Monday, September 16, 2013


Happy Monday everyone. Please excuse the extreme blog in our house has been a complete and total whirlwind these past few weeks. We have been so busy with so many fun plans but the constant go-go-go is really starting to take a toll. Needless to say I am really looking forward to a low-key fall. Since I have been the world's worst blogger, I figured it's due time to catch you up on all that's been coming and going in our world. 

Kenley and I just got home from 4 days in Colorado with my family {full recap coming Wednesday} but before we left we had to say goodbye to Jason's grandpa who passed away last Monday. I didn't have the chance to get to know Grandpa Al very well, but when I did meet him he was a kind and funny man. This is a difficult time for Jason's family but I hope everyone can find peace in knowing that Grandpa Al is reunited with Grandma Carol and they are both watching over all of us...together.

As far as the fun stuff goes, there's been a lot of it...

We had the Gopher Football season opener {can I get a "hell yeah" for a 3-0 start to the season?!}

Kenley went on her first boat ride, and LOVED it! 

I volunteered at my sorority's recruitment which resulted in 44 new members for our chapter!!! 
photo credit

We went to the Tim McGraw concert at the Minnesota State Fair, which was AMAZING! He came out wearing a Gopher track jacket and my head literally exploded! 
photo credit

We went to Duluth to watch our friends Steph & Steve tie the knot! 

Then, there was just one more MINOR little thing that happened among everything else: 

After 40 weeks and 2 days of excitement, anxiousness and planning little Weston was welcomed into the world and he is just PERFECT! He made last week a bit nuts with his delayed arrival but thankfully he got here safe and sound and is a healthy boy AND he obeyed his Auntie Beeb and was born before Kenley and I had to catch our flight to Colorado - barely!

I am once again linking up with the gorgeous little Sami!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Glad to see you back! I've missed you :)

    Thoughts and prayers with Jason's family too.

  2. Praying for Jason's family and love to Beeb-Baby!!!

  3. So jealous that you got to see Tim & Brantley!! & the fact that he wore a Gophers jacket out is awesome!!

    Prayers to Jason's family!

    & yay!!! So excited for Carolyn and Jake!!

  4. Seriously a WHIRLWIND of a month for you guys! I love your Gopher tank btw- so cute! But what's even cuter is Weston and Kenley meeting! LOVE IT!

  5. Could Tim McGraw look any hotter?! Oh my word! I bet that was a fun concert! And Kenley looks so cute in her swim suit on the boat- a little beach babe! Can't wait to see you ladies Friday!

  6. Prayers to Jason's family, :(

    Yay for baby Weston and look at hime and Kenley together, so cute!!

  7. Looks like a great time! Baby K is just too cute in her little hat and swimsuit!

  8. You have had a whirlwind of a few weeks!! I can't wait to hear more about your trip to Colorado!

    Weston is just precious! He's perfect :)


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