Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wedding Highlights

Remember my wedding? Ya know the one that took place 15 MONTHS AGO? 
Well, at the wedding we had hired a videographer and now after 15 months of agony, impatience and a few less-than-friendly e-mails our wedding video is FINALLY in the mail and on it's way to us. 

11.05.11 was the best day of my life and while I have incredible photos to remember all the details (thanks SJ) I am so excited to relive the day with this video. Fingers crossed it gets here before the weekend so that I can watch it over and over again all weekend long....that's normal right?

Along with the full wedding movie, we get a little highlight video to share with friends and family. And since you guys are my friends (we're pals, right?) I'm sharing it with you today! 

So, sit back, relax and enjoy the best parts of our special day (which took place 15 months ago---I'm not bitter). 

And make sure you watch til the very end....because that's my favorite part! 

How many times do you think I have to watch it until I stop tearing up? 
Yeah...I think 1,000.


  1. Ahhh I teared up too! Beautiful honey!

  2. love!! I totally teared up when your dad was giving his speech! What a beautiful video...

  3. I mean seriously, with the crying at work right now?!!? come on girl, come on!!!

    love it!

  4. I just cried watching that and it wasn't even my wedding!! They did an excellent job with the video and your wedding looked gorgeous and so fun!!!!

  5. OMG! Love!! The part where the guys are using their phones to figure out how to fold the pocket squares :) Too cute! Y'all's wedding was beautiful! :)

  6. yep I just cried :) so beautiful!!

  7. GAH, the closer my wedding gets the more of a wedding-related-anything sap I become. Totally teared up at work. SO sweet!

  8. Well, they did a great job! Beautiful wedding!

    And love the U of Arizona cuff links! I live in Tucson.

  9. yup I just cried so I am not sure how you are EVER suppose to watch it and not cry! YOu guys are beautiful and I love this!

  10. my plan has been to elope for several years but watching that makes me wonder,lovely!

  11. totally teared up!! what a beautiful recap of your special day! i totally used to google random wedding videos on vimeo all the time, and i would sit at my desk in tears of happiness for complete strangers! so random !

  12. It was one of the best days of my life! It was absolutely the best wedding I've ever been to even my own! I am soooo proud of you as my daughter-in-law you would not believe! Of course, I knew Jason was a smart man (got it from me ha!ha!) and awesome. But seriously, you two have done a beautiful job (which it is a work in progress... a marriage and a family) and have created an absolutely precious baby girl! AND Schoob too! LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!

  13. How cute is your MIL's comment?! Hahaha
    I just sat at work and watched the entire 7 minute video and am soooo glad they finally finished it and gave it to you!! It turned out great. :)

  14. 15 months to get your video?!?!

    Looks like you had a blaaast on your beautiful day!

  15. That was beautiful!!! I teared up watching that!!! Only about 3 months till my wedding so it's bittersweet thinking that that will be me in 3 months!!


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