Monday, March 31, 2014

Mother/Daughter Vacation

Traveling with a toddler is exhausting but spending an entire week with your mom and your daughter is incredible.
Kenley and I got to spend seven whole days in Scottsdale with my mom and we loved every minute of it. Each day was relatively the same and pretty much perfect in my mind....

Kenley would wake up around 6:30am as toddlers do not understand time zones. While sleeping in would have been great, having those early mornings to snuggle in bed and watch Bubble Guppies with my babe was wonderful. 

Once we heard my mom stirring, we would get out of bed and either make a pot of coffee, make a trip to Starbucks or walk up to the club's coffee bar. Then we'd enjoy our coffee and breakfast outside.
Once we were fed and properly caffeinated we would take our family dog, Koli, for a nice long walk. 

By the time we were done walking, Kenley was about ready for a nap, so I'd put her down then assume the position by the pool and there I'd stay until my little love was awake.

Once Kenley was up, she'd join me by the pool where we'd have lunch, play and swim. She was such a fish last summer but for some reason was scared of the pool this time. By the end of our trip she was warming up to it so hopefully this summer she'll be back to loving the pool. 

We spent a couple of our days up at the club's pool and had lunch there as well, of course, Kenley got all kinds of attention. One 4 year old boy named Mason asked if she was going to swim, complimented her hat and then complimented my nail polish - he was a very polite little thing and I loved him.

 After our pool time we'd all clean up and lounge and watch some TV...

...or blow bubbles...

...or play at the dog park...

...or eat cake pops...

...or play on the golf course...

...or meet friendly seeing eye dogs...

...or explore old Scottsdale and find Zoltar from Big and completely freak out!

Other than that, our time was pretty much spent eating!  
I of course had to get In-N-Out {like immediately after landing.}
We met up with my Aunt Sherri {my mom's best friend since 8th grade} for lunch so that she could meet Kenley. We ate at Zinc, which is delicious, and had a wonderful time catching up.
We had drinks at The Phoenician Resort & Distrito {in Old Town Scottsdale}, had incredible pizza at Grimaldi's, and also went to Cantina Loredo, Taphouse Kitchen, got chinese take out {twice}, grilled steaks & veggies and of course had a chips, salsa & guacamole night at home.

It was seriously the best week. It was so fun, so relaxing, so warm, so beautiful and so special to spend a full week with my two best girls.
And now I would appreciate summer hurrying it's little hiney up so I don't lose my tan. 

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. Sounds like you had a great week! K looks absolutely adorable!

  2. That sounds like a THE perfect vacation. Feel free to invite us next time. Because I desperately need a tan too!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful vacation, so glad you got some mommy and baby time.


  4. So fun!!! Love your swimsuit!!! Glad you had a fabulous vacation!!!

  5. What a great trip!! Much needed after this dreadful winter!!

  6. Sounds A. MA. ZING. Wow! I may have just moved to warmer weather, but we haven't hit the kind of temps for a pool so that look awesome!

  7. It looked like such a FUN vacation! Kenley is such a pretty little girl, I love the sunglasses and pigtails!
    And that picture of you at the pool? You are one tiny mama!

  8. I loved reading your recap and enjoyed your trip all over again. Our girl time is very special to me and I love that Kenley likes everything we do! xo m

  9. Sounds like an awesome trip! I love the bond you and your mom have!!! And I am jealous of all that eating. And all that adorable Kenley and mama P time. Bring your Beeb next time! HAHAHA

  10. Sounds like an awesome trip! I love the bond you and your mom have!!! And I am jealous of all that eating. And all that adorable Kenley and mama P time. Bring your Beeb next time! HAHAHA

  11. Loove your swimsuit! Where did you get it? Was this your first whole piece since you were little? I'm in the market for one now that I'm a mom. My own mother keeps telling me I will be glad that I have one after running round a 9 month old at the beach.

  12. LOVE this whole trip so much! So glad you gals got to have an awesome relaxing, food-filled weekend ;)

  13. Sounds like an awesome vacation! Glad you girls had fun!

  14. Officially jealous of this relaxing trip filled with sun pool time family and food !

  15. What a wonderful trip! Sounds like so much fun:) Wishing warm weather your way soon so you can hold onto that tan as long as possible! As a side note: any advice on where to shop for one piece swimsuits? I'm thinking about taking the plunge and am not sure where to look!

  16. Ahh looks like perfection! Love having a free place to stay to escape winter :) Isn't it funny how kids' fears change from time to time? I've definitely noticed that!

  17. Sounds like a trip that was SO good for the soul! Love your little lady cute. Xx.

  18. Looks like such a nice warm trip!! Jealous of your pool pic...what I wouldn't give for some weather warm enough to allow that! :) Love all the pics today!

  19. No fair! You live in the artic tundra (as I like to refer to it as) and you already have a tan from one week in the sun?!? Must be those great Greek genes!

    Sounds like a wonderful trip! I just had a similar trip with my mom/bff and two nieces and was so sad when the week came to an end!

    Kenley is still just the cutest and most stylish. Little Mason knew exactly the way into a girl's (and her momma's) heart..compliment her on her fashion and manicure! HAHA! :)

  20. HEAVEN! Seriously sounds like the PERFECT week! And we missed each other by a week! We stayed in Scottsdale when we went to AZ!
    The food, oh the FOOD! You girls seriously know how to do vacation!

  21. sounds like a great vacation to me! espically all that sunshine and pool time! she's seriously so cute eating that cake pop!

  22. I love love love that photo ofypi by the pool. Perfect. Sounds like an awesome holiday!!

  23. Um. Kenley in her diaper with her little feet crossed? I'm dying. And I loveee your bathing suit!

  24. My life would be nearly complete if I got to take a picture with Zoltar!!!!

  25. What an awesome trip! I'm so jealous of all the pool time and sunshine. Trips with the littles are always hard, but so worth it! Looks like you guys had a blast!

  26. That sounds like a beyond PERFECT vacation to me!!

  27. what a fun trip and memories made. i am TOTALLY jealous of your nap time position by the pool!

    so many great pictures of kenley from the trip too.. the bed head one and also her lounging after bath watching tv w/ snacks!

    sunny please hurry up so that i can START on my tan! ;)

  28. What an awesome vacation!! Do you come out this way often? Kenley is soooooo adorable in all of these pictures! =)

    Grimaldi's-- Amazing, right? And Inn and Out is obvious.

    So glad you had such a great girls vacay.


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