Monday, October 29, 2012

Recent Happenings

I don’t know if this is true for everyone but there comes a point in your pregnancy when time stops, and for me, that time is NOW. The first 8 months of pregnancy FLEW by, but these last couple of weeks have been taking their sweet time. It’s crazy to think I could start having contractions at any moment and the time we've been waiting for for so long for could finally come, BUT with that being said I still have 10 days until my due date and there’s a very good chance it could come and go with no sign of a baby.

I kept telling myself "make it through Nate's wedding without giving birth and then you can rest." and while rest and relaxation is definitely much needed and certainly on the agenda for these next couple of weeks, I have decided to change my approach. I decided I needed to get some plans on my calendar. I need little things to look forward to besides having my baby so that time continues to move.

So, last week...

Jason and I saw Argo.

It was SO good! We both loved it and would definitely recommend it!

I had a lunch date at LeeAnn Chin with my Beeb.
and she got baby girl this BEYOND adorable outfit...
I think we need to get Beeb shirts made so the three of us can match!

I met up with my college girlfriends for our tradition of guacamole & girl talk.
I forgot to take a pic on Thursday night, so I had to dig up this old classic from college.

This weekend we...

Met my dad for dinner, and while the boys had their fair share of beers, I enjoyed a giant Sprite and a dessert trio!

Saturday we were tailgating and cheering on my Gophers to a victory over Purdue!!!

Sunday we went to a baby shower for our friends Job & Lauren and new baby Howie! Little Howie surprised everyone by arriving 6 weeks early, so he got to be the guest of honor at his own shower.
The boys spent the majority of the shower watching football...
...while the girls decorated onesies!
Can you guess which one is mine?
DUH! The bumble bee one!
{totally jacked your photos Kari...hope you don't mind :) }

Still no baby, but at least the days passed in a somewhat timely fashion, the weekend days much quicker than the work days strangely enough.

tick, tock, tick, tock....


  1. I can totally imagine how you feel!! But good that you are getting out and about with activities rather than just sitting and stewing, yanno?

    LOVE the baby onesies!!! And CONGRATS to the Gophers on the big win. You always look SO adorable at the games :-D LOVE the Beeb onesie too!!

  2. You've been busy! Love the mini beeb outfit. So adorable.

  3. Those onesies are so cute.

    What is your actual due date if I may ask?!

    I suggest you just sleep sleep sleep (when you are comfie of course) because that's what all the mommys told me they would have done different.

    Congrats to the gophers!

  4. Keeping busy is definitely the best thing to do - so long as you are feeling up to it! I worked until the day before - when my water broke I was getting ready for work ;)

    You look way too cute all dolled up for the game! Can't wait to see nugget donning her Gopher apparel :)

  5. Your bee onesie is adorable! It was so fun to see you guys! And I can't believe the next time we see you- you will have baby girl in tow! Just think of that- the next time we see you! YAY!

  6. Cute cute. Love mini beep outfit. Love ya

  7. The mini beeb outfit is amazing. Definitely get matching ones for you two ;)

  8. I feel your pain. Those last weeks were the worst! It's a good idea to keep busy. That was the only way I stayed sane there at the end.

  9. The last weeks seriously were the worst. I thought I was going in labor like 20 times. Hopefully that doesn't happen to you! Come on baby bee!

  10. How good was that dessert trio? You have my mouth watering over here!! And loved the onesie idea at the shower! Cute!

  11. You must be getting so excited! Looks like you had a great weekend - I'm jealous of that dessert trio!

  12. A few things...

    1. ADORABLE outfit that Carolyn got your baby!! Can't wait to see pictures of her in it!!

    2. I am so craving LeeAnn Chin now!! So yummy...and I have a coupon and gift card...going there tomorrow for dinner now...thanks :)

    3. You looks so adorable in all your MN Gophers gear! Glad they won!!!

  13. OMG love the outfit Carolyn got you! Baby clothes are the cutest!


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