Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Recap

This weekend was the perfect mix of laziness, productivity and fun.
-I took Kenley to her 4 month check-up and to get her shots. She did great but was a little out of sorts this weekend, which is completely understandable.

-We finished Friday Night Lights. Oh man! I love this show so much and I'm sad we're done with it.

-Because I'm done with FNL, I decided to start watching Gossip Girl. I never watched it on TV, so I'm catching up thanks to Netflix.

-Jason and I aren't big St. Patty's fans, so we spent our evening at home with our baby while I sipped on Marilyn Monroe Martinis. SO delicious.

-Kenley and I met my friend Kari for coffee.

-I was able to get tons of laundry done, go through our closets and collect two garbage bags full of clothes to donate & take my puggle for a walk.

-I went to my little sister's high school dance banquet which was really fun. I'm so proud of her and it means so much to be included.

Finally, we spent our Sunday evening celebrating our favorite holiday...MARCH MADNESS! It was Selection Sunday and my bother, sister and sister-in-law came over to watch the show.

It was a great weekend and I'm ready to have a great week!

Once again, I'm linking up with Sami. preparation for the great G-Reader Apocolypse, I have added Busy Bee to Bloglovin!
So make sure to click the button below and follow!
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  1. Sounds like a great weekend! :)

  2. What a great weekend. It's hard to see them come and go so quickly.

  3. Loved coffee on Saturday! Thanks for meeting up! We'll do dinner soon with the boys!

  4. I'm about halfway through Friday Night Lights and I love the show took me awhile to get into it, but now I'm hooked!

  5. I love Kenley in her sportswear ;) Cutest thing ever!!

    And what the heck is a marilyn monroe?!

  6. You had such a productive weekend! I'm jealous, I feel like mind flew by and I got nothing done. I'm going to hate bringing Aubrey for shots! What is in the martini? It looks so good. I still haven't had a drink! I'm so afraid of pumping/dumping & if ill have enough for her/for the week ahead etc. Any tips for getting a drink in here and there?

  7. I just started watching Gossip Girl on Netflix's after I finished One Tree Hill and Friday Night Lights in next. yay! :)

  8. ah, i love those weekends when you're productive but still get to relax and have fun. sometimes it's hard to find a good balance though! kenley is just darling! i never like taking my baby for shots :(

  9. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!

    What's in a Marilyn Monroe Martini? Looks pretty!

    Kenley's smile is precious! Just looking at her with that big smile would make anyone's "blah" Monday frown turn upside down!

  10. what a great sounding weekend compared to my hermit one haha I love FNL and am going to be so sad once I've gotten through all my dvds guess its time to rewatch one tree hill and the oc haha you'll love Gossip Girl it was one of my favorites!

  11. I think you need to elaborate on these Marilyn Monroe Martinis! Kenley is adorable, love the MN gear!!

  12. Your blog isn't refreshing in my dashboard, so i've missed these posts, boo!

    LOVE FNL, so awesome!


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