Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Get By With a Little Help from My Wine

*disclaimer: I am not an alcoholic, but I really like wine.*

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before or not, but my husband sells liquor for a living. A day in his life involves driving to liquor stores, talking to people, and then convincing them to buy an insane amount of beer, wine and liquor. On Fridays he has "team meetings" where he gets to learn about, sample, and bring home the latest in alcoholic beverages. It's a rough life I tell ya. 

As the wife of a liquor rep, I have become quite the wine {my drink of choice} snob which is so funny considering I used to buy a box of Franzia White Zinfandel to get me through the weekend. But my tastes have changed significantly and now my favorite is Decoy Chardonnay.
The best kind of husband is the husband that gets you a CASE of your favorite wine for Valentine's Day. 

Yesterday, our best man {who works as a wine rep for the same company}, sent us a text alerting us that it was National Drink Wine Day. It was a day I wasn't planning on have a glass of wine because I am trying to cut back on calories and limit my wine intake to weekends. But then I read the purpose behind Wine Day which is "to spread the love and health benefits of wine.  Wine has played an important role in history, religion and relationships.  We embrace the positive benefits of wine such as new friends, reduced risk of heart disease and the enhancement of food and life."

All I can say is AMEN.

This mom stuff is a tough business. As rewarding and special and incredible as it is there are always those moments when you just want to lock yourself in the bathroom with a bottle of wine. While I don't suggest doing that I do suggest treating yourself every once in a while {or every day}....
I will have days where I am feeling great, the house is clean, Kenley is clean, I am clean and I think "heck yeah, I'm awesome, I should celebrate with a glass of wine." And there are those days where the house is a mess, work sucked, Kenley is throwing a fit about absolutely nothing and I think "omigosh, someone just get me a glass of wine."

Whether you need to take some time to go to the gym, you need to treat yourself to a massage or a weekly manicure OR if you just need to unwind with a hearty glass of Decoy Chardonnay, it's OK. You deserve it. You're a mom and as my Beeb says you are "the glue that holds the family together"

And, at the VERY least, put a reoccurring event into your calendar for every February 18th because it's National Drink Wine Day and that is exactly what you should do.


  1. Ugh, I'm bummed I missed this....I guess I'll have to celebrate today!! ;)

  2. I am in favor of mommies drinking wine. I am also in favor of this saying "Life Is Short...drink wine". xo m

  3. I missed the wine memo yesterday. guess I'll make up for it this weekend!


  4. Mmm I miss wine! You should drink some for me! Cheers!

  5. A case of wine for valentines day? I LOVE HIM!!

  6. Best. Post. Ever!!! As you can tell by my blog's name, I'm a bit if a wino too. I love it and after the kids to to bed, I enjoy a glass (or 2) and have some "me time" and unwind from the day.

  7. I am not a huge lover of wine, though I do enjoy a glass of Riesling (which it seems a lot of people don't favor). One of the things I really want to do is go to a wine tasting, to have more opportunity to try them out.

  8. My hubby's favorite is Decoy as well. I'm still a pink wine drinker!! Bring on the White Zin!!

  9. I have become quite the snob with wine, too, thanks to Chad!! However, we still crack open a bottle of Rex Goliatch every now and then. ;) We started a new diet this week, though, which means very limited alcohol...wrong week to start! I am home all week with Cam because school is closed, so I could have used a few bottles already!! Haha...

  10. This post made me laugh! Even when I babysit, at times I am like "I totally get why parents drink wine every night" and I don't even have my own kids yet...:) Will have to check out Decoy! Xx.

  11. I'll cheers to that! Wine is my saving grace some days.

  12. Oh my gosh, I love this post. Love that your husband brings you cases of wine (GOOD man). Love that you love chardonnay (also my drink of choice). Love that you put it right out there that being a mom is tough - because it IS! Every mom deserves a good glass of wine here and there. Wish I could have known about yesterday. Because yesterday was definitely a day that I deserved some wine, lol!

  13. I was in bed when I found out it was Wine Day! I'm sad I missed it! I'm pretty new to drinking wine, myself, but when I was pregnant, I went to a professional wine tasting class (I didn't get to have any) and I found it fascinating. I'm still developing my taste for it, but it's coming :) For valentines day, Casey gave me a gift card for a wine making place! I'm SO excited to use it!

  14. OMG... Decoy! LOVE Decoy, Duckhorn and anything within that line. Colon and I try to go back to the vineyard as often as possible.

    Xo Lourdes

  15. Ahh love this post, because I love wine and love justifying drinking it if I'm happy, sad, mad, excited, tired, awake, get the drift. Decoy is delicious and I'm so jealous you have a rep husband to get you loads of it - I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum, I have bribed our VP of F&B to let me in on any and all wine tastings at work and to slip me a bottle here and there to try and make sure it's fit for our customers. It's a pretty good deal I tell you. =)


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