Friday, April 25, 2014

ANNOUNCING....a "4 Week Fit" Challenge!

Happy Friday my friends! I've been regularly sharing posts on my weight loss {and gain} journey {read them HERE} and have been getting absolutely amazing comments from all of you! Thank you SO much for the kind words, great ideas and helpful advice. You definitely have pushed me closer to my goal and I'm so excited about the things that are happening south of my hair {my hair is a hot mess but that is a story for another day}. 

Hearing how many of you are in the same or similar boat really got me thinking. I've been lucky enough to have a weight loss partner in Erin since the beginning of the year. We both have similar goals and having her to text to complain or share victories has been a huge help and a huge motivation to not give up! So, together we thought, why not make a buddy system out of the blog world?

Here's the deal: Erin and I are encouraging you to come up with some sort of 4 week {that's just one measly month people} fitness, nutrition, or weight loss challenge for yourself. Maybe you want to be better at counting calories so you're going to challenge yourself to use MyFitnessPal every day for 4 weeks. Or maybe you've always wanted to try a yoga class but have been too scared to go, why not challenge yourself to go to one class a week for 4 weeks? It can be anything, big or small, but has to be something that is going to push you a bit and get you closer to whatever your goals may be...and you know we all have them! 

Erin and I will be posting our goals next Thursday, May 1st which will officially kick off the 4 weeks! Feel free to post about your goals on the 1st too and leave us comments letting us know what you hope to achieve. THEN, and this is the fun part, link up with us on Friday, May 30th and share with everyone how you did!

We even have a really fun button and hashtag you can use so that others know you're participating and can encourage you along the way! It's all about being held accountable, right?!

Get excited! And who is ready to get #4weeksFit?!?!?!

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. YAYY!! So excited to tackle our goals together! :)

  2. This is GREAT!!! I kind of wish it was in June since I know I will be ending breastfeeding by's hard to fully commit to my diet & exercise while still pumping/BF. I already have a few goals in mind though...and in May...I'm weaning off it all so maybe it'll be better than I think :) I love setting goals I am excited to link up!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great idea! Maybe one of the weekly posts could be sharing healthy recipes and we could all link in to it with recipes to share?! I am always looking for new meals to try!

  5. I'm in! I'm pretty sure I've got my idea...we shall see! :)

  6. Hmmm Definitely motivated now! :-)

  7. i wish i could think of something but this weather is KILLING ME!!!

    maybe i will make my goal to be a 1 minute plank EVERY MORNING when i wake up!?


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