Thursday, May 9, 2013

May Goals: Workin' On My Fitness

We're already almost two weeks in to May, but it's never to late too set some I right? 
This month I am focusing on my fitness. 

Jason and I just booked a trip for the end of June to see our honeymoon buddies, Billy & Jackie!
We're going to be by a lake, which means I will be in a swimsuit, which means I need to get this bootay into gear and I need to start like yesterday. 

One of my best guy friends, Ryan (who happens to be married to fellow blogger and friend Kari), and I made a little bet to help keep each other accountable...we're both on MyFitnessPal and decided that whoever could post more workouts before our dinner date in mid-June wins and the loser has to buy drinks. 

SO, with all of that in mind here are my fitness goals for this month: 

  1. Run/Walk 50 miles
  2. Go to at least 2 classes {yoga or zumba} at the gym
  3. Bring Kenley to another Mommy & Me yoga class
  4. Beat my previous 5k time at my next race {on May 18}
  5. Log calories on MyFitnessPal EVERY day {starting on May 5th...which was when I started logging again}.
  6. Do free weight arm work out every other day

Do you guys have any tips or tricks you can share to make sure I meet these goals?


  1. Those are great goals, you got it!

  2. I totally want to see you win! That way Ryan has to buy two drinks instead of you guys buying just one drink :) You got this girl!

  3. My Fitness Pal helps me a TON. Sometimes I fall off track, but whenever I'm using it I do pretty good. I'm trying to run/walk 40 miles this month, get to a couple Zumba classes AND get my best 5k time on June 1st!!! :)

  4. How do you feel after each workout? You feel good and accomplished. When you don't workout you feel lazy and get down on yourself (at least I do). So when you can't find the energy to do it or feel like 'taking a break'...think of how you feel after and get to the gym or do your workout @ home. You will NEVER REGRET a workout...that is for sure!!!

  5. Great goals! I've fallen off the wagon lately and really need to hop back on...

  6. I love how your goals are always so reasonable. I am just starting to lose the baby weight and I have really been liking cross fit! You can find a lot of different workouts online and they are easy to fit into your day.

  7. working out is getting TOUGH for me! I get so winded and am so tired.. part of me just wants to relax the rest of pregnancy and worry about it after he comes :)

  8. I need some of your motivation! Can you send some this way? Best of luck to you!

  9. First off, ohmigoodness. That cartoon made me laugh out loud ;-D

    GOOD LUCK with your goals!! Sounds like you have everything in place! I will SO MEET YOU at the gym anytime!! And just FYI, I got to HIIT and Zumba on Monday nights (5:45 and 7) in Savage and then a few other classes down in Lakeville but I doubt you want to come all the way down there. Just let me know and I'll meet you anywhere if you need a gym buddy :-)

  10. I always promise myself a treat when I meet a goal. It's usually something sweet. ;)

  11. i deserve a big fat F in this department.
    but i know youll do it and be so proud!
    hot mama!

  12. I am a HUGE My Fitness Pal user. Oh... and I have a pup named Bailey too! Great dog name. Kenley is just adorable and I wasted too much time just now looking at pictures of her! Love the blog, love your beautiful family and I'm excited to be your newest follower!

    The May giveaway for a new blog design ends tonight at midnight! Our Journey


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