Monday, October 21, 2013

My Lil Punkin

It's crazy to think that just one year ago my belly was the size of a very, very large pumpkin
and this year we have a real life legit KID to bring to the pumpkin patch!

This weekend Jason and I brought Kenley to Minnetonka Orchards in Minnetrista for a day of festive fall fun. 

 this friendly little bee landed on my coffee cup! how amazing is that?! 

Can I just say THIS, this right here is what I looked forward to the most when I was growing my pumpkin? Not necessarily going to the pumpkin patch {even though halloween is my favorite holiday}, but just doing these fun family activities again. I had the best childhood and have so many fun memories with my family and it makes my heart swell thinking I get to do all this fun stuff over again with my own little nugget princess baby. 
Hey kid! Keep your paws off! 


  1. LOL!!! THat last pic omg omg dying

    Kenley is looking SO cute these days oh my gosh...her pigtails!!! ahhh...I just love it all :)

  2. Kenley with pigtails, in the pumpkins. SO CUTE!

  3. Halloween is my fav also!!! We always went to the pumpkin patch and it was the best! I loved bringing Turner last week. Looks like she really enjoyed it! That last picture cracked me up!!!

  4. OMG those pigtails! SO ADORABLE. And that last picture actually made me laugh out loud. Looks like so much fun!

  5. We took Madelyn to Sever's Corn Maze a couple weekends ago and had a blast. I LOVE that there are so many fun family friendly activities to do in the Twin Cities!

    I can't wait until Madelyn's hair is long enough to do pigtails too; they are absolutely adorable on Kenley :)

  6. So cute! I love her pigtails! That last pic is hilarious!

  7. I dont know what I love more... K's pigtails or her teeth!!!!!!!! Love that little lady! Such a ham

  8. her pigtails!!!! i die! she is too cute and i looked forward to those moments most while growing my girl, too. :)

  9. Looks like tons of family fun. I love her lil pigtails, so cute!

  10. haha love the last pic! she is so stinkin cute!

  11. i LOVE your jacket! so cute.
    and that last picture? i die. hahahahaha so funny.
    she is so sweet.

  12. Sooooo cute! And just think, you get to do this every year, which makes it even better! Glad you guys had a great time!

  13. I can only hope my future kid is half as cute as yours Kristin!!

  14. So cute it hurts!! I love that you are starting family traditions of your own and remembering how important they are. xo m

  15. You are just sooo beautiful!!!! :)

    We took our baby girl to get her pumpkin the other day and she loved it! :)

  16. OMG!!!! How adorable with her pigtails. Can't get any cuter. FUNNY, FUNNY, FUNNY! AND J you look sooo handsome. Kris sooo pretty. Seriously! AND ask J, we had some fun halloween celebrations. What a enjoyable blog! LOVE it and everyone of you AND MISS YOU ALL VERY MUCH!

  17. Ohhhh that pumpkin patch trip / farm trip looks so fun !! gotta love fall outings :)

  18. Ah those pigtails! I love love love them! When B and I went to the pumpkin patch, we kept saying how next year it will be so much more fun with Annabelle by our side. Now I see your pictures as proof!

  19. That last pic kills me, so hilarious!
    I love her pigtails, so so cute!

  20. I agree!! Doing these things was what I was most excited about with C - just wait until next year when they are even more interactive! Ahhh cannot wait.
    Kenley is a doll, and that last pic!!! Love it.

  21. I feel terrible that I haven't visited your blog in a while! I am so happy to catch up-- Kenley is getting SO big and adorable each time I see new pictures of her! Ahhh! Love these pumpkin patch family pics, so cute!

  22. bahhhhh hahaha "damn giiiiiiiiiiirl"

    best. caption. ever.

    too cute, i also love fall activities with halloween being my #1 fav holiday of all the land!

  23. I CRACKED UP at that last picture, lol!! And Kenley is just so adorable in her pigtails-- I need a daughter for the sole reason of getting to make her hair cute ;) And I love what you said about making your own fun memories as a family now... that's what I get SO excited thinking about!

  24. Laughing so hard at that kid with the quote bubble! She is getting so big and her pig tails are adorable! You looked amazing at 38 weeks preggo!


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