Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kenley :: 15 months!


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My daughter is now 15 months + 1 week + 3 days old. 

It's been a while since I've done an update on the little lady, so it's due time I share what our toddler is up to. 

Kenley Stats: 

Weight: 24lb, 3oz {50th percentile}

Height: 32 inches {90th percentile}

Teeth: 7 pearly whites {Kenley LOVES to brush her teeth!}

Words: "Wow", "Mom", "Dad". She can also hiss like a snake and moo like a cow.

Sleep: Bedtime is between 7pm - 8pm and she will usually sleep until 7:30am. We've pretty much moved to one nap a day although most days she needs two, she just seems to think the afternoon nap is optional. 

Feeding: Girlfriend loves to eat! There isn't a food this little one doesn't like. Blueberries, yogurt, tomatoes and cheese are her favorites. AND, she's just about mastered using a fork!

Diaper Size: Finishing up a box of size 3 then moving to size 4.
this picture cracks me up!

Clothes: As of this weekend the 12 month clothes are all packed up. She still fits in Gap 12-18 month outfits, but those are getting snug. Time to shop for an all new 18 month Spring wardrobe.

Hair Color:  Blondie

Eye Color: Hazel in the middles and blue/gray on the outsides. 

Nicknames: Kenny, Mou, KenKen, Kenny Pops, Kenners, Kennels, Boogie

Milestones: Oh man, where to start? Since the last update we have a walker...Kenley had taken a few steps the week of her first birthday but still preferred crawling as her transportation of choice. She wobbled here and there but the day after Christmas she was officially off and walking. Now we're pretty much to a run and girlfriend does not stop moving.

Kenley also loves to "wear" everything. Anything she gets a hold of  {towels, laundry, blankets} instantly gets wrapped around her neck like a scarf, thrown on her head like a headband or put on her wrist like a bracelet. 

She also loves to brush her hair. She gets so excited after bath time to brush her own hair!
She will also pretend to brush her hair with things like my deodorant, my giant brush, her toys...pretty much anything.

Kenley also LOVES to read books. She will pick one out of the basket, bring it over to me and either ask to be lifted up on the couch or if I'm on the floor she backs her little booty up so she's sitting in my lap. I love it!

My absolute favorite thing that she does, is hold my hand. If I am walking somewhere and tell her to hold my hand she will reach up and grab it and walk with me. It does quite the number on my heart. Kenley has also started to help me feed Bailey and she gets so excited to do it. She will open the food container and scoop the food, with my help carry it over to Bailey's bowl and dump it in there, her favorite part though is putting the scoop back in the container and closing it. AND, no matter what she is doing if we say "Kenley it's time for nans" {we call sleep nans, not really sure why} she will drop what she is doing and go upstairs to her room.

Kenley is also a complete and total goof ball and we love her for it.
Yes that is my underwear. Yes it is clean {thank God}.


  1. She is SO cute! She looks busy busy busy! :)

  2. She and Abbie so need to play together - they like all the same things! And how is she just now in 18 months?? Abbie is about the same weight and about to be in 24 month clothes! Ahh when did they get so big!?

  3. so cute and adorable :)!

    you have a budding fashionista on your hands, i can just feel it :)

  4. OMG...dying from the cuteness overload of this post!! Seriously...so dang cute!

  5. That diaper pic is HILARIOUS! :) It's been too long since I hung out with Kenny! Let's plan a date. :)

  6. What a cutie pie!! Doing so well in every way. As for the word "nans"... grandma and grandpa say it, I say it and you say it. It must be Greek :)
    xo m

  7. She is so precious. That pic with your underwear on her head...I die! haha :)

  8. Hopefully she keeps up her love of brushing hair! I had a little girl I nannied for that you practically had to pin down to brush her hair. And it was always full of knots!

  9. she seems like such a lil goofball, I love it!! I have to send you a "save for graduation" picture of avrie... much along the same lines of your last pic. our girls love to accessorize!

  10. Adorable! Yay for mastering the fork. My little guy is still trying to figure it out. I love this age. They are so much fun!

  11. Your girl is just too cute! Pretty sure Harper and her would be the best of buds. :)

  12. I read every word and absolutely love where she's at in life. Such a fun time for a little one! Stunned that she calls you Mom and Dad though, haha!! No Mommy and Daddy?

  13. What I wouldn't GIVE for my baby go to bed that easily!! That is by far our biggest struggle right now. Actually, as I type this she is crying in her crib and I am attempting to go 10 minutes before going in there and it is killing me!

  14. She is so, so cute! Can't believe how big she's getting - it seems like she just turned one! I love that she enjoys brushing her hair:) And I second Becky above by saying that you are SO blessed by having it easy when it comes to bedtimes. My little man is refusing to nap lately (at only 9 months!) and it is driving me NUTS!

  15. omg look at her go!! love you mou!! xoxo θεία robyn

  16. She is soo cute and on the go!! Can't believe hiw big she is getting!!

  17. She is a fashionista in the making ! I love that she is putting everything around her neck arm head etc ! Spring kids clothes shopping will be so fun !

  18. hissing was one of my daughter's first animal noises too and it's still my favorite!! Happy 15 months Kenely!!!

  19. Ok. I love this kid!! She loves to "wear everything"?! I die... How freaking cute is that?!

  20. Omg...going to her room for nans?! amazing! I can't believe she's 15 months. such a sweetie!

  21. Bahahaha! LOVE that photo of her with the tennis racket ;-) And I love that she likes to put things on! Such an accessorizer ;-) Think of all of the hand-holding you're going to get in your life. SO precious.

  22. Well this doesn't help me with being super baby hungry!!! haha Adorable pictures.

  23. She is so cute and it sounds like she's at such a fun age! I love that she calls you Mom and Dad. That headband photo is too cute.

  24. shes such a doll!! new follower :)


  25. Hahaha! That last photo is priceless. She is so stinking cute. This is such a fun age. Toddlers can be frustrating at times, but they are also so sweet and silly and smart. They're amazing.

  26. Hahaha! That last photo is priceless. She is so stinking cute. This is such a fun age. Toddlers can be frustrating at times, but they are also so sweet and silly and smart. They're amazing.

  27. Our girls would totally be besties!! They have the same fave foods! And what is the deal with thinking the afternoon nap is optional? I'm not ready to move her morning nap up to noon because she is READY to go down by 10.... but they days she doesn't nap in the afternoon (which is usually 2-3 days in a row, then she breaks and naps, then goes another 2 or 3 days of skipping) are R O U G H and she's exhausted! What to do, what to do.
    Kenley is the cutest!!

  28. Oh gosh, look how long her hair is!! She's so sweet.

  29. Adorable! My little girl is about the same age as Kenley - this ages is so fun! A quick question for you - how on earth do you keep hairbands in her hair? My mini rips hers out in minutes, if not seconds. So frustrating.

  30. She is so stinkin cute!! Wish her and Easton could have playdates!

  31. She's growing up so fast! I only wish Madelyn would go to bed that easily!

  32. Adorable! She is so similar to my 16 month old son, except my son eats the dog food instead of feeding it to our dog!

  33. She's adorable! :) I cannot believe you have a 15 month old already... I seriously feel like she was just born!


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