. For sure teared up by the end.

    May have something to do with the fact that even THINKING about the song (that I presume this is based off?) "I Thought I Loved You Then" turns me into a sobby hot mess. EVERY. TIME. More so since the 2nd verse is, "I took you back to right where we first met, .... there were people all around, but I didn't care, I got down on one knee right there..." --> which is what M did. Hi, wedding horomones.

  6. So sweet! This made me tear up!! What beautiful post!

  7. Love love love. :) Especially love Husbydad's comment!!!

  8. I'm sitting here crying at 9:00 am! I would love to see Jason when he saw this... He is the lucky one!
    <3 d.

  9. Umm way to make people cry at work! This was so sweet. You guys are perfect and I can't wait to see you add nugget in the mix!

  10. tears... streaming down my face. SO beautiful! We love you guys and can't wait to see you as the amazing parents we know you will be!! ~<3 the starlings

  11. SO Sweet Kristin! SO happy for you!

  12. You brought tears to my eyes two posts in a row! This is the sweetest post. I'm SO happy for the two of you and the incredible journey that lies ahead.

  13. this made me tear up. so sweet!!

  14. Omg, I cried. It happened. SUCH a sweet post, sooo so happy for you, J and your little girl who will be here SO SO SOON!!! :)

  15. Oh my word. You seriously have this hormonal mama in tears!! This is so sweet!! So excited for you two to become parents! :)

  16. Oh my gosh!! I love this post so much. I love that you knew him way back SO sweet. You two are so great together!

  17. This made me teary eyed! So sweet!!!

  18. Awwww I started to tear up. That Was so beautiful. Loved it and love u guys
    Muuahz xoxo

  19. so lovely. you two are such a perfect pair...makes me want to believe in fate and true love and all that other garbage :) xoxo r.dogg

  20. Beautiful. Made your mama cry. xom

  21. This. Was. So. Amazing. LOVE IT. "You make every day better" Just so sweet :-) <3

  22. This post is so sweet! Almost had me in tears!


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