Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things

I have a few unanswered questions that you guys had sent me a couple of weeks ago, all of which were regarding some of my favorite things...

favorite Color {asked by Dawn}:
My favorite color is yellow because it's such a friendly and cheery color! I never WEAR yellow {I rarely wear color at all} but I love to decorate with yellow {example: Kenley's nursery}. Also, I LOVE bumble bees and they're that has a little something to do with it!

 favorite Travel Destination {asked by Bridget}:
My favorite travel destination hands down is New York City...I-AM-OBSESSED. I've been fortunate to have been able to visit NYC quite a few times and each time I'm there I discover something more that I love about the city. I love the energy, I love the shopping, I love the smell, I love the history, I love the restaurants, the neighborhoods, the real estate, the culture, the sounds of cabs honking all night long...I honestly can't think of anything I don't like about it. Actually, yes I can, I don't like trying to get a cab in the rain. Except. that's so New York, so I kind of love it. I considered moving to NYC before, during and after college and will probably always regret a little that I didn't. Now that I have a family I know I'll never live there but you better believe I will be visiting often!

favorite Summer Coffee Drink {asked by Heather Leigh}:
 After owning my own coffee shop, I've become quite the snob when it comes to coffee drinks. My all time favorite drink is an Iced Soy Chai - but I am extremely picky about my chai. If you are a chai fan you NEED to find Sattwa Chai. It's what we had at Coffee Buzz and to this day is still the best chai I've ever had. I'm not a big fan of blended drinks but if you want something fun for the kiddos: blend together some milk, oreo cookies, chocolate sauce and ice then top with whipped cream & crushed oreos...SO YUMMY!

favorite Meal {asked by Carolyn}:
 She gave me strict instructions to "describe to me your favorite meal - drinks, apps, main course, dessert - EVERYTHING. And no diet foods": I thought this would be really easy but as I'm thinking about it I'm realizing I have way too many favorite foods. But, if this were say my last meal ever, it would go like this: Drink: glass of Decoy chardonnay & a Twisted Tea (its my last meal, I get two drinks) Appetizer: Chips & queso dip with a side of guacamole. Main course: Filet Oscar w/ Bernaise and a side of waffle fries with seasoned sour cream. Dessert: a slice of Strawberry Cheesecake from Lindy's in NYC with extra whip cream and a vanilla latte on the side. #fatty

I also asked my lovely sponsors to share some of their favorite things! Here's what they had to say:

 favorite Food:
"My favorite meal is a cheeseburger and french fries! Cheeseburgers are the best meal ever for a bunch of reasons, but the biggest is that there are a MILLION possibilities. Mushroom & swiss, bacon & cheddar, pepperjack and avocado, even peanut butter or eggs! I could keep going, but I think you get the idea. Basically, if you like a food, it will probably taste amazing on a burger!"

Michelle {from Baby Bump Bundle}
favorite Coffee Drink:
"I used to never drink coffee and now somehow I can’t live without one cup a day! Everyday I make up a cup of iced coffee with the Keurig at home. But if I am out and about and have time and extra cash to splurge on a coffee, my absolute favorite coffee drink is the light version of the Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino! It has barely any fat, 130 calories, and tastes so rich and decadent! It is like an iced cold creamy coffee milkshake and I love them as a treat in the spring and summer!"

favorite Travel Destination:
"I’ve visited Venice, Italy twice. In 2003 while spending a semester abroad in Rome, and in 2007 while on a Mediterranean cruise with my Aunt. Both visits were a magical, visual FEAST for the senses. From the food and art vendors to endless hours of people watching, there are photographic opportunities in every direction. Wandering down back alleys gave a sneak peek into the life of a local, and became a hunting game for stories of the past. The grandeur of St Mark’s Basilica and the surrounding piazza is beyond belief, along with the constant mystery of how this historic city has managed to stay above water all these years. I could go on and on — needless to say, I could visit there every year and still find new things to see and tidbits to photograph. Venice is like an artist/photographer's Disneyland :)"

Becky {from Simply Becky B}
favorite Coffee Drink:
"One my favorite things is coffee! Mmmm! But my most favorite coffee drink is Carmel Brulee Lattes at Starbucks! I get so excited for them and probably over indulge during the Christmas season.  When the season is gone, I get so sad.  But, after I received an espresso maker as a gift from my momma, I was able to come up with my very own copy cat syrup recipe- 1 pump toffee nut syrup, 2 pumps vanilla and 1 TBS of caramel.  You. Are. Welcome."

Making babies the bennett way thumbnail
Amanda {from Kids and Cabernet}
favorite Movie:
"Hi Mama and Mou readers!  My favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally (with a close runner up being Sleepless In Seattle)  I'm total chick-flick kind of girl and this movie is the epitome of a chick-flick classic. I love the humor in the movie - even though I've seen it 100 times I crack up every time, not to mention the story line is super cute! If you haven't seen this movie yet, it's a definite must :)"

Sara {from Making Babies the Bennett Way}
favorite Coffee Drink:
"My favorite coffee drink is anything that comes out of my Keurig coffee maker!  It's fast, convenient, and you have so many options to choose from - coffee, lattes, teas and hot chocolate the possibilities seem endless!"
Leah {from Mrs...Mama...D}
favorite Coffee Drink:
"My favorite coffee drink is a Caramel Cooler (no whip) from Caribou Coffee. It's plain and simple, but totally delish. I didn't like coffee up until about 5 years ago or so and since then that's usually all I ever get, even in the winter. I try not to drink them as often now because I am trying to be a healthier me and more budget friendly, but this is what I get when I go."

Jessica Lynn {from Jessica Lynn Writes}
favorite Travel Destination:
"We lived overseas (in Italy) for two years, so picking just one favorite place that we've traveled to is really, really hard, but there's one place that sticks out above the rest: Plitvice Lakes in Croatia. You know those amazing looking places people pin on Pinterest that look too good to be true? This was one of them! This place was as if Jurassic Park met up with a jungle version of the Grand Canyon, and we had the park almost completely to ourselves. It was amazing!"

Jess {from Being Mrs. Beer}
favorite Coffee Drink:
"Once upon a time I didn't like coffee.  I know, crazy.  Now that I've come to my senses, my absolute favorite is anything with hazelnut in it, but especially Starbucks' Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato.  I make my own version at home, but that hazelnut drizzle on top eludes me. And now that I'm talking about it, I want one.  Anyone know why Starbucks doesn't deliver yet??"

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. Ahh, I love yellow, too :))

    I'm determined to take trip out to NY before my SIL moves. She's going to school at NYU and I just HAVE to visit!

  2. Your last meal is my favorite hahaha. It is so diverse.

  3. Well I'll join you for your last meal. Especially the cheesecake part ;)

  4. It's on my 'bucket list' to visit NYC and attend the Broadway Musical 'The Lion King' while I am there! Glad to hear you love it there...

  5. I just peeked at the nursery post. So cute!! My Hubby's Aunt & Uncle live in Point Lookout and we visited 2 summers ago and went into Times Square. I would love to go back. I didn't know you owned a coffee shop. So cool! Also, can I join you on your last meal? It sounds fabulous!

  6. Literally, sign me up to eat your last meal with you. I'll have one of everything you mentioned ;) If/when I ever get to NYC you will be my go-to planning buddy!!!

  7. Looks like we have lots of keurig and starbucks coffee fans like me :) And i totally love your menu for an indulgent day ! yum ! thanks for sharing !

  8. I am a yellow fan too! It's the wall color in Ellie's nursery! What a fun post!!

  9. You used to own your own coffee shop?! How cool is that! I've never been to New York but I used to live downtown Chicago so I totaly get what you mean about getting a cab in the rain! lol

  10. My daughter is almost 16 and going to New York is on her Bucket List. I hope to take her in the next year or so!

  11. Yellow should be one of everyone's favorite colors - so happy!!
    I had to google Filet Oscar (so not a foodie)...oh my gosh. I'm drooling.


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