Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekends Recapped

You may have noticed, or maybe you didn't, that I took a little blogging hiatus. Usually when a blogger goes MIA it's because she's pregnant but I assure you that is 100% NOT the case for me! I have been a little cranky and a little blue the past couple of weeks {I blame 99% of this on the shitastic gray skies, rain and no sunshine that we have been having...ENOUGH ALREADY}. The point is that I have had no motivation or inspiration to blog. But now that I've taken some time off, I feel refreshed and ready to deliver some riveting blog posts that will surely have you sitting at the edge of your seat. 

To start, I need to recap the past two weekends! Summer has officially kicked off in terms of our weekend calendars being packed with if the weather would just get the memo (this will be a reoccurring theme until I get 85 degrees and sunny for at least two consecutive days). 

Last weekend kicked off with a family dinner at my sister, Natalie's house. My mom's birthday is June 1st so us "kids" got together to plan and cook a dinner in celebration. I completely forgot to take pictures until everyone was ready to leave and I got a resounding "NO!" when I suggested a self-timer group shot, so these are the photos I have to remember that night: 

Last Friday Jason had to work all day and then had a boy's night planned, so me and Kenley enjoyed a mama/daughter day. We met my mom for coffee in the morning, went to the pool for the first time in the afternoon, did a little shopping and enjoyed chips & homemade gaucamole for dinner {well, Kenley had avocado mixed with Rice Cereal...but we call it guacamole}.
This little girl is going to be a beach bum and pool fish just like her mama! She LOVED playing in the sunshine and splashing in the pool! 

I also started watching Nashville on Hulu. 
It took me about half an episode to get hooked and now I'm flying through the first season!

Last Saturday was my mom's birthday, so Kenley and I met her at the Country Club for some lunch and some pool time. 
The weather was pretty iffy, so we were only able to soak up a couple hours worth of rays before the rain came. But it was a lot of fun. 

That night Jason and I had a little at-home date night. We grilled Steak Kabobs which were DELICIOUS 
and watched Gangster Squad. 
We didn't love the movie. It was definitely entertaining and I will never complain about 2 hours of Ryan Gosling, but there were some really unnecessary effects and stupid one-liners that kind of ruined it for me. Overall, I'd recommend watching it but don't go in thinking this will be winning any awards. 

Sunday morning we met up with my grandparents, aunt & uncle, brother, sister, sister-in-law and parents for brunch. I didn't take a single picture, but the food was incredible and it's always fun when we are able to get the whole family together. 

Sunday, June 2nd marked the 18 year anniversary of the death of Jason's grandma. Carol died of cancer and losing her too soon was really hard on Jason's family. To honor and remember her, we took Kenley to visit her grave. I never got to meet her and neither will Kenley, so it was really special to visit her as a family.
While there I got incredibly emotional and just started sobbing. It was seeing the fresh soil of a new grave that just put me over the edge. Now that I am a mom I am absolutely terrified of losing someone close to me or of losing Jason or Kenley or of them losing me. It's a terrible way to think but in that moment I was overcome with fear and sadness. Also, seeing my husband shed tears for his grandma didn't help the cause. I've seen Jason cry maybe three times since we've been together, so it really got to me. 

This past weekend, Jason was gone all weekend for a Bachelor Party, so me and Kenley had a whole girls weekend to ourselves. We spent Friday running around like busy little bees and got so much checked off my to-do list. We went to Target, Babies R Us, William Sonoma, Carter's, Michaels and Byerly's, we got my brows waxed, got 4 baby gifts and a bridal shower gift taken care of, bought a bunch of stuff for the Beeb's shower, grocery shopped, and even swung by my office to check on something for a client. It was a busy day, but I always have a blast hanging with my little buddy, and she was having fun too...

Friday night Kenley and I were both exhausted, so she went to bed early and I enjoyed some chips & salsa, a couple glasses of wine and rented Pitch Perfect on Redbox.
I thought this movie was really cute and funny. I have been dying to see it since it came out and am glad I finally saw it. It didn't quite live up to the hype but I have a girl crush on Anna Kendrick & Brittany Snow and the girl who plays Fat Amy is SO.DAMN.FUNNY.

Saturday morning was warm and sunny, so naturally Kenley and I hightailed it to the pool for breakfast. We got a good hour or so of sun and a few minutes in the pool.

Saturday evening I got to attend the bridal shower for one of my best friend's fiance. Alex is one of my best friends from high school and now lives in L.A. His fiance Lina and I have gotten to know each other and hang out a few times in the 8 years they've been together and it was so much fun to be able to shower her. The shower was family and close friends of Alex's mom, so for me to be included made me feel so special. Alex and Lina are getting married in Columbia the end of August and I am heartbroken that I won't be able to go.
Lina is so sweet and beautiful and her and Alex make the most adorable couple {not to mention they're both doctors!} I had so much fun celebrating this beautiful bride-to-be. 

Kenley played with her grandma and grandpa while I was at the shower and was absolutely POOPED when we got home.

Yesterday, I was SO productive. I don't know what got in to me. It was a rainy day, so I opened all the windows, blasted some Sade and spent the day snuggling with my baby girl, absolutely scrubbing our master bathroom from top to bottom, making two batches of baby food, cleaning out my purse & wallet, taking Bailey for a walk, preparing and packing my breakfasts, lunches and snacks for the week AND I did 12 loads of frickin' laundry. Yes, 12 loads. And while folding all this laundry my little assistant read books and pumped some iron with her dumbbell rattle from Auntie Libby.  

It was a great, productive and fun couple of weekends!
Now bring on the work week! 

Linking up with Sami.
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. A blogging hiatus is just what the doctor orders sometimes. Glad you're feeling better and back refreshed!

    WOOHOO for being productive!

    And well, that lil baby is just the bees kneees!


  2. I so took a break too, as I'm sure you saw. Our weekends are so similar...must be the mama thing!

  3. I'm jealous of all the adorable swimsuits little Miss Kenley has! She's the perfect little swimsuit model! :)

    Totally random but Jason really resembles Sean Penn in that picture above the Gangster Squad pic - must be the great set of hair they both have! LOL!! (I wondered if that movie would be weird or good...can't hurt to stare at RG, though!)

  4. Holy cow!! You are like super mom & super wife!!! You go girl :)

  5. I am totally agreeing with the shitastic(love that word btw) weather comments, I'm seeing pictures on IG of people who are getting sunburnt and I'm like, how are you getting like that without SUN? & I'm like oh wait, they don't live in MN lucky bitches!

    Kenley is so frigging adorable!

    That is one of my biggest fears too, losing someone I love too soon and/or suddenly.

    Pitch Perfect is hilarious, at my house, my entire family walks around quoting Fat Amy and the entire movie all the time. We have problems, I know. & I totally have a woman crush on Anna Kendrick too.

    Okay, I think that's it for my book of a comment!

  6. Busy busy bee. :) All those pics of Kenley make me really want Beebo to come now. :)

  7. You are one busy lady- but dang! I am totally envious of all your got done! I need a weekend like that, haha!! Kenley has the cutest lil' bathing suits!! Love em all!

  8. I love Pitch Perfect! Last summer I wound up with the trailer getting posted on my fb wall cause it made one of my friends from high school think of me haha. and kenley definitely has the most adorable bathing suits!

  9. that picture of K passed out on her belly seriously made me LAUGH hahah she is so cute!

  10. Her HAIR, Kristin!! Holy crap I didn't realize it was so long!! She's got some killer eyelashes too.

    Totally with you on the blogging hiatus.

  11. I love Nashville!! Did you ever finish Gossip Girl?

  12. I can hardly stand how stinking cute she looks in her swimsuits! I just want to kiss those cheeks!

  13. I LOVE Nashville and just finished watching the last episode last night! So. Good. Also... I love your little pool baby, she's so cute in all her little swim/pool/sun gear! Adorable!

  14. I love love nashville! Wait till you see the last two episodes of the season you'll wish you didn't start! Kenly there are not enough words to describe her she is gorgeous! Love the bee swim suit


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