Monday, January 20, 2014


Raise your hand if you have a case of the Mondays....

hand raised.

I have been LOVING this low key January we've been having and think that maybe I'm destined for a life as a hermit. But, because it's been so low key around our house I'm at a bit of a loss in the blog post department. So I thought I'd take a lil break from the mommy talk for today and catch you up on what's going on in MY life. Brace yourself, this is going to be exciting!

Currently, I've been....

...LOVING spending tons of time with my baby girl. With close to no plans on our January calendar I've been able to spend lots of quality time with my love. She is just more and more fun every day, walking, so close to talking {first word is officially "wow"} and is such a little mimic. Her personality is in full force and I just love her so much it makes my chest hurt. 

...REAIDING Catching Fire {again}. I had plans to see the movie over the weekend but opted to see American Hustle tonight instead. Nonetheless, I love The Hunger Games and love re-reading the books. BUT, I am looking for a new read? Any suggestions?

...TRYING TO lose some LBS. I shared some inspiration on Friday and have a whole post on the mess that my weight loss / gain has been over the years but I think I'm finally getting a handle on it. Now if the pounds could just fly off, that'd be great.

...WISHING that I lived anywhere but Minnesota. I love so much about this state but winter, gah, the winter. It's either 40 degrees below zero or a blizzard. I WANT SUMMER! NOW! 

...EXCITED FOR my trip to Las Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I leave in 18 days to spend a long weekend in Vegas with my mom....oh, and small detail, see BRITNEY! 

That's all I've got this morning. I hope you all have a great start to your week!


  1. Oh my goodness, she's so cute!

    YAY britney and PAHLEASE bring back summer asap!

  2. Kenley is so stinking cute. I feel like I haven't seen her in forever!! HAHA!

  3. HOLD THE PHONE. i'm 99.9% sure we'll be in vegas seeing brit ON THE SAME WEEKEND. what are the odds?!

    and i have book recs for you. . but i'm too excited about us randomly being in vegas at the same time to even form real thoughts!

  4. Are you on It's my favorite book site for finding new books to read. If you are- let's connect on there and you are check out what I've been reading recently.

  5. Oh I totally want to go and see her! You have to post a review of her concert for sure! :-)

  6. Aaaahh! So many of my friends will be in Vegas that same weekend to see Brit! I only live 2 1/2 hours away... maybe I should just drive my butt down there and hope to run into some of you, ha ha!
    I'm dying to see Catching Fire. I've heard so many good things! I must admit that I've over the books though. I know, lame!

  7. Fun! Vegas is great and seeing Britney...yay!! Agree with you on the's all on me, I need to make better choices, but when food and drink is oh-so-good I just don't have the willpower to resist it!

  8. its OBVEE which part of this post I am most excited about as well! :)

  9. I would recommend the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. They are similar to the Hunger Games. Divergent will be a movie soon. Another great YA author is John Green. The Fault in My Stars is amazing. It will also soon be a movie.

    I enjoy your blog. I'm an Iowa gal so I can relate to winter woes.

  10. Have you read "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green? I am getting ready to shut my computer and start reading it on my kindle right now!!!

  11. WOW! Wowwww! Wowww Kenley is adorable! :)

    VEGASSS, woop woop! I think I'll just meet you there because I can't handle this Ohio winter either!

  12. just stumbled across your blog! love it!

  13. The Brit-Brit show is SO AMAZING!! I'm excited for you!

  14. The kite runner is my favorite book! It's so good! Super jealous you're seeing Britney!!


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