Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekend: Beeb, Beebo & Baby Showers

This whole weekend pretty much revolved around one thing: BEEBO, which is my nickname for My Beeb's {or Carolyn to you people} baby boy.

Friday was spent prepping for The Beeb's baby shower that Jason & I hosted. 
Saturday was spent hosting The Beeb's baby shower. 
And Sunday was spent recovering from The Beeb's baby shower & attending another baby shower for The Beeb hosted by her girlfriends.

Needless to say, I am exhausted. 

It was such a fun weekend though and I had a blast celebrating my best friend and her baby boy!

Friday, Kenley and I spent the day with my mom running around town getting all the last minute errands done and that night consisted of crafts, cooking, and house cleaning...all of which are more fun with a glass of Rose Champagne.

Saturday I was up early frosting cupcakes, decorating the party room and getting everything perfect for the shower. The guests started rolling in around 4pm and the rest of the day was spent showering Jake, Carolyn and baby boy Roe.
I had so much fun planning this shower and cannot wait to share every last detail with you later this week! 

Sunday Jason got up with Kenley so that I could sleep in a little which was GLORIOUS! And then I was up and out the door to celebrate my buddy some more with all of her girl friends. Carolyn's sister and second best friends {cuz obviously I'm #1...ha!} hosted an adorable shower for her and I was so glad to be a part of it.

The weekend wrapped up with some much needed quality time with my best girl. I barely saw her this weekend and desperately needed to make up the snuggles. She was pooped from the busy weekend too and I found it much too hard to put her down.

I am hardcore dragging my feet this morning but have still managed to link up with Sami!

Make sure to check back later this week because I'll be going in to more detail about the decor and details of the shower; sharing my hostess tips, and steps to making a super cute diaper cake!



  1. BEEEBO!! That is the cutest nickname for baby roe haha love it!

    rose champagne always makes things better...always :) ahh i love champs!

    i LOVE that you threw her the shower! So so so amazing :)

    im excited for the shower deets!!


  2. Can't wait to see/hear ALL the details! You two are the prettiest baby-momma-beeb-friends ever!!! :)

    Anddddd yeah, I'm obsessed w/ that elephant necklace!

  3. Awww, so sweet of you to spoil your BEEB and little BEEBO! I can't wait for the details.

  4. I've noticed that I'm way more excited these days about weddings and babies now that I'm married and a mom. I guess it's because you now understand the excitement and how it all feels. What a fun weekend!

  5. Can't wait to hear about the shower - I know you did an amazing job!

  6. Such a fun weekend!! :D
    You and Carolyn are so cute

  7. Such an amazing weekend! Thank you so much for being there for all of it! :) You're the bestest Beeb in the whole wide world. Except for maybe me. :)

  8. I saw some of the details on Insta and the shower looked awesome! Can't wait to hear more about it. I can't believe Carolyn is going to have a little bebe so soon! And of course I love pictures of your sweet baby girl. She always gets cuter and cuter!

  9. Sounds like a blast! Can't wait to hear about it! Love that picture of you & Kenley, too! What a sweetie!

  10. gahh both you ladies leave me hanging with these shower recaps!!! CANNOT WAIT!

  11. you rock at the whole being a good friend thing ;) !!
    and red is totally your color! so lovely!

  12. busy and FUN BFF weekend! i can't wait to read all about it!


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