Friday, July 19, 2013

Five on Friday.

It's Friday! Can I get a WHAT WHAT?
Normally this would mean I am at home with my peanut but today I am sweating my bootay off, running around like a crazy person and helping my dad make sure his big tournament goes off without a hitch....oh, and I may or may not be recovering from the BEYONCE concert last night! HOLLER!

Anyways, since I'm away from the blog world today I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to link -up for 5 on Fridays for the first time and share some random shiz that's on my mind.
It drives me bonkers when the only video you can find on YouTube for a new song is the lyrics. COME ON people, I want to see the music video! BUT, Karmin has a KICKASS lyric video that I have become strangely obsessed with. Check it out: 

{totally just looked up how to spell "dos". idiot.}
My sister-in-law's{my brother's wife} mom wrote a book! Like a legit novel. That was published. And is sold at Barnes & Noble. HOW COOL IS THAT?
The book sounds really good and I'm excited to read it!
Full review to come!
But in the meantime you should check it out online...and buy it...and then give it a five star review.
OK? Thanks!

Two weeks from today I will be in Chicago...and then will be back again the following weekend! I love Chicago and have been many times but always love finding new things to do or new restaurants to try!
Anyone have any fun recommendations?
We'll obvi be stopping by RPM in hopes of running in to B&G and getting the Kenley & Duke wedding ball rolling.

I tried, I tried so damn hard to not play Candy Crush. In fact, I made so much fun of Jason and Carolyn for playing and then one day I tried it....and now I can't stop.
Anyone else totally addicted to this damn game?

The Beeb's baby shower is ONE WEEK AWAY! One frickin' week! I am so damn excited. I have a TON to do this week, but I've made myself a checklist, a shopping list and a schedule so I am ready to dominate and throw the best damn shower in the history of baby showers. Well, second best, because nothing will beat my Bee Shower

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Looove me some Beyonce! :) Whoop!

    I'm currently waiting for my next life on candy crush - I have 8 minutes damn addicting!

  2. DAMN. Why couldn't you be in CHI THIS WEEKENDDDDD????? :(

  3. Love me some RPM! It was hard to get a resi, so we ended up sitting in the bar area for some apps and drinks. So delish! Sadly, we didn't see G & B.

    Have fun!

  4. Have a love hate relationship with freakin candy crush!

  5. When in Chicago, you HAVE to go to the Purple Pig, but only if you like pork and wine..... It's amazing!!! Be prepared to wait or go early/late (3pm, 8pm, etc)!

  6. Candy Crush is soooo addicting!! I didn't want to play it but I caved one day and now I'm totally addicted

  7. I'm giggling over the reference to RPM. I LOVE B&G and am addicted to thier show!! Take pictures!!!

  8. I deleted candy crush once because I got too addicted, but re-added it a few weeks ago and I'm back to being a huge addict. First world problems, yes?


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