Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July Weekend

We had a gloriously long weekend, four fantastic days of family, friends and fun! We were go-go-going non-stop and I feel like I've been hit by a truck as a result. 

Our 4th of July festivities began on Wednesday night after work. I ran the Hot Dam 5k Fun Run. The path was downtown Minneapolis along the Mississippi River and included some of my all time favorite spots of our beautiful city. 
The race ended up really sucking, but more on that later. The only good part about it was meeting up with my dad and step-mom for dinner at Champps afterwards. 

Thursday we kicked off the 4th of July by the pool with my mom and Kenley rocked her patriotic two-piece.
Thursday evening we met up with my mom, step-dad and step-sister at the country club for the 4th of July carnival they put on every year.

Kenley tried her first snow cone {with no flavor, so basically a ball of ice} and loved it!
Then at the petting she got to meet a little baby chick, a baby goat, a giant piggy and a tortoise named Nugget! 
Kenley also "rode" her first pony! She wasn't scared at all....we told it her it was just like riding a giant puggle {she probably thinks we're idiots}.

Then, the rest of our family arrived to enjoy the fireworks!
Kenley handled the fireworks like a champ. Not only did she stay awake long enough to see them, but she wasn't scared at all, quite the opposite, she loved them!

Friday afternoon we headed up North to visit Jason's mom and step-dad. We spent the day on the ranch introducing Kenley to the animals and then visited a beautiful nearby park and put our toes in the creek.

That evening The Beeb and her hubby, Jake, came up to hang out. We let Kenley have her first little taste of a popsicle and she LOVED it.

Bailey was especially happy after Kenley's few bites were finished.

Kenley was just as happy as a little clam living the redneck baby lifestyle. She was covered in sunscreen, bugspray, baby sweat and popsicle so it just made more sense to let her run free and naked...she LOVED it.

We all headed back to the cities early on Saturday morning. Jason and I literally got home, dumped our stuff, got our boating stuff and were back on the road again. Some of our friends rented a pontoon on the St. Croix river so we spent the day on the water drinking, grilling and swimming.
It was so much fun! 

Jason was up early and off to golf with my brother and step-dad on Sunday morning so Kenley and I had a little time to snuggle and start crafts for The Beeb's baby shower. Then we were off to the country club again for lunch with my mom and friend Robyn.

I went straight from lunch to meet up with the Beeb and Jake to help them and our friend Sara Jayne take their maternity pictures! It was so fun to be a part of it and I cannot wait to see the photos!

After the shoot I picked up Kenley, went grocery shopping and got home just in time to sit around and be lazy for like 5 minutes before putting Kenley to bed and getting ready for the week to come.

It was a fantastic weekend but I think I need another four days off to recover! 

As always, I am linking up with the adorable Sami and you should too!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Sounds like Kenley had a really fun and packed 1st 4th of July! YAY! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow for dinner- something relaxing?!

  2. What a weekend! HAHAHAHA! :) Thanks again for helping us yesterday!!! :) :) :) You're the best Beeb ever.

    Also - Kenley's popsicle covered naked body is my new favorite thing. SO CUTE!

  3. When you see it all in print no wonder you are exhausted! Kens was exposed to so many wonderful things. xo m

  4. What a fun packed weekend. Aubs loved the fireworks too, she loves lights and the noise didnt bother her. We were supposed to go out on the boat on Saturday and leave her with her great grandmother but she wasn't having it and freaked out a half hour after we left her!

  5. HOLY were all over the place! Sounds like a very fun long weekend had. Love the pics of Kenley and her lil' naked adorable!!!

  6. I just can't believe I missed you at Interlachen twice! We were probably there at the same times too! We finished golf on Thursday around 6:30 and teed off on Sunday at 1! So crazy!

  7. Hot Damn 5k! That is the BEST name hahah Im sorry the race wasnt the best! :(

    kenley looks so cute in her little bikini! and is she going to be blonde!!! Ah her little hair! :)

    she deff enjoyed that popsicle haha!

    looks like you all had such a fun filled weekend and kenleys first 4th of july was a SUCCESS!!

    kenleys little baby bum might be the cutest thing in this post

    also i feel excited because your hubster followed me on the old insta! hahah


  8. whoa! i feel tired just reading all of that! busy indeed!

    you are such a beautiful momma! i loved the ranch photos- and that kenley loved the fireworks!

    totally love your outfit and baby girls suit too!

  10. Sounds like you had a great weekend!!

  11. How adorable is Kenley in her 4th bikini?! I just got the same one from Target on sale for $4! Can't wait till next year when Ava can wear it! haha

    Btw girl you look awesome! ;)


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