Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day people of the blog world, family and dear friends! I have been fighting a cold and I think it's winning, I'm feeling pretty crappy but Wednesday is my Thursday so I just need to power through two more work days! It's been a while since I've done one of these "what I'm loving" posts, so here ya go!

I am loving....

...Kenley's little voice. Miss K is becoming more and more vocal every day (we've got a talker, no surprise there). Her little squeaks and squeals are adorable and warm a mama's heart.

...Friday Night Lights. Man do I love this show. I'm almost through the second season and I am so happy I decided to finally watch it.

...Bobbi Brown Black Pearl Eye Shadow Palette. My brother got this for me for Christmas and I love it. I am a firm Smashbox supporter but I've been wearing the same earth-tone eye shadows for over a year, so it's nice to spice up my look with some cool-tones every now and then.

...that one week from today we'll be in Colorado! We're taking a long weekend and visiting my grandparents and cousins in Colorado! Can't wait!!!

...Blueberries & Cheese. So random, I know. But I've been packing some blueberries and reduced fat colby jack cheese for a snack every day and I LOVE the combo! Plus the protein in the cheese fills me up and keep me full for a while which is always appreciated.

....Psy pistachio commercial. I was majorly let down by the Super Bowl commercials this year...except for this one! I LOVE Psy (he cracks me up), so this commercials gets an LOL every time I see it.

... My Baby Sister. I mentioned on Monday that my sister's HS dance team didn't qualify for state this year and I know my lil Boodgie is majorly bummed and to top it off the ankle injury she's been dealing with all season has gotten worse. Poor thing is in a boot for a month and may need surgery. I know she needs some extra lovin' right now!

...The Husby, The Puggle & The Baby. No surprise there! But, I've gotta mention them because I love them more than anything in the world. These three goons are my whole world.


  1. That video of Kenley is precious!!! Love it! Also...the Psy commerical was one of my favs also...that guy cracks me up!

  2. Great list!! :) And I'm sending get well wishes to Kara!! :( :( :(

  3. Hope you feel better quick! & I was pretty disappointed with the commercials as well.

  4. Bummer about your cold. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. Kenley is such a happy girl!! Love her little squeaks

  6. OMG. If there was an award for best baby talk.. Jason would win. Hands down! I love hearing Kenley talk! She's so cute :)

  7. Jason's baby-talk kills me. She was so funny responding to him, too! hahaha

  8. Oh my gosh hahah love it. And j u crack me up with your baby voice love it. Hahah love u guys n miss u. Muuahz xoxoxoxox


  9. FNL is so good, I need to rewatch asap!

    Sending a hug to your sissybear

  10. GAH she is CUTE! i loved the bee boo bob bo BEEP!

    love the PSY commercial. "PISTACHIO!"

  11. Kenley is such a sweety! Love hearing those squeaks. :D


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