Thursday, January 23, 2014

Random Thoughts on Thursday

Happy thirsty Thursday everyone! Remember thirsty Thursdays? Ah college, those really were the days. What I wouldn't give to be skipping class and drinking an ice cold Boone's Farm on the Delta Chi porch right now. 
This week has been strangely busy at work AND my mom was in town which meant lots of after-work plans and little to no time to blog, which explains my half ass post from Monday and my lack of post yesterday. Thank Heavens for the amazing Kristen for sharing her very personal Baby Blues story, or this blog would be severely suffering. 

Because I'm all over the place this week and haven't had the time to construct a thoughtful mom-related blog post, I thought I'd give you some random thoughts I am having on this thirsty Thursday morning. 

1. I am guest posting over at "Being Mrs. Beer" today! Jess has a great series called The Sleep Chronicles where blog mamas are sharing their experience and advice in regards to baby sleep. You should head on over to check it out! 

2. I've added some new sponsorship opportunities that you should check out! Just visit my "Sponsor + Advertise" page at the top of the blog! 

3. Yesterday I got to have a coffee blog date and finally meet Andrea from Keeping Up With The Sonneks. Andrea was so sweet and I absolutely loved bonding over our love for Britney.

4. My iPhone 4 FINALLY bit the dust and my boss upgraded me to the iPhone 5s. Holy smokes I'm in love with this phone! It's amazing how much faster Candy Crush loads on a phone that isn't from the ice age.

5. Because I got a new phone, I HAD to order a new case. I created this little gem on Shutterfly and cannot wait for it to show up on my front step. 
Can you stand the cuteness??? Photo by Sara Jayne Photography

6. Remember in December when I reviewed the book Prospice {written by Karen Kelly - my brother's mother-in-law}? Well, exciting Minnesotans can now buy Prospice at your local Barnes & Noble! And you should, because the book is amazing. 

OK, I think that covers all the randomness in my head for now! 

I'm off to find some Boone's Farm.


  1. I JUST got upgraded my phone too from the 4 to the 5s…soooo much better. My case is not nearly as cute as yours though!

  2. Yay, so fun you met Andrea - she's the best!

    And that phone cover is darling!

  3. I love a good random post.

    Sigh I miss Thirsty Thursdays and not feeling hungover on Fridays after drinking ;)!


  4. I wish we could have a coffee date... coffee meaning Boons Strawberry Hill ;)

  5. That phone cover is ADORABLE! Pretty sure I want to do that now :)

    So awesome you met Andrea...she is so great!

  6. i love that case!! and yay for a new phone. . . and TRIPLE YAY for vegas THE SAME WEEKEND. i'm still dying!!!

    saturday we're meeting up for sure. i think we'll just be shopping that day too :)

  7. Ohhhh, college. Now you've got me reminiscing. And GIRL....I knew you and I were friends for a reason. Britney is my FAVE! Wanna meet up in Vegas and go to her show?????

  8. i am STILL laughing about your old phone's suicide!!! and found myself DOUBLE checking my back pocket a couple of times yesterday ;)

    less than two weeeeeeks!!!

  9. Dear College, Please come back. ;)


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