Monday, December 16, 2013

Aromi Makeup Giveaway!!!

Happy Monday my friends. I am here today to brighten up your Monday! 

First a quick back story. When I was a freshman in college I went to a informal recruitment event for the sorority that my best friend had just joined. I wasn't really in to the whole sorority thing but all the stuff she told me sounded really cool and fun so I gave it a shot. I met a bunch of girls from the house, one of which was a super gorgeous, kind of shy, uber girly blonde girl named Hannah. I eventually joined the house and that Hannah girl became one of my closest friends. Hannah actually got me to wear colored clothing and flowers and stuff - something I definitely did not do until meeting her. 
circa 2004
After college Hannah started working for a local company called Illume Candles, there she formulated fragrances and candles as well as products for well-known beauty brands. She started to make and sell her own products and soon it turned into a business called Aromi.
Hannah literally creates her own fragrances, lipsticks, lip glosses, and eye shadows in her very own lab! Is that not the coolest thing EVER? It blows my mind that I have a friend smart enough to know how to do this...and to do an amazing job at it. 

A few of months ago, Hannah left her job at Illume to pursue her dream of creating and selling Aromi products full time. We recently met up for coffee to catch up and she was sweet enough to bring me a goody bag full of her products to try. But the best part is that she also offered to give the same goody bag to one of my readers!!! 

So here's the scoop, all Aromi cosmetics are formulated from scratch, handcrafted in the Aromi Lab {right here in Minneapolis} and are made with the finest ingredients available. All the cosmetics are vegan {no animal derived ingreients}, cruelty-free {no animal testing}, and are all gluten free! Hannah uses a natural preservative in the lipstick and lip gloss which is a healthy alternative to parabens or formaldehyde-based preservatives commonly used in cosmetics. She uses organic raw materials whenever possible and likes to use a lot of plant-based materials whenever possible. As awesome as all of that's what you really need to know - the products are amazing. I am pretty addicted to the lipstick and the solid perfume Hannah gave me. The perfumes smells so clean and fresh without being overpowering. And the lipstick, it's so soft and goes on really smooth. It also lasts forever which I appreciate because I am super bad at remembering to reapply. I have been using the Merlot lipstick with the Pink gloss over it and absolutely LOVE it! 

So here is what one of you lucky readers is going to win:

THREE Aromi Lipsticks in shades CrimsonMerlot and Jacqueminot

TWO Aromi Lip Glosses in shades Pink and Burgundy


TWO Aromi Fragrances; one Amazing solid perfume and one Very Manly cologne for the boy in your life.
Hannah is also offering ALL of my readers 20% off all of her products! All you need to do is visit and enter the code "MAMA&MOU" when you check out! Everyone needs a little extra color during the holidays! What a perfect gift OR treat yourself to a little stocking stuffer!
You won't regret it!



  1. I have been dying for a perfect shade of *red(ish)* gloss for the holidays... and I spent all day yesterday at sephora searching-- and still nothing!! And then I am on my bloglovin' today and this! How serendipitous. Here's hoping...

  2. I'm loving that JACQUEMINOT lipstick-- I always forget to wear lipstick, and when I think to, the stuff I have is old and crappy! New some new stuff!!! :)

  3. I don't normally wear color on my lips...I'm boring. But I always love a good lip gloss and I love that there is a nude option and I also love the snob lip gloss as well :D

  4. I love the Jacqueminot! So pretty!

  5. I love the Pink and Crimson lip colors!!!!

    What a fun giveaway! :)

  6. At a Christmas party last year, Hannah's brother brought some of her goodies to share with the ladies at the party, I got to smell one of the lovely fragrances, but didn't get to take one home. This could be my chance to score! I would love to check out the "Manly" one too as I have been searching for the perfect scent for my man for quite some time now.

  7. Love the pink and merlot combo!

  8. This is a great giveaway! I love trying new beauty products! xoxo, Lindsay

  9. I love the look of the crimson or bordeaux!!

  10. Love the pink lip gloss!

  11. Wow! So cool! Would love to win!

  12. I kind of want to try ALL the lip gloss colors! Snob and Purple Velvet look fun. But really, I love them all!

  13. Love this! I went to high school with Hannah :)


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