Monday, February 17, 2014

Nurturing the Marriage

Anyone who says that marriage doesn't change after having a baby is lying. Being a parent completely changes you. It changes your interests, your schedule, your priorities. If so much of your life is flipped upside is it possible that your marriage is unaffected? That's not to say, however, that the changes are negative. Watching Jason become a dad has made me fall more in love with him, as cliché as that sounds, and I feel grateful every day that this man is Kenley's father - what a lucky little girl!
But, what I'd guess to be a big "negative" impact on a marriage after baby is the amount of husband and wife time. I know for sure that Jason and I need to make more of an effort to spend quality time with each other as husband and wife not just as mom and dad.
Since Friday was Valentines Day, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get some quality Husby time in. Jason and I made a reservation at a great steakhouse downtown and then I surprised him with a night on the town and a hotel room at one of the amazing downtown hotels. And thanks to a super sweet friend who works for the hotel we got an amazing suite on the top floor and had a bottle of champagne waiting for us!
It's crazy to think that this is what we used to do EVERY WEEKEND {well minus the steakhouse and hotel room}! Boy how times have changed. I wouldn't trade our time as a family of three for anything, but it sure is nice kick it old school with my main man every once and a while. We had so much fun and it was a great reminder that we truly are best friends, we have a blast together, and we love each other more than anything.

And now it's Monday and I want to punch people in the face. J


  1. I'm so glad you two got to have a hot date and a night on the town together! The food, the hotel- everything looks like a blast! And YOU look gorgeous, woman!

  2. Awww so sweet, you're a great wife! :)!

  3. What a fun night and surprise!!! I bet you had the best time. As much as people call Valentine's Day a "commercial" holiday, it's a nice reason to stop and appreciate your husband!

  4. How sweet! Glad you two got to enjoy a night out, it's important to do that every once in a while :)

  5. hahaha...that last comment is hilarious...and pretty much my exact thoughts this morning ;)

    So glad you and Jason got some alone time this weekend. What a fun date :)

  6. yes! best vday ever. totally a much needed night away. and your meal pretty much has my mouth watering!!

  7. yes! best vday ever. totally a much needed night away. and your meal pretty much has my mouth watering!!

  8. yes! best vday ever. totally a much needed night away. and your meal pretty much has my mouth watering!!

  9. Love this post! Babies do change marriages! Ryan and I were just saying on Friday night- what the heck did we used to do with all of our free time?! Now our free time is laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and then its like we look at each other and say 'oh hey you!' Glad you and Jason enjoyed a night on the town. PS- you look adorable on the cheetah print bench! so cute!

  10. What a great little get a way for you guys!

  11. Ok...the first sentence of this post had me being like 'I KNOW...TOTAL LIARS' and then the last sentence had me laughing so hard!!! I do too...

    Glad you guys enjoyed a nice night away. I should totally do this for Tate sometime because he LOVES hotels...but I strongly dislike he would be so surprised!

    That picture of Jason and Kenley is absolutely adorable!!!

  12. Sounds like an awesome night! Glad you guys had so much fun! We definitely enjoyed every single second of our last Valentine's Day just the two of us!

  13. I love this! And definitely agree with you. Becoming parents has been the most beautiful, rewarding thing we have ever done as a couple. But it's definitely changed the amount of time we get to spend together doing the things we used to do. We went on a date night too (minus the hotel part - which sounds amazing!) and had SO much fun. We laughed and just talked and enjoyed being together and it was so nice. Definitely something we need to do more often!:) Glad you guys had a great V-day!:)

  14. FUN!! Sounds like such a special night, so sweet!! :-D

  15. YAY! :) So glad your night was fun!!!

  16. What a PERFECT valentines!! This sounds amazing! Eric and I haven't had a night away from Mia together yet and it's definitely time!
    We went to a movie as part of our date and it's so funny how giddy we get over that! We used to go all. the. time. These kiddos really do change things :)

  17. Omg this sounds perfect!!!! So glad you got to do this ...and can totally relate to the Monday feelings!!! :)

  18. How great that you guys made time to get away! Looks like you had a great night...definitely well deserved!

  19. What an awesome v-day!! Yay for a night away with the hubs and that yummy food!

  20. I am so glad you did that!!

    It reminds me of a great debate. Are you a couple first or parents first? xo m

  21. You two are too cute! Love the last line that its Monday and you want to punch people in the face lol

  22. what a fun night out with your hubby, you two look like you have so much fun!

    your friend andrea... sounds pretty... coool!!! i love her name! :)


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