Friday, March 21, 2014

Why I Want 2 {or more} Kids

Last week both Jessica and Bridget asked me how many kids we wanted to have and I've decided this answer warrants it's own post. Growing up when I'd dream of my family, I always wanted 4 kids. I thought having a big family would be so much fun. I, of course, had all 4 kids named and wanted to have a boy, twin girls and then another boy. Now that I have one, I'm not really sure how many I want. I know we will for sure try for another. If we are so lucky and #2 is a baby boy, I could see us stopping. If #2 is a girl we will most definitely have a third and pray for a son. I guess that's my back handed way of answering "I don't know" how many we want to have. I think it's hard to plan when you will feel your family is complete. Jason and I both really want to experience a baby boy, so that will be a huge factor in how many total babes we end up with.

When you add up siblings, step-siblings and siblings-in-law...I have A LOT of siblings {I count 12, but I could definitely be forgetting someone}. While I'm grateful for all of the family relationships I have, the bond I have with my two blood siblings is something that cannot be described. 
photos by Sara Jayne Photography

My brother is my only FULL blood sibling, meaning we have the same mom and the same dad. He is 4 years younger than I am and he has always taken up a large part of my heart.
Today is actually his 25th birthday! Happy Birthday Natie Pie!!!!!

There is something about being a big sister {or sissy as my younger siblings call me} that puts a level of responsibility on you. I always felt like a little mama to my brother. Though we have great parents and they didn't need my help, I took it upon myself to "take care of him". For example, I taught him 2nd grade math when he was in preschool {yes I take credit for him being so smart} and made sure I was at all of his basketball games, starting in 1st grade all the way through his senior year of college when he invited me to walk out with him on Senior Night {talk about tears & pride!} My mom once told me that the bond my brother and I have is unlike any other because he is my memory. And it's so true. EVERY childhood memory I have includes my little brother and I love that we can reminisce about those days with each other.

Although my sister and I are 12 years apart, we too have an indescribable bond. We may not have the same childhood memories but I remember everything abut her childhood, like how she used to call her boobs "shooby doos" and how I taught her to say her favorite band was the "backsteep boys". She is my little baby and watching her grow into an incredibly smart and beautiful young woman is so special. I am so protective over her, so proud of her and strive to be a good example for her.

So what I am taking a super long time to say is that we DEFINITELY will be having more kids. I pray that God blesses me with another opportunity to be pregnant, but if that's not in the cards we will bring another child into our family one way or another. I want Kenley to have someone to be her memory, I want someone to look up to her, I want her to have a brother or sister or both to stand up with her on her wedding day and I want someone to be her family long after Jason and I are gone. I don't know what the number will be but it will be greater than one.

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. I am with you!! I totally want Mia to have a sibling!
    When we were first married, Eric wanted a TON of kids! I always thought 4 was a good number. Now that we have Mia? Neither one of us want a lot of kid (Eric says he's done. I think he believes he has no room in his heart to love another child the way he loves Mia) But I never know what to say anymore when people ask us how many we want and I never know what to say. Again, I'm with you! I feel like we will just know and feel when our family is complete!

  2. LOVE this post so much!! Jared and I definitely want a big family too. We both say now we'd want 3 or 4 kids, and everyone of course tells us we'll change our minds once we have ONE haha, but for now that's my answer :)

  3. I have a younger brother too and like you I felt it was my responsibility to take care of him! Almost ALL of my childhood memories include him in some way!

  4. I always said 4 kids (and actually still do)! Tate is always we think we will agree at this point on 3. We just never know what God has in store for us. If we were to pick 'our life'...then yes it would be probably 3 total. I grew up with 3 others siblings as did Tate. I hated it growing up because my older brothers were so mean to me...but now that we are adults, it's so fun!!!

  5. I think a sibling is one of the best gifts you can give your child! I'm also 1 of 3 Kids and I think it's the perfect family size!

  6. I always said I was going to have 4 kids, because that's how many my mom had....but, after having Lilli, I felt complete. :) So, 2 it is! :)

  7. Love this post! My brother and I are only a year apart and had a similar bond growing up. All of my memories include him. There are four kids in my family and I always wanted four kids. It is amazing though, after having Noelle, I could be perfectly content with just her! I know that eventually we will want a sibling for her but for now, we're enjoying our baby!

  8. I love this post! Such cute pictures of you and your sibs! Ryan and I say we will be complete after one more baby but you just never know what God has in store. I'm sure my parents thought they were done after my brother but 14 years later I made my entrance. I just sure hope I don't have a baby in 2028! Yikes!

  9. Great post, I also have dreamed of four (with twins, haha) and am the oldest of four ! My sister age I also have a similar relationship, I am a lot older and have always been nurturing!!! :)

    Love our similarities!!

  10. 12! i had no idea!
    our dream family comes straight out of parenthood. ha ha! I'm with you. yes to more kids :)

  11. This is so sweet! I am so jealous of my friends that are close to their siblings. My sister and I have never been close like that, and being just one year apart was really hard. I already know that I want to wait at least 3 or more years between kiddos...(like its totally up to me) but I feel like sometimes that distance actually makes them closer!

  12. You are such a good big sissy. The love and attention you have always given to Natie and Kara is remarkable. Thanks for teaching Natie math as I was no help! xo m

  13. Having just brought my second baby home yesterday, I am all over the place on this one. I LOVE the newborn stage and want to just lock up the two of us for a year and snuggle! BUT then I have my first love, my daughter, and juggling the two has already been a challenge. So, part of me just wants to keep experiencing the pregnancy/newborn stage over and over, and part of me says "Holy crap, this is hard."

    I think 3 years apart has been a great spread because we got so much 1-1 time with our daughter first.

    Good luck!

  14. I love this! I could really go for 4 kids...and I think Caleb wants 3. Mainly because I only have 1 baby brother, and he has 2 older brothers...but I totally relate to when you said you felt a responsibility to your baby brother - that has me written all over it!

  15. You have our exact thought process! My sisters are 10 and 11 years younger than me too btw and it is so special. I feel so lucky to have gotten to help raise them and watch them grow up.

  16. This is so sweet. You're very lucky to have so many siblings. Having a sister has been the greatest blessing my parents have given me. I have someone else who knows just how much I miss my dad, because she does too... and someone who knows how much my mom can drive me crazy, because she drives her crazy too! Ha! Have a great weekend!

  17. Funny...I never pictured myself having kids...but now I feel like I would want 3! My husband is an only child and I think he feels like 1 is enough...but I'm also coming from a small family and I really want to have a bigger family. everyone says 2 is easier than one...haha

  18. I 100% agree with you. The bond of siblings is incredible. I couldn't imagine my life without my sisters and I want my kids to experience that same joy.

    I honestly would love to have four to six if we are financially able, because I think fertility is such an amazing gift women are given. But, if financially we can only support two well, then two will be perfect.


  19. my hope is to have 4 children as well. Ideally 2 boys and 2 girls. while we didn't have Ellie in the traditional way (she is adopted) we are still hopeful to have a bio baby but know that adoption is a wonderful way to grow a family!!

    check out my weekly recipe linkup on Monday's!!

  20. this post is too sweet, you have a beautiful family and i dont know why but i have a HUGE lump in my throat right now... like. cant. swallow.


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