Friday, May 30, 2014

#4WeeksFit - The Results

Can you even believe that tomorrow is the last day of May? Time is a-flying and I can't say I mind because June is my favorite month of the year! The end of May also means the end of our 4 week fit challenge. I was SO excited to see how many of you linked up with me and Erin and joined in to challenge yourself to get healthier in whatever way you wanted. I was so inspired by all of your goals and following along with your progress has been a huge motivation for me this month! 

If you read my goals post, you know that I set three different goals for myself. But, in truth, I had more. When I originally sat down to write that post I came up with 7 goals but decided to narrow them as to not over-promise and under-deliver...the point was to set myself up for success, right?
I decided that I would strive to achieve all these goals but really focus on the first three and not beat myself up if I didn't meet the rest. 

I am so proud of what I've accomplished this month. I didn't necessarily achieve each goal but I achieved a lot. I think the biggest lesson I learned over these past 4 weeks is to listen to my body. I've really been striving to push myself {something I have not been good at in the past} but I do need to know when its too much and I need a break. I had a little meltdown on the Friday before Memorial Day and realized my body was flat out exhausted. I took a couple days to rest and then came back totally energized and ready to finish the month strong. So let's get down to the details, shall we?

Here's how my month went down...

1. Drink 100oz of water per day - almost nailed it!
I gotta tell ya, this was a really hard one forme. I reached 100+ ounces 22 / 29 days and am PUMPED about that. My lowest day was 64oz which is my daily goal on fitbit and also significantly more than I was drinking before I set this goal. Overall, I averaged 105oz per day and feel like I've FINALLY made drinking enough water a habit. Success!

2. 30 day plank challenge - not-so-much!
I. HATE. PLANKS. Hate, hate, hate them! As you will see on my calendar I made it to a 3 minute plank and then threw in the towel. I think anything over 3 minutes is completely unnatural and absolute torture. I take that back, anything over a one minute plank is unnatural and torture. I will say, I am MUCH better at planks now than when I started and I do want to try and make a 1-2 minute plank part of my every day routine. 

3. Finish C25K - kind of nailed it!
Yesterday I completed the C25K training app! I will admit that as the distances got longer it got much harder to run every other day, especially with all the other workouts I was doing, so I did skip over a couple of the days to give myself a break. BUT, the point of doing this was to train for the 5k I am running this Sunday and I feel ready and excited to achieve a new personal record! Wish me luck!

4. 10,000 steps every day - we're going to say nailed it!
I missed TWO frickin' days of 10,000 steps but I averaged 13,300.5 steps a day this month so I'm totally considering this one a win! Thanks FitBit!

5. 25 {non-walking} workouts in the month of May - sooooo close!
13 C25K training sessions + 4 kickboxing classes + 2 yoga practices + 1 TC Bump Club Stroller Strides Class + 1 Moms on Mats Pilates + 1 Zumba Class + 1 Jillian Michaels DVD = 23 non-walking workouts this month! And...just for fun I counted up all the walks I took with Kenley & Bailey this month which came out to 12, so I guess you could say I exercised 35 times this month! HOLLER!

6. All calories entered in to MyFitnessPal - nailed it!
I've been a calorie entering machine! Even when I splurge I've been entering my calories which is hard because when I splurge I really don't want to face the harsh reality of the amount of calories I consumed. BUT, I really can't tell you how much counting calories has helped me. I've learned that for me it's all about what I eat, no matter how hard I work out.

7. Lose 5 pounds - nailed it!
During the month of May I dropped 5.2 pounds! Which puts me down 20 pounds since New Years and 44 pounds down from my pregnancy weight!  Holla!

I'm so excited to read how all of you did and share in your success! Just because May is over doesn't mean your goals need to be! I'm busy working away on my goals for June!


  1. Good job kid!! Cannot wait to cheer you on Sunday. I did planks everyday but stopped at 90 seconds. Feeling good about that. Did not reach my water goal unless I can include wine. xo m

  2. Excellent job!!! You look fine, fine, fine which is like your mamas wine who looks fine, me at this point all I can do is dine. After my foot repair I want to do the walking meter then wine, dine and dance! You are an good role model for others! LOVE you and the family very much, good post.

  3. You're awesome! I love reading all the details and I am so impressed by how well you stuck to all your goals. I set goals and then get sidetracked by life. I've been using weight watchers, but now I'm thinking about switching to MFP. I've heard so many good things about it! PS. I never track my "splurges" because I am always totally ashamed to see how much I actually spent on a cheat meal. You're so brave! :)

  4. Awesome! I attempted the plank challenge a few months ago, and quit at three minutes as well. A five minute plank is TOTALLY for the birds. Great job hitting your goals!

  5. You rock lady!! Good job! This is so awesome, such an accomplishment!

  6. You seriously did SO awesome! Your step count every day amazes me... help! How in the world can I do that when I'm in an office all day?! LOL- Thanks for all the motivation this month, keep it coming!!! :)

  7. you totally ROCK. & I am envious of your water drinking capabilities. I used to drink almost 150oz a day and that has seriously dwindled.

  8. Beeb - you CRUSHED IT! :) I'm so very very very very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the constant motivation and support! I need that in my life! BAHAHAHA

  9. OMG. Just read your mom's comment. Can we please count wine as water?

  10. love these posts!! you did so good woman! I enjoyed seeing your and carol's kickboxing pics haha

  11. Way to go lady! You rocked it! So proud of you and your dedication to this challenge. I on the other hand fell off the deep end... ut-oh! So what's the plan moving forward- any new workouts you loved and plan to do more often? I know you loved zumba!!

  12. So proud of you! You've done an amazing job meeting the goals you set, and ate definitely inspiring me to want to do it too!:)

  13. Yay! You did great with your goals! :)

  14. You did amazing!! Awesome job lady!

  15. Way to go!! You did amazing!!! Love the charts, too!! Keep up the great work :)

  16. Great job girl!! Drinking water is one of the hardest things fore to do too!

  17. So proud of you for sticking to this! I am terrible at workout goals/plans! I joined that Ab Challenge for June Group floating around facebook and already forgot to do it the last two days hahaha.

  18. goal #8. make andrea feel like the laziest human on earth!! ;)

    wahhooo, you did SO great!


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