Thursday, December 27, 2012

The 12 Days of Husband

I decided I wanted to do something a little different for Jason's Christmas present this year. I saw this super cute idea on Pinterest to do a 12 Days of Christmas for your Husband. 
Her ideas were super cute, but I decided to change it up and get Jason a mix of his favorite things. 

For the purposes of this post (because I already knew all of this) I asked the hubby to list his favorite material things, here is what he said word for word: "Gum, Chapstick, Socks, ummm.... Salt, Booze, Coffee, Deodorant, and Hats! OK, my list is done."

I decided to get creative and get him a number of things to coordinate with the number of the day. I also made little labels to put on each of the gifts:
Then, starting on December 14th, I gave him a gift every day.

Here's what I got him...

TWELVE golf balls. 

ELEVEN packs of his favorite gum. 

TEN pairs of socks. 

NINE chapsticks.

EIGHT dollars to Jimmy John's.

SEVEN dollars to Caribou Coffee. 

SIX pack of Curious Traveler (one of his fave beers).

FIVE essentials for a coffee drinker....
custom travel coffee mug (with a picture of Kenley & Bailey),  Monin Sugar Free Vanilla syrup and three pounds of coffee.

FOUR deodorants. 

THREE new shirts.

TWO things to entertain...
Dark Knight Rises on Blu Ray and Bone Thugs N Harmony Greatest Hits 
(ridiculous, I know, but he loves Bone Thugs)


ONE Johnny Football T-shirt!!!!!!!! 

I had so much fun coming up with ideas for Jason and shopping for all this stuff. It was great to do something different this year and it seemed like Jason really enjoyed it. I think this would be super fun to do with Kenley once she's a little older.


  1. This is a super cute idea - my husband (and girls) would love this. I may have to steal the idea for next year.

  2. I'm super jealous I didn't think of this. haha. One year for my brother's birthday I did (I think he was 17? or 18?) "18 things you'll need on a date" and got him movie passes, food gift certificates, gas card, etc. haha. This is a great idea though! I may have to steal it for next year, too :)

  3. Not only is this a great gift idea, but you picked such great present ideas! I especially love the gum and Jimmy John's gift card. How clever and fun! :)

  4. What an amazing idea! So thoughtful too!

  5. That is such a sweet idea! maybe I will do something similar for The Husband's birthday this year =)

  6. this is SUCH a great idea! May have to steal it for Jon next year. I love the Johnny Football shirt! And how it says "my girls gave to me"...precious!!! cant wait to see kenley christmas pics!

  7. That was super cute! Memorable! What did you get from him?! Hmmmmm! Sure enjoyed Christmas with you and him and precious Kenley (what a good baby). How is everything going with the new schedule? Love you!!!

  8. I love this idea!! I had seen the same thing on Pinterest and thought of doing it for my husband but ran out of time. I was a super last minute shopper this year. Whoops! Hope y'all had a merry Christmas!!

  9. what a cute idea! jason is such a boy. i'm sure my husband's list would be really similar. LOL.

  10. Awwwwww what a cute idea. So smart of you and love that you had Kenley give the gifts too!

    WOOHOO!!!! xxoo

  11. you are AMAZING and SO organized! my head just spun having to think all these things out...I need your skills woman! so cool!

  12. Ohhhhhhhhmigosh. This was THE COOLEST idea, Kristin!! AWESOME job. I bet Jason LOVED it!!! :-D

    *miiiiiiiiiiiiight have to steal this idea sometime ;-)*

  13. this! I may just have to steal this also!!! Such a great idea!! Good job...huge points to you wifey :)

  14. I love this idea! I just might have to steal this for next year...I always end up going with clothes for my hubby, which I know he isn't too super excited about :)

  15. GREAT gift idea! i am filing this into the ol' memory bank for another year., another time! i agree this would be a cute idea for kids when they are a bit older. :)

    p.s. Bone Thugs N Harmony Greatest Hits!!!?? that's AWESOME.

  16. LOOOVE this idea! And I loooove the Johnny Football t-shirt! I hope Jason plans to wear this on Friday :)


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