Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Pajama Party!

One of the traditions from Jason's family that I am really excited to incorporate into our own holiday tradition is opening jammies on Christmas Eve. Every year my mother-in-law gifts everyone in the family some new jammies then everyone changes into them and spends the rest of the night all snuggly watching Christmas movies. When I saw that some of my favorite bloggers were hosting a lil pajama party I knew it was the perfect opportunity to show off Kenley's Christmas and Christmas Eve jammies before wrapping them up and putting them under the tree. 

I don't know what you mamas do to get your kids to sit still and pose in their outfits but you must be drugging them. I spent and hour of my day taking about 60 photos using Mickey Mouse, food, and sparkly stockings as bribery and I didn't get a single smile, not to mention a normal looking photo. Thankfully, the kid is pretty stinkin' cute in her jammies anyways. 

Then, of course, once the jammies come off and the camera is put away she moseys over to the tree and looks absolutely adorable. Thankfully the camera is never too far out of reach. 

Make sure to link up with me every Tuesday for BABY TALK! Just write a post about anything pregnancy, childbirth or parenting related and link it up with the fancy link up tool found below! 
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  1. You're not alone! Clay is the same way! She does look super adorable in her jammies anyway :)

  2. I bribe my kids to take photos, too!!

    I'm pretty sure I need to go shop for some new Christmas jammies now - Kenley is TOO CUTE in hers!

  3. Haha, bribed her with a pancake this time! Food always works! :)


  4. Awwwww so cute! i can't wait to have this tradition when we have children...in the future ;)

  5. She's so cute!! I love her in her jams!! And that last picture is a framer for sure!

  6. We always get new jammies at Christmas, too. I love that tradition!

    Kenley is just too cute, even if she's not sitting "pretty" for the camera! And, I just love her little pigtails! :)

  7. My mom got Turner some Christmas PJ's and I can't wait for him to wear them. I bought some new ones for Tate and I and we plan to wake up Christmas Eve morning in them, snuggle by the first and open presents for our first Christmas as our own lil' family. I am beyond excited!!!!

  8. Oh...and Kenley looks absolutely ADORABLE in BOTH PJ's!!!!

  9. Kenley is such a little cutie in her Christmas jammies!!! Thanks for linking up with us!

  10. Love the jammies! Great holiday tradition.

    I am not seeing where to link up for Baby Talk today.

    Jill @ http://youmeandcapri.com

  11. Her little pout!!! Ohhh my goodness.

  12. sooo cute!!

    Call me clueless but I cant see the link up tool!!! Help!

  13. Such cute Jammies! I didn't get Harper any *yet* because I haven't made the journey to the city shopping yet. I think I'm gonna go this week. We love Carters fleece jammies with the zippers, so that's what I'll have to look for! Both of yours are so cute, I can't decide which I like better.

    I'm not seeing your linky tool either. It wasn't up last week either.


  14. What a cute post, both today and yesterday! AND yes thank GOD J made it home safely but with a fine, fine vehicle. This weather is terrible. So P.J's all day will be fun, me too!! Miss you and just LOVE your Blog so I see what's going on. XOXO!!!

  15. It wasn't just you! I had a hard time taking pictures of my little one, too! Most of my pictures were blurry, so I just had to settle for candid shots where he wasn't even really looking, lol:)

    Love your family's Christmas Eve pj tradition. We do that with my parents at their house, too!:) SO fun!

  16. I love her pj haor accessories too! ;) love christmas jammies!

  17. Ha ha, these mobile babies of ours!! It's so hard to get pictures of Mia as well!
    This is such a cute idea! And I love her jammies! Mia's Christmas pj's will be too big for her (she is such a little thing!) but you better believe she'll be wearing them Christmas eve/Christmas day anyway!


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