Monday, March 10, 2014

New Beginnings

It has been a whirlwind few days and a stressful few weeks but after countless months of unhappiness, I left my job. It didn't really happen how I'd expected it to and it certainly all went down faster than I thought it would, but now that it's all done, I feel so much relief. I'm not going to go in to all the details, because frankly, who cares? I will say though that it was hard, it was scary and it was stressful. I laid awake many, many nights praying for direction and a path and clarity and now I have it. God works in mysterious ways but if you ask, He will deliver in one way or another. When it comes down to it, life is just too short to be unhappy.
May you always be able to do what you love and bless yourself and family with your talent!
As much as I would love to stay at home full time with my baby girl, I will still be working. I have a couple of different things lined up to allow me to be home with Kenley more while still contributing financially to our family. I'll share more about my new career path another time, but for now my official job title is: Part Time Stay At Home Work from Home While Working Mom. 

Aside from leaving my job, these past few days have brought some other big changes. We had to buy Jason a new car last week, which is pretty exciting. - he got a Kia Optima whom I named Henry {because he's married to my car Harlow, of course}. I had to get a new phone and a new phone number because my phone was a business phone. I've had the same number for 6 years so I was nervous about it, but it actually felt good to have a fresh start with a fresh number {and weed out those people I don't talk to anymore}. And finally, I decided to cut what the lady said was 5 inches off my hair. Either way, a fresh start equals fresh hair, right?

Before & After:

So anyways, to all my real life friends and my blog friends THIS would be why I've been a little absent and distracted lately.

HAPPY MONDAY! And for once, I really truly mean that!


  1. LOVE you so much and so proud of how you've handled everything lately! Excited to watch you pursue what you love and enjoy life even more! :) PS- your hair looks FAB!

  2. Wow...this all make sense with some of your posts and email responses (how you want to munch someone in the the throat!! haha). So proud of you though...seriously, life is WWAAYYY to short to hate your job and go to work everyday hating it...we are there more than home! I'm so happy you are doing something you are happy doing and that you get to spend so much more time with Kenley!! Hair looks super fab by the way!

  3. The new hair looks amaze-balls. Also, I am the BIGGEST believer that you MUST love what you do for work to have a chance at being happy. I could not support this decision more! I am really excited to see what the future holds for you :)

  4. Aww welcome back friend!!! Love this post. God is so awesome. I'm excited to see your new life bloom with so many opportunities. LOVE your hair btw :)

  5. I'm so excited for you, and I know you're going to rock this new gig! And the hair looks GREAT! And I'm a little annoyed that I didn't get invited to the car wedding. :( HAHAHA!

  6. Change is good! Embrace is -it seems like you are- and remember that when you get comfortable with the uncomfortable BIG things happen!

  7. GOOD FOR YOU, Lady!! Congratulations on taking that leap of faith and doing what is right for you!! Cheers to HAPPINESS!!

    LOVE the hair - GOR-GEOUS!

  8. Omigosh honey I'm sure the past week or so has been so hard! I was wondering about you and I'm so glad you're feeling ok about things. LOVE the new hair and just keep in mind, everything happens for a reason. Happy to have you back and as always, reach out if you need anything :)

  9. Life is too short to be unhappy! Best of luck in your new adventure! P.S. your hair looks awesome :)

  10. First things first, your hair looks really pretty. Next, I'm sorry you've had such a stressful time lately but I'm glad you are feeling at peace about it. I think that's definitely a sign of better things to come.

  11. Congrats to you! I'm sure everything will work out and your baby girl will love having you with her :)
    Your hair looks so pretty btw!

  12. Good for you Kristin! Happiness is far more important than anything...especially when Kenley's(and Jasons!) depends on you! So glad you made the change, such a big step. I can't wait to hear more. Your hair looks great!

  13. WOW! lots going on! Glad you are happier and I know God has something awesome planned for you.

    Your hair looks fab pretty mama.

  14. Oooh! Exciting! BEST of luck with staying home and WORKING while you're there hahaha ;-D Glad to hear that you're on a great path; excited to hear more!

  15. Congratulations lady! So happy for you and excited to see what you are up to next! Everything works out just the way it is supposed to! Happy Monday indeed! Coffee date might be in order soon!

  16. Hey! This is fabulous news. And let's please talk blog sponsorship. This past month has been so crazy but your blog hasn't been far from my mind. I want to sponsor your blog now more than ever. I am all about supporting fearless, brave women who take risks and go after what they want. You're clearly doing that. Also! We should also have some play dates with my nanny kiddos. I can introduce you to the fun storytimes in the area. I bet Kenley would loooove that now that her mama is home a bit more. Let's be in touch!

  17. Ccchhhhanges!! And all for the best. New job, hair, phone, and car. That's what we call a fresh start best celebrated with wine ;)

  18. Ohhhh wow! As nerve wracking as this is I am sure, God's plans are ALWAYS good! As a momma, working becomes so different from before and I will be PRAYING for the right opportunities and for PEACE as you make these transitions!

  19. Best of luck with the new job. I am sure it is exciting and scary! The haircut looks so great, and I love a little curl. Here's to major life changes all in one weekend! We are about to have baby 2 and put our house for sale this spring. Get it all over with at once, right?

  20. Well holy crap on a stick - THOSE are very valid reasons for being a little absent! Can't wait to hear about your new ventures!

  21. Love the hair and love my strong daughter!! xo m

  22. Congrats to new and hopefully exciting changes! You're right, changes are stressful and hard never but sometimes they open doors to better things! You look beautiful, with your fresh new hairdo and I'm laughing at the married car comment, haha!

  23. Oh wow -- that is A LOT of big changes in a short amount of time! Pretty sure I would have had a panic attack or emotional breakdown at some point. Way to keep it together, haha!! Glad to hear your job ended, but it's always tough when it happens quicker than you expect or want it to. Good luck on your next endevour.... You should totally work local promotions on the side (my industry)... great and easy money!

  24. What a crazy week. So many changes but It sounds like they are all good changes! Happy for you!

  25. yay!! i am so glad that you feel relief!
    and i LOVE your new hair!

  26. You go girl! Sometimes we need major change in life and it is scary to take that leap of faith and I am glad you did. Can't wait to see where this journey takes you! And your hair looks FABULOUS! Wish mine wouldcurl

  27. Best of luck with the new job! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    Oh and I love the cut. Looks so healthy!

  28. As someone who just left a job that I hated myself, I can totally understand wanting to get out of a situation that makes you unhappy on a daily basis. Hoping that this new chapter is one that will bring a lot of happiness for your little daily! :)

  29. first the new hair looks fabulous! Perfect fit for all your other changes. I've always felt if you are in a position to do so you really should love what you do. I think that's even more important if you are working outside the home as a mom. I have more working mom friends than SAHM friends and all my working moms say they continue to work bc they love what they do. if they didn't they couldn't spend so much time away from their LOs. so good for you for changes that sound like a better fit for you! Happy Monday indeed!

  30. I can't imagine that any of that process was easy. But I think it is great that you have such an awesome attitude about it!

    And I love the Kia Optima. That will be our next car purchase. We just bought a Kia Sorento for myself and I am absolutely in love with it!

    And your hair looks great!

  31. Welcome back to the blogosphere - sorry you have been so stressed but sounds like leaving the job will be just what you need for a fresh start and to destress !

  32. Happy Monday! I'm excited to hear about your new career path! Your hair looks AMAZING by the way :)

  33. Best of luck with your new endeavors! Enjoy the extra snuggle time with Kenley!

  34. P.S best of luck with working from home with a toddler- it's so much harder than everyone thinks and I can totally relate to the craziness! It wouldn't be possible without the help of family watching her for a few hours a day and looonnngg nights on the computer with lots of iced coffee.

  35. Change is good!! Excited for you!! And you look hot lady! Love it.

  36. Good for you for making such a great change!!! WIsh you the best of luck staying at home/working, best of both worlds!

    Love your new hair!

  37. Oh my goodness!! So much change! It sounds like it's ALL for the BEST! I am so happy for you! It's amazing how life can be so crazy and confusing and one day, a path clears and you know it's what God wants us to do! I'm excited to hear what your new plans are but mostly? I'm SO EXCITED for you that you get to be with Kenley more! Yay!
    Your hair is gorg, of course!

  38. Good for you! It's so important to love what you do and do what you love and I'm excited for your possibilities. Love the new hair!

  39. this is so very exciting! i cant wait to hear more about it and to know that you are in charge is awesome! love the new and fresh look- and now... time for playdates!! ;)

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