Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Toddler Meal Plan


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Kenley's diet is of utmost importance to me and has been something I've thought a lot about and researched a ton since I was pregnant. You may remember my post on breastfeeding and then my post on moving on from breastfeeding, or my posts on starting solids, what to feed your baby when, DIY baby food, and family friendly foods. Well, today I'm back with yet another food related post but this time will be sharing what my 1 year old toddler's daily meal plan looks like. 
Rise & Shine. Kenley wakes up any time between 7am and 8am depending on whether she's at home for the day or if we have to wake her up for "day care". Either way, right when she wakes up she gets 4oz of Whole Milk, which she usually enjoys while watching an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

Breakfast. Kenley LOVES yogurt...it may actually be her favorite food. On the days she is with my parents I will send a YoBaby or YoToddler Yogurt with her along with some Turkey Sausage. On the days she is home with me, I will put more effort into her breakfast. Usually it will be something along the lines of Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Banana and Turkey Sausage. She also loves mini pancakes!

Morning Nap. We put Kenley down with a 4oz bottle of Whole Milk, which will soon be changing as we transition from bottles to full time sippy cups. 

Lunch. For lunch I try to make sure that I am either packing or serving Kenley a protein, a fruit, a veggie and either a carb or dairy (most of her snacks are carbs so I prefer dairy). A typical day will be something like sliced turkey from the deli (or grilled chicken...I love getting the Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Strips because it makes the prep super easy), cottage cheese, strawberries, and carrots (Kenley's favorite veggie by far).

Afternoon Nap. Again, we put K down with 4oz of whole milk. When she wakes she gets a snack which will usually be some kind of cracker...Goldfish, Puffs & Teddy Grahams are her favorites. 

Dinner. Kenley's dinner is usually a mini-version of what Jason and I are having. On this particular day we had cheeseburgers, rice and baked zucchini & yellow squash. Again, I try and make sure she has a variety of protein, veggies and carbs and then I'll "make up" for anything she may be low on for the day.

Bedtime. Before bed Kenley gets one more bottle with 4oz of Whole Milk which she'll have while I'm snuggling her, rocking her and we say our prayers.

I also want to throw in that not every day is this healthy or organized. I try hard to give my baby the best, but some days Mac N Cheese from the box is necessary. I also keep those little fruit & veggie pouches on hand for a quick or on-the-go snack.

We are blessed with a child who LOVES to eat and LOVES everything she tries. There is honestly NOTHING this kid won't eat. She even likes mustard! What one year old likes mustard? Mustard is gross. I think introducing her to a wide variety of foods from the start really laid the groundwork for a non-picky eater. I know that taste buds can change and kids can get opinionated, but I am hopeful that a diet full of variety will keep Kenley on the right path for a healthy lifestyle. 


  1. This is great! I've been struggling with what to feed Harper and when. Sometimes she'll eat with her hands and other times she apparently wants to be fed with a spoon. I'm still figuring it all out, but I feel like I should have done so much more research instead of just winging it like I am.


  2. What a great eater, I hope she keeps that up, so fantastic. And her foods sound so yummy, now I'm hungry!

    You're doing great mama, and I think random mac an cheese when it's crazy is pretty awesome!


  3. I can't tell you how much I love this post. Just last weekend I googled "typical meal plan for 1 year old!" Thanks for sharing Kenley's plan with us!

  4. I needed this. I am running out of ideas. Eli is getting pickier which is making it harder.

  5. I love mustard!! Kenny gets it from her YiaYia. She is such a good little eater. You are doing a great job with Kens keeping sugar at bay for as long as you can. xo m

  6. This post came at such a perfect time! Harper's become a picky eater so I've been looking for some new meals to try with her. You defintely gave me some inspiration.:)

  7. This is so awesome! You know I'll be coming to you when it's time to start feeding Weston! (which is next month! BAH!!!!!!!)

  8. I've got one choosey eater and another that wants to eat all day every day. It's so hard to balance sometimes!! But, I agree - introducing them to a large variety of foods at a young age is essential in forming good eating habits later. Their likes and dislikes will change many times, but it's important to keep them well rounded.

  9. And once again I will be referencing this post in about a year! As we transition soon to rice cereal and eventually a few solids, I will have to dig up your post about that transition too!

  10. I love that she eats real food and what you guys eat! Mr. Big Truck and I are very much on the same page and I will EBF the first month followed by pumping and introducing the bottle so he can help with feedings and then come 6 months we hope to start BLW and start some solids. We also have already -mind you I am only 20 weeks pregnant- committed to making her food and she will be eating what we are eating. I was raised with the mentality you will eat what is served and that has for sure allowed me now as an adult to have a wide pallet and I want that for Little Miss!

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. She drinks so much milk!!! I'm still nursing Mia morning and night but during the day I give her a sippy of whole milk with each meal. I do the happy dance if I can get her to take more than 2 swigs of milk at each meal time. She's having a hard time adjusting. She just LOVES her water so much and she is used to chugging that with her meals. Ugh.
    Also, cottage cheese? I hadn't thought of giving that to Mia. Genius idea!

  12. Love this girl!! I'm just now getting the hang of actually having a meal plan for E that I'm comfortable with. :)

  13. Good Job Mama!!! Great posts the last couple times. Love your info cause it helps my job!!!!

    Food for Kenley is sooo important these days, so good for you, watch out for that processed crap.

    Kenley is pretty darn cute with those family photos. Kara is beautiful.

    LOVE YOU, MISS YOU and you are doing an excellent job!

  14. my hubby and I are also so lucky to have a girl that eats anything and everything, not afraid to try anything just once. now.... if only I had someone to cook healthy meals for me every day! :)


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