Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Cat's Out of the Bagel!

Do you guys remember the show Rugrats? I remember an episode where Tommy says "well the cat's out of the bagel now!" and I've been saying it ever since.
I know, I'm weird.

Anyways....I've been keeping a secret!
And do you know how long I have been keeping this secret?

This massively HUGE and EXCITING secret?

I will tell you how long.....

57 frickin' days. 

On New Years Eve one of my very best friends told me pretty much the most exciting thing a friend can tell you....

My BEEB is having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!
{don't worry, she has sparkling cider in that glass.}

I truly could not be happier for Jake & Carolyn and this exciting adventure that they are on. Carolyn was such a support to me while I was pregnant and I hope I can return the favor. It's been fun to go through this with her right after I did, because it's all so fresh in my mind.

I love that my Beeb is going to be a mama!
I love that I get to plan a baby shower!
I love that I will have a best bud to exchange pregnancy, childbirth and mama stories with!
I love that our babies will be just 10 months apart and will get to grow up together!

I am just too darn excited for this baby! Is it September yet?!

If you haven't already, head on over to Carolyn's blog to give her a big fatty congratulations!

Before I go, I've got to share the latest Kenley video, my kid is a spaz...go ahead and skip ahead to the 55 second mark...


  1. Love that picture! So cute! Very exciting news! Also...I love watching videos of your little one...she is so adorable and I look forward to our lil' guy getting here!!!

  2. How exciting! Kenley is so adorable :)

  3. Thank you so much sweet friend! :) You know I'll be bugging you daily with preggo stuff! HAHA

    And as for Kenley... she's adorable as always. But the star of these videos is Jason. So ridiculous.

  4. You have no idea how hard I laughed when I read your Rugrats reference. Haha, I have seen every episode way too many times and love that phrase. Def guilty of saying it myself ;)

    You and Carolyn's friendship is just precious :) I love that your babe's are gonna be just 10 months apart!!

  5. So exciting!!!!! I can't wait till my bestie gets married and preggers!!!! Congrats to her!!

  6. The second that I saw her announcement yesterday I couldn't help but think what an amazing baby shower you were going to throw for her, haha! It is way cool that your kids will get to grow up together!

  7. Sooo excited for Carolyn and Jake :) And Kenley's little baby chatter is so stinkin' cute! I think my uterus just skipped a beat ;)

  8. SO excited for Carolyn and Jake!!! I can't wait for prego posts from her :)
    Kenley is so fricken cute!

  9. bff babies are the greatest!! yah, so happy for carolyn and you too auntie!!!

  10. So cute! I just heart your blog :) I'm a new GFC follower!

  11. Kenley is So freakin cute! Congrats to your Beeb! How excting!!!

  12. So so exciting! She was a great supporter/friend for you while you were pregnant, so it will be so special and fun to return the favor, I'm sure! Best of luck to her! Happy for her and her hubby!

  13. p.s. you are CRAY and so freakin funny! I laughed so loud at the Rugrats reference!


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