Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Baby Talk.

Happy Tuesday mamas....it's time for another edition of BABY TALK!

Here's the rules:
{1} Write a post on ANYTHING baby related...pregnancy, parenting, products, stories, advice, you name it!
{2} Grab this button and put it somewhere, anywhere in your post!
Grab button for Busy Bee
<div class="BUSY-BEE-button" style="width: 250px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://fawver.blogspot.com"> <img src="http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r529/knfawver/baby-talk-button_zps829f6bd6.jpg" alt="BUSY BEE" width="250" height="250" /> </a> </div>
{3} Publish your post on Tuesday!
{4} Come back and enter your post in the super neat link-up tool found at the bottom of every Baby Talk post.
{5} Check back and read the other blogs who have linked up!

Easy as pie!


Hello gorgeous mamas! I am taking a break from baby talk this week as I have had no time since returning from my trip to compose a post. The link up is still attached below, so please continue to share your posts! I look forward to reading them and I'll be back with some sort of riveting baby information next week! :)


  1. Sounds like you guys have been pretty busy! I don't blame you for taking a little break!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading about your trip to Colorado tomorrow! Have a great Tuesday :)

  3. You are an awesome woman! You are an excellent blogger! Glad you are home safe and sound from CO. Thank you very much for the post to my Dad, they know you are a very special, beautiful wife and mother to their amazing great grand daughter. Besides that very loving daughter-in-law. AND so many congrats to your Beeb and way to go to the Gophers! Now what can you do for the Vikes? Miss you!

  4. I want to hear about your trip! :) excited! XOXO mwah


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