Monday, August 19, 2013

A Birthday, A Bridal Shower, A Baby Shower and A Wedding

Holy Macaroni! Talk about a busy bee weekend! If I were ever to be hospitalized for exhaustion it would probably be about now. 
Friday I got to spend the whole day with my little lady - which after a whole weekend away and then long days at work was much needed! We started our day at the mall with some shopping!
If you follow me on Instagram you saw me declare my love for The Mommy Hook - an absolute must have in my opinion.

After our morning of retail therapy we were off to see Dr. Hersey for Kenley's 9 month check up!
My sweet girl is just perfect in every way. It makes me feel so good to hear the doctor compliment me {and Jason} on the job we are doing. Poor little thing did have to get  a shot, which is never fun, but I do love how cuddly she is afterwards.

Friday night, we had a relaxing night at home, I made Emily's DELICIOUS Creamy Burrito Casserole and we watched Django Unchained, which we both loved!

Saturday morning Kenley and I were up early to make the birthday boy his favorite food - waffles! My mother-in-law gave me the Fawver Family Waffle Recipe {she makes the BEST waffles!} and I must admit they turned out pretty darn good, still not quite as good as Judye's though!

Jason's birthday gift was a day of golf with his boys. So after breakfast, Kenley and I dropped him at the course.

While Jason was golfing, Kenley and I went to celebrate my friend Angie at her bridal shower!

After the shower we went home, grabbed daddy and brought Kenley to my dad's house for the night. Then Jason and I were off to Brasa for his birthday dinner! We had never been but had heard rave reviews. We both really liked it!

After dinner,  it was time to watch my friends Pat & Nikki exchange their vows and become husband and wife! And of course celebrate a little lot too!
It was so fun and so special to be reunited with all my best boys from high school. I miss them so much and really wish they would all come home at the same time for a huge party more often - or better yet they should all just move home!

You'd think after the Saturday we had, we would just lay low and enjoy a relaxing Sunday, but you should know by now that it's just not the Busy Bee way. Sunday morning we met up with Jason's mom and step-dad who were in town for the day for brunch.

After brunch I left my man and my baby so that they could spend some more time with J'd parents and I went to celebrate my dear friends Kari, Ryan and their baby boy Colin who is due in October!

We wrapped up our weekend with a big family and friends birthday dinner for Jason at Champps.
cake compliments of Jason's mom, Lisa. 

And then finally .... we were done and could sleep.

As always, I am linking up with the adorable Sami and you should too!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. wow, looks like an awesome weekend!

  2. So busy, so fun, so much celebrating! I love it! Can I be your +1 at a wedding sometime?! LOL!

  3. SO much fun to see you twice this weekend! And loved seeing little Kenley too- what a cutie pie! Happy Birthday to Jason from Ryan and me! And THANK YOU for the diaper bag essentials- let's do coffee sometime so I can pick your brain one last time before Colin joins us and I'm totally lost!

  4. What a wonderful weekend! Happy belated birthday to your hubs ;D

  5. What a weekend! :) But I just can't get over that first Kenley picture. You make the cutest baby girls in the entire world. Just thought you should nkow.

  6. Looks like a very fun weekend :)

  7. gosh, your weekends exhaust me!! ;)

  8. last comment (i swear) p.s. i also LOVE my mommy shopping hook. it was the first thing my mm bought for me when i was preggo, knowing i would need it and man- do i LOVE mine, still!


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