Friday, November 15, 2013


To my baby on her first birthday,

I've tried to put together the words to explain what this past year has been for me and each time I come up short. You always hear moms sharing how special their babies are to them; how they light up their lives, are the best thing to ever happen to them, and how you'll never know your own capacity for love until you have a child. Now I know all of that, and so much more, to be true and there really is no way to explain it to someone who has yet to experience it.

November 15, 2012 was a surreal day.
I had been pregnant for 9 months. I had been imagining what you'd look like for 9 months. I thought of what it would be like to hold you. I planned and organized, shopped and decorated. I had been anxious and nervous to go in to labor for the entire 9 months. And then it happened. I started having contractions, we timed them, we went to the hospital, I pushed and I had a baby. And then there you were. The little miracle I had been carrying for those 9 months was now in my arms and you were perfect.

The past year has brought more joy, struggle, laughter, tears, and gratitude than I ever could have imagined. It's true that having a baby absolutely changes your life and you, my Kenley, have truly changed mine for the better.
This past year has been the best of my life. Me and Daddy have watched you grow with such awe and are amazed by you every day. I like to think you are the perfect mix of the two of us - you are smart, goofy, affectionate, adorable and hilarious. When I look at you my heart bursts with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude, pride and love. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you and your little life is now the entire purpose of my own. My dreams are no longer about what I want to accomplish but what I want to show you, teach you, the places I want to take you and the memories I want to make with you.
I want you to grow to be kind, generous and thankful. I want you to respect yourself and the people around you. I want you to have common sense and good manners. I want you to have faith and turn to God when you need help and thank Him every day for all your blessings. I want you to love and appreciate your family and know that there are so many people who love you more than you could ever understand.

You are growing like a weed my little one year old but no matter how big you get or how smart you become you will always be my baby. You will always be my snuggly little tortuga and my crazy little Kenny pops.

I am so lucky to be your mommy and I am so excited for what this second year will bring to our lives.
Happy Birthday my sweet angel.

I couldn't love you any possible more.



  1. Love love love!
    Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  2. so so sweet. Happy birthday! Hope you guys have the BEST weekend celebrating!

  3. How sweet!! Happy birthday to your baby girl <3

  4. Beautiful! I'm seriously tearing up. Happy Birthday Kenley!!!

  5. This is SO sweet!! Happy ONE ms kenley!

  6. Happy 1st Birthday Kenley! Such a sweet post.

  7. Happy 1st Birthday to Kenley!!! What a precious gift from God!!!!

  8. That is so sweet! Happy Birthday, Kenley!

  9. Awe LOVE it. Happy birthday sweet girl!

  10. oh i love those 12 photos!
    happy one year sweet girl!

  11. Happy Birthday, Kenley! I love the photos you put together- it's incredible how quick they change!

  12. Happy birthday sweet Kenley Boo Boo! :)

  13. Happy Birthday to Kenley! You have the best parents in the world. I am sooo proud of them AND to be your Grandma (your Daddy's Mom).

    AND I am so thankful to all of the "Great Eight" for all the help!

    Kris these last few blogs are beautiful and everlasting! GOOD JOB!
    Love you very much.

  14. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!! :)

  15. Aww, she's got an awesome birthday, cause it's my birthday too. I'm currenlty 4 months pregnant with my first, and I too trying to imagine what my baby will look like.

  16. You were successful in making me tear up again. Ken Mou will watch your every move... she will be all you hope for. xo m

  17. Happy Belated Birthday to your beautiful Kenley!!! So glad you found my blog so that I could find yours =) Cant wait to read more!


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