Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Day That I Was Born

I was due to make my world debut on December 7, 1984. 
After my refusal to come out no progress towards labor, my mom went to the hospital on Monday, December 10th to be induced.

My mom remembers going in around 6pm, being hooked up to the machines and getting an IV with Pitocin to get the labor train-a-movin'. Turns out the dumbass nurse FORGOT to turn on the Pitocin drip! 
So for 6 hours my poor little mama laid there with an IV in her arm and nothing going in to it AND was no closer to meeting the most beautiful baby the globe would ever see. 

Finally, around midnight, a nurse with a brain realized the Pitocin was not turned on, and flipped the switch. 

12 hours later it was finally go time. After A LOT of pushing and not a lot of results and the refusal to use a vacuum or forceps, my little mama was able to get me out. 
At 3:41pm on December 12, 1984; Kristin Nicole Krosschell made her grand entrance and solidified her place in the world by peeing on the doctor. 
What a classy lady. 

28 years later and I am celebrating that blessed day by having a coffee date with my mom and daughter, spending the afternoon getting pampered and having dinner with my family.


Happy My Birthday to you all!
Celebrate accordingly. 


  1. Happy Birthday girl!!! Hope you have a FANTASTIC day!!

  2. Happy Birthday kid. Turns out you were wirth it! Looking forward to celebrating with you. xo m

  3. haha...this cracked me up!!! Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Happy Birthday sweet friend!


  5. ±Happy ±Birthday to you! ±Hope it's a great one!

  6. happy happy birthday mama! big hugs! xoxox

  7. happy birthday mama!!!! sounds like you have a wonderful day ahead:)

  8. Happy birthday, doll face! Enjoy your day :)

  9. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day!

  10. Happy Birthday, Mama!!! I hope it's your best year yet!

  11. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a great day!!! :)

  12. awww, your mommas comment :)

    Happy birthday!! Hope you have a good day!

  13. I love this story. :) Happy birthday Beeb!!

  14. Well I'm glad you decided to enter this world cause you would of never met my little blessing and now you two have gave this world a beautiful baby girl! Happy, happy birthday 12/12/12 once in a lifetime!

  15. We are Birthday Twins!!! Today is my Birthday too! Happy Birthday!!! And can I say that we have a bad ass Birthday this year? I mean 12/12/12 ,how freaking cool is that! Hope you have a great day with your family!!!

  16. Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your day of pampering, you deserve it!

  17. Happy birthday! Enjoy your special day!

  18. Happy birthday! I don't even know you in real life but it made me so happy when I read that you will be enjoying coffee with your mom and your daughter! Ah Perfection!

  19. Wow, whoever this anonymous person is needs a hug. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family! Sounds like it's off to a great start!

  20. Awww, happy birthday! Have a beautiful day! :)

  21. Happy Birthday! Love your little birth story, too cute!

  22. happy birthday my gorgeous beauiful amazing friend!! i hope today was the most amazing day! :)

    love reading you say "my daughter" GIVES ME CHILLS!! :0


  23. Happy Birthday, friend! Send me your address please. I believe you did already a while ago but I have lost it! :( Thanks!

  24. Happy Birthday Beautiful! Hope you had a fabulous day :)

    Oh, and I apparently peed on the doctor too, so you're not alone :)

  25. Happy (belated) Birthday!! Hope it was a good one:)

  26. Happy Birthday girl! i don't know what happened but i LOST your blog for a few months! So belated congrats on your sweet baby too! So glad Google Reader is finally linking your blog back up so i can follow along!

  27. Happy birthday to YOU!!! Hope you had a great time celebrating!

  28. ahhh hahaha "hapy MY birthday" hahaha

    happy belated birthday to you, its fun hearing YOUR birthday story- peeing on the doc "and THAT is for working with a nurse without a brain! dont let it happen again!"


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