Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Weekend

Raise your hand if you are less-than-thrilled that it is Monday! 
{my hand is raised}
BUT, at least it's a short week! Three hopefully quick work days and then a nice long 4 day weekend!

This weekend was the perfect mix of being productive, relaxing and having fun and after the craziness that was last weekend, it was much needed.

Fridays are normally spent running all over town getting all of my errands done, but this past Friday I woke up not feeling so hot and Kenley had a bit of a cold as well. So, we opted to stay home and be productive there instead {and be incredibly lazy}. I was able to get a TON of laundry done and pack up all of the baby gear Kenley no longer uses, other than that we were pretty not change out of my pajamas until 6pm lazy and even then I just changed into yoga pants - and it was awesome.
Kenley is now at the age where she is actually entertained by her toys AND is able to sit and entertain herself for at least 30 minutes, which, I must say is frickin' awesome!

Saturday I got to start my day with a glorious massage! I had a gift certificate from my grandma and it was the perfect way to start my day - I really wish I could get a massage every weekend. Then I took Harlow to get a much needed full service car wash and then popped in the nail salon for a quick manicure. After my errands we were on our way to Hudson, Wisconsin for one of Jason's co-worker's gender reveal party!
Jake & Kylee are expecting a girl this October and we are all so excited for them!

After the gender reveal, we dropped Kenley off at Jason's parents and we were off to a BBQ at my friend's house. All of my college friends got together and it was a blast to see everyone. This group of people are crazy, so it's always hilarious when we're all together, not to mention all the college stories and inside jokes that come out.
Me, Robyn & Angie.

Sunday was a pool day! Me, Jason and Kenley spent some time in the sun and the swimming pool.
After about an hour Jason took Kenley home to nap and I got TWO luxurious hours at the pool to myself and I may or may not have had a Twisted Tea with me. It.Was.Fabulous!

When I got home from the pool, I walked in to find this:
Needless to say my heart burst into a thousand little pieces.

After the sleepy heads woke up from their nap, I took the human baby and fur child on a nice long walk and then the final weekend hours were spent grilling steak and veggie skewers, watching Family Guy episodes, playing Candy Crush and starting a new book - my first non-pregnancy or baby book in 16 months!

As always, I am linking up with the adorable Sami and you should too!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! :) I can't decide which picture I like better... the pack and play pic or the last one of sleeping beauties... SO CUTE! :)

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! That nap time photo is a keeper, nothing beats a snugly nap with the little one.


    love kenleys little smiley face playing with toys! sooo cute

    congrats to jasons co-workers for their lil girl!! Thats so exciting!! :)

    loving the snuggle sesh between daddy and baby :) PRECIOUS!


  4. Sounds like a great weekend! Glad you got some alone time too :D

  5. 1. Abbie can sit and play by herself now too. It truly is awesome.
    2. That last picture...beyond cute. Plus Abbie has that same onesie, with matching shorts!

  6. I'm raising my hand today!

    Looks like a super awesome weekend and be still my heart at your hubby and baby preicous

  7. Definitely raising my hand as well!

    & that picture of Jason & Kenley! Aww!

  8. normally my hand would be raised but today is Canada Day! So I'm at home right now! Yep I'm canadian!

  9. Love that picture of the two of them sleeping together!

  10. SUCH a good weekend- that picture makes MY heart burst into a few pieces too ;) And I really wish someone I would know would do a gender reveal party haha- I want to go to one!!

    Also- I'm nosy and want to know what book you started! :)

  11. u r such a beautiful mama!
    im glad ur feeling better - and that last picture is so sweet!

  12. i love starting a new book! whatcha reading!? i have had a "nook book blog post" on the back burner forever!!

  13. Aw so fun! I feel like so many people that are in October or November are having girls! Love it! ;)


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